Chapter 10 Live well!

Xue Siniang, this woman trapped in love, has never been married yet.

Ten years ago, she cold-bloodedly got rid of her three elder brothers one by one, and since she justifiably seized the property of the Xue family, she has been completely blackened.

The reason is that only a few people know that when Xue Siniang's fiancé was killed, it was her three elder brothers who hindered it.

This poor woman turned into a formidable female devil overnight.

People have seven emotions and six desires, which will always give birth to greed, Xue Siniang is a mortal, and the same is true.

Driven by her interests, her ambitions are expanding day by day, and she has gathered many capable people and strangers under her command, but anyone who cuts off her money must die.

"Reporting to Si Niang, the news just came from the hospital that after the Shen family father and son woke up one after another, they kept silent, refused treatment, and passed away."

"Refuse treatment?" Xue Siniang's eyes flickered sharply when she heard the words. What kind of suffering would make Shen's father and son dare not live and would rather die?
Except for Lin Feng, no one knew that the Shen family father and son experienced the feeling that life was worse than death, and giving up treatment and actively seeking death was the best choice.

"Go! Check the monitoring equipment inside and outside the Yingbin Hotel, including all personnel, and the roster at last night's banquet. I don't believe it. No one knows about such a major event as the Shen family's father and son being abolished!"

After Xue Siniang heard the news that Shen's father and son had voluntarily begged for death, she pondered for a while and had to make this decision.

Since yesterday, she has felt a little uneasy. She has been the Patriarch for many years, and this is the first time that she has been uneasy. She vaguely feels that the sky in Tianhai City seems to be changing.

"Don't worry, Si Niang, my brother and sister will do it right away." A man and a woman who had been bowing beside Xue Siniang immediately left in response.


Yujingwan, the old residence of the Lin family.

Lin Feng hired several masters to thoroughly clean up and repair the old house inside and out.

Near the afternoon, the old house has a new look, and you only need to buy some necessities to move in.

"Dad! Mom! The Xue, Wu, Shen, and Wei families who humiliated our Lin family back then have gone to one of them!"

"As for the Ye family in the imperial capital that caused your two elders to die in vain, Xiao Feng promises that his entire family will be wiped out within a hundred days!"

Lin Feng's eyes were moist, and he knelt in front of the spiritual tablet.

After a long time, he got up and strode away.

At present, he needs to find a way to earn some money to solve his living problems as soon as possible. A big man can't rely on Luo Wanjun to survive, right?

"Drip drip!"

Suddenly, a white Cruze approached and stopped in front of Lin Feng abruptly.

"Brother Feng, is that you?" A sturdy young man with short hair came out of the car. He was handsome, with a free and easy manner, staring at Lin Feng with piercing eyes.

"Xiao Yao, it's me!"

Tears welled up in Lin Feng's eyes, quite surprised.

His best childhood brother, eight years passed in a flash, and this was the first time the two met.

"Brother Feng, what happened back then?"

Two lines of hot tears streamed down Xiao Yao's face, and he stepped forward and hugged Lin Feng.

The two brothers have a deep relationship. When the Lin family had an accident, he was still studying abroad. After graduation, he went home to work and learned about the death of the Lin family.

"Brother, things back then were very complicated. We drank and chatted at night." Lin Feng and Xiao Yao were pure brothers, and some things need not be said.

Even if it was an explanation, he would choose to prevaricate, and he didn't want Xiao Yao to get involved.

"No matter what, it's good to be alive!" Xiao Yao hugged Lin Feng tightly, choking up for a while.

"Alive, I want to live well!" Lin Feng patted Xiao Yao's back and looked up at the sky.

He must live a good life, he has his grievances, and his debts. Those people back then will definitely live in his nightmare!

"Brother Feng, since you're back, what are your plans for the future?" Xiao Yao handed Lin Feng a cigarette and helped to light it up.

"Currently, let's take one step at a time." Lin Feng's fingers were filled with smoke, hesitant to speak.

"Brother Feng, there are a few old classmates meeting tonight, why don't you come together?" Xiao Yao thought about it and asked tentatively.

"Old classmate?" Lin Feng was slightly taken aback.

"Well, they are our high school classmates." Xiao Yao patted Lin Feng on the shoulder and smiled.

He wanted to take this opportunity to ask his old classmates to help Lin Feng find a decent job.

"Will Luo Wanjun go?" Lin Feng didn't think too much, and first thought of Luo Wanjun.

"Haha, I knew you were still thinking about her. It's just that she is the boss of Ankang Pharmaceutical now, with a distinguished status. I'm really not sure if she will attend the party tonight." Xiao Yao laughed and shook his head.

"Well, it doesn't matter if she goes or not, I'll go if you go." Lin Feng put aside his distracting thoughts, he really wanted to chat with Xiao Yao and get drunk.

"Brother Feng, I'll pick you up later, I'm still in a hurry." Xiao Yao glanced at the time and smiled apologetically.

"Xiao Yao, I can go by myself." Lin Feng was born and raised in Tianhai, and the terrain is still very familiar.

"That's fine too. At seven o'clock in the evening, in room 006 of the King's Landing Club, we won't return until we're drunk." Xiao Yao waved goodbye and drove away.

After Lin Feng watched Xiao Yao leave, his mood returned to normal. At this time, he received a text message from Luo Wanjun on his mobile phone.

"There is an old school reunion tonight. I didn't want to go, but considering that you just came back, it is necessary to get in touch with old classmates. Why don't we go together?"

Lin Feng's heart was very warm, whether it was Xiao Yao or Luo Wanjun, both of them wanted him to make more friends, stop being autistic, and get out of the sad shadow of the year as soon as possible.

He felt infinitely emotional, in this life, it is enough to have an understanding woman by his side and a heart-to-heart brother!


Ankang Pharmaceutical Group.

In the reception room on the first floor, the tables, chairs and benches were messy, and the room was filled with smoke, and there were seven or eight fierce and strong men.

"Quickly ask your responsible person to come out. Such a big company has faked medicines and harmed people. There is no compensation of 500 million. Today is endless!"

"I heard that your boss is called Luo Wanjun. She is a veritable iceberg beauty. If she loses her appearance, hehehe..."

Several big men stared at the reception woman at the door, some were laughing maliciously, some were knocking on tables and benches, acting recklessly.

Outside the door, accompanied by two security guards, Luo Wanjun came hurriedly.

She had just received a report that her company's miscarriage medicine was fake, and she almost killed a pregnant woman who was pregnant!
She absolutely doesn't believe it!

She can guarantee with her life that her company's medicines are absolutely not fake!

"I'm Luo Wanjun, the president of Ankang Pharmaceuticals. Who can show me the evidence, how can my company's medicines become counterfeit medicines?" Luo Wanjun came to the door of the reception room, holding back the pungent smoke Wei, looked at the few people in front of him, and made a loud noise.

"You are Luo Wanjun?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, the legendary goddess Luo Wanjun really lives up to her reputation!"

After seeing Luo Wanjun's appearance, several men seemed to have forgotten the purpose of the trip, and stood up one after another showing longing expressions.

Seeing this, Luo Wanjun's face was as frosty, and she couldn't help saying angrily: "If you have something to say, don't talk about it!"

"Mr. Luo, 500 million! We only need cash. Let's just expose your company's counterfeit medicines and we'll pretend we don't know about it!" One of the men with shoulder-length hair came domineeringly with a cigarette in his mouth.

"I said, I want evidence, otherwise nothing will be discussed!" Luo Wanjun did not grow up a vegetarian, and being able to rely on her own efforts to achieve the current performance of the company is enough to prove her wisdom.

"Boss Luo, the evidence is in my hands, come over and have a good look!" The shoulder-length haired man joked, as if he was planning something.

"Go to the hospital first. I must first see the pregnant woman and her case. If what you said is true, I promise to compensate you." Luo Wanjun raised her head and said every word without any weakness.

"Luo Wanjun, don't you know what's good or bad!" The man with shoulder-length hair showed fierce eyes, finally couldn't sit still, got up and ran towards Luo Wanjun.

【Continue tomorrow】

(End of this chapter)

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