Chapter 9 Undercurrent
"Lulu, you are so resistant to my words, it's clearly a sign of lack of confidence."

Lin Feng turned sideways, looked at Feng Lulu with gentle eyes, looked up and down, and praised.

"Who says I'm not confident anymore, just your nasty little eyes, you must have no eyes, I don't bother to talk to you!" Feng Lulu was scrutinized by Lin Feng's fiery eyes, inevitably a little embarrassed, angry and ashamed.

Lin Feng shrugged inexplicably, his eyes only showed admiration, had he ever been dirty?
Involuntarily, he stared at Feng Lulu and said with a smile: "Actually, your figure is still very good, enough to make many men fall in love with it. Don't get me wrong, I'm really not interested in you."

"You...I..." Feng Lulu hesitated to speak, pouted her mouth full of hostility and said: "I, Feng Lulu, still need you to be interested in me?!"

It hurts self-esteem!
Feng Lulu clenched her fists tightly, and if she didn't get angry, couldn't Lin Feng be more tactful?
"Lin Feng, I know you love Sister Wanjun, but you are angry with me on purpose. Aren't you afraid that I will lower your character in front of Sister Wanjun?" Feng Lulu thought about it, reached out and grabbed Lin Feng's shirt Collar, with a vicious look.

"To be honest, you really think too much." Lin Feng smiled calmly, held Feng Lulu's pink fist with his backhand, and took it off gently.

Feng Lulu hastily retracted her little hand.

Lin Feng smiled, and put his eyes on the rearview mirror. He was very vigilant. From the moment he entered the drunken bar, he noticed that there was always a pair of eyes staring at him in the dark.

He drove the car calmly, and soon arrived at the Jiayuan villa area in the holy city.

"Lin Feng, I've lived in Sister Wanjun for half a year, and I'm considered half a master. Even if you're only staying temporarily, you still have to abide by the rules I set." Feng Lulu suddenly decided with deep meaning.

"No problem." Lin Feng nodded.

"Then remember, from now on, you must dress decently at home, and you are not allowed to show parts other than your shoulders; you are not allowed to enter the other party's bedroom without permission; the housework will be yours after all... that's all for now, I'll add it when I think of it." .”

Feng Lulu suddenly raised her eyebrows and smiled, the corners of her mouth outlined a curved arc on that stunningly beautiful face, and there was a smugness in her smile.

"The housework you mean is mine, including washing your clothes?" Lin Feng pondered for a moment, then asked abruptly.

"You think beautifully!" Feng Lulu turned her back. It was impossible for a man to wash her underwear, and Lin Feng's question was too nasty!
"That's good, this will avoid embarrassment, and we can live in peace." Lin Feng smiled happily.

After Feng Lulu heard this, she almost lost her temper.

Avoid embarrassment, she can understand.

However, what does it mean to live in peace?

If we don't live in peace, can something happen to you?

Feng Lulu bit her red lips tightly with her bright teeth, and glared at Lin Feng. If she hadn't been unable to beat this guy, she would have done it long ago.

"Go to bed early." Lin Feng walked straight to the refrigerator, took a box of pure milk and drank it down in one gulp.

"That's my milk, without my permission you..." Feng Lulu ran towards Lin Feng in small steps.

"Lulu, this should be the pure milk you bought, right?" Lin Feng joked with a suspicious look.

"You..." Feng Lulu was stunned, realizing that the word "pure" was missing in what she blurted out, and the meaning of the metaphor was quite different.

She was already angry in her heart, and she couldn't help becoming angry from embarrassment, as if she was about to kill her children and grandchildren with one blow.

"It's just a box of pure milk, so it won't be a big move, right?" Lin Feng turned sideways, held Feng Lulu's slender calf with his backhand, and raised it ninety degrees.

"You are this?"

The drowsy Luo Wanjun came out of the bedroom on the second floor and leaned over the railing of the stairs.

When she saw the actions of Lin Feng and Feng Lulu, her face instantly fell into a daze.

"Sister Wanjun~ He drank the pure milk that I entrusted someone to bring from the western plateau without my permission!"

Feng Lulu broke away from Lin Feng, and ran to Luo Wanjun's side with aggrieved feelings.

Lin Feng was wronged.

He spread his hands and didn't explain much, he wasn't the one who caused the embarrassment in front of him, right?
"Everyone go to bed early." Luo Wanjun was full of confusion, and wanted to ask, but suddenly remembered what she did to Lin Feng when she was drunk before, her face turned ashamed, and she pulled Feng Lulu back to the bedroom.

Lin Feng sat on the sofa and lit a cigarette, but his eyes were full of brilliance, and he looked straight at the person hiding in the dark outside the villa.

He could feel that this aura was not malicious, it was just being followed and monitored all the way, which made him very uncomfortable.

Outside the villa, the person hiding in the dark suddenly felt his whole body was enveloped by a murderous intent, and escaped from the place within a few breaths.

He arrived at the seaside villa area immediately, stood in front of a middle-aged man, and narrated what happened tonight.

"Qiu Long, you said that wherever he looks, you can scare your heart?" The middle-aged man was slightly startled, his voice was like a bell, and he had a mustache on his lips. It was Feng Lulu's father, Feng Ze. .

"What this subordinate said is absolutely true. Fortunately, Mr. Lin and Missy are friends. Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to come back tonight." Qiu Long's voice was still trembling.

Fengze nodded when he heard the words, his complexion was serious, his eyes were deep and bright, and he was eager to attract.


The next morning.

Luo Wanjun walked out of the villa.

She changed into a capable professional suit, which was more slim, with a standard S-shaped curve, showing her figure perfectly.

"Morning, Lin Feng." Luo Wanjun smiled sweetly, and didn't mention what happened last night. Last night, Lin Feng brought Feng Lulu back for her. There were some small misunderstandings. It was all because of her drunkenness. of.

"Morning!" Lin Feng was exercising in the courtyard, and he nodded secretly when he saw Luo Wanjun approaching in a fresh and refined manner.

"I'm going to the company, you can do whatever you want." Luo Wanjun stepped on the car, avoiding Lin Feng's gaze.

"Sister Wanjun, I'm leaving for a few days, so why don't you give me a ride first?" Feng Lulu walked out right after her, with a melancholy look on her face.

As Fengze's daughter, she doesn't want to rely on her family's resources for a living.

Half a year ago, she convinced her father to practice alone to make a living. She never thought that what happened at the drunken bar last night was discovered.

She didn't know that there was always someone around her secretly guarding her. Even if Lin Feng didn't show up last night, she would have been safe and sound. This was all due to his father's careful arrangements.

"Lulu, if you have anything to say in the car." Luo Wanjun didn't know Feng Lulu's real identity.

After the two women left, Lin Feng also left the villa. In Tianhai, he still had too many things to settle.

Today, the big families in Tianhai City fell into a kind of panic like never before.

There is no other reason, the Shen family, something big happened last night!

All of a sudden, there was an undercurrent in Tianhai City, and all kinds of speculations and speculations still couldn't make them sort out the slightest clue.

They don't understand, a wealthy family that is stronger than the Shen family, both father and son were abolished at the same time, but they can't find who did it, which undoubtedly makes them feel like they are sitting on pins and needles.

In a villa surrounded by mountains and rivers, a coquettish woman in her forties, wearing a red cheongsam, stood on the balcony, overlooking the entire sky and sea.

"Investigate! Find it out for me at all costs. I, Xue Siniang, are here in Tianhai. I want to see who is behind the scenes!"

Xue Siniang was greatly annoyed by the fact that the Shen family's father and son were dismissed from the banquet at the Yingbin Hotel last night. When she calmed down, she was also worried.

[Seek collection recommendation ticket support]

(End of this chapter)

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