The most powerful evil god of war

Chapter 8 You are more ruthless than me

Chapter 8 You are more ruthless than me

There was a shyness on Feng Lulu's cheeks, but she couldn't hide that weird cunning.

"Okay!" Lin Feng nodded, with an indescribably sly smile on his face.

He observes the words and looks carefully, since Feng Lulu has a plan in mind, he simply follows the trend.

"Why don't we go home and drink, it's too bad here!" Feng Lulu hesitated for a while, and took the initiative to grab Lin Feng's arm.

"You guys... don't even think about leaving!"

Next to him, Ji Dong, who had been prostrate on the ground, raised his head with difficulty at this moment, with a fierce look in his eyes.

"We want to leave, but no one can keep us!" Lin Feng completely ignored Ji Dong, and walked towards the door with Feng Lulu under the eyes of everyone.

Everyone present suddenly woke up, all eyes fell on Lin Feng.

"Hey! Hurry up and apologize, even if you are beaten, you can at least live!"

"Isn't it? For a woman, it's not worth the loss to foolishly enmity with Ji's family!"

"A little gangster is too ignorant, so arrogant that he ignores the energy of Ji's family?"

"Based on his cheap clothes, he must be the kind of person who lives at the bottom of the society. He doesn't understand the energy of Ji's family at all, right?"

There was a lot of discussion among the people, some were worried for Lin Feng, some chattered with contempt, and most were booing and watching the show.

They don't understand, this little bastard who came out of nowhere, beat up the young master of the Ji family for the sake of a dancing girl, not only did he not repent and admit his mistake, but also wanted to leave as if nothing had happened?
Moreover, after Ji Dong was beaten to the ground, Lin Feng and Feng Lulu didn't have the slightest scruples, and even chatted about family matters, they didn't take Ji's family seriously!
"Troublemaking in my place? You're tired of your work!" A thick-backed bald man suddenly came from the door. His face was full of flesh and his eyes gleamed fiercely. Wherever he passed, everyone retreated one after another.


"My God! It turned out to be him!"

"Scatter quickly, Brother Leopard is here!"

Someone recognized the identity of the bald man. This leopard, known for its viciousness, has been fighting for many years and has long been famous!
"Hua Leopard, I was beaten!" Ji Dong collapsed on the ground, seeing the arrival of Hua Leopard, his face was filled with sorrow and joy, and he shouted with all his might.

"Master Ji... Young Master Ji?" Hua Bao was taken aback for a moment, apparently he did not expect that the person being beaten would be Ji Dong.

"It's me!" Ji Dong pointed at the backs of Lin Feng and Feng Lulu, and said loudly full of resentment: "They, it's them, don't let them run away!"

Hua Bao hurriedly stepped forward to help Ji Dong up, looked back at Lin Feng and Feng Lulu's backs, and shouted, "Tie them both up!"

Before he could finish his sentence, seven or eight strong men in black vests appeared, their arms were covered with flower arm tattoos, and they rushed over ferociously.

Just as they were about to step forward to stop Lin Feng, they were suddenly stopped in place by a terrifying gust of air, which immediately made them feel a little dazed, not knowing why.

"Get out of the way." Lin Feng's eyes showed coldness, his voice was not loud, but extremely imposing, and instantly shocked everyone on the spot.

The faces of this group of people were pale, and they took a few steps back subconsciously. Cold sweat had already soaked their vests. The breath of Lin Feng made them feel dazed, as if they were stuck in a mire and couldn't extricate themselves.

"Trash, what a waste!" Huabao couldn't help being angry when he saw this. His brothers were usually unscrupulous, why are they so cowardly today?

"Leopard, what do you want?"

Feng Lulu turned around and looked back at Huabao with her clear eyes flickering with displeasure.

When Hua Leopard was about to do it himself, the moment he saw Feng Lulu, his eyes suddenly widened, his pupils shrank uncontrollably, and his body couldn't help but groan.

"Feng...Miss Feng, are you there too?" Hua Bao's face changed from the fierceness before to extremely gentle, and he hurriedly bowed and stood in front of Feng Lulu.

"Since you still remember me, you shouldn't have brought your men over to stop me." Feng Lulu had no expression on her face, and her voice was full of sullenness.

"This..." Hua Bao shuddered fiercely, and looked back at Ji Dong, as if he understood something.

"Hua Leopard, tie up this bitch and depose that brat!" Ji Dong had already lost his mind and didn't notice that the atmosphere was wrong, shouting as usual.

Hua Leopard's face froze when he heard the words, he turned around and rushed over, slapped Ji Dong to the ground with a big mouth.

"Ji Dong, this is Master Feng's daughter, even if she gets involved with your Ji family, she will be far from being offended!" Hua Bao's eyes were filled with anger.

"You, you say this dancer is Fengze's daughter?" Ji Dong's ears were ringing and his mind went blank, he was stunned and stunned while covering his swollen face.

Fengze's daughter...

It turns out that Feng Lulu didn't lie to him!

"You are not allowed to be disrespectful to Missy!" Hua Bao slapped Ji Dong again.

He has received the favor of Fengze, which will never be forgotten.The Ji family is just a small family, how dare they touch the daughter of his benefactor Fengze?

At this time, everyone held their breaths and concentrated, and silence was better than sound, and they couldn't calm down anymore.

Fortress' daughter!

They backed away one after another, thinking of the malicious slander they had done to Feng Lulu before, they felt restless and uneasy.

If they were allowed to stand in line, they would definitely stand by Feng Lulu's side without hesitation. As for Ji Dong, he was not worthy to be compared with Fengze at all.

A small grass is compared to a big tree, even a fool knows that it is better to enjoy the shade under the big tree!
"Break one of his legs and carry him back, so he said I, Feng Lulu, did it." After Feng Lulu finished speaking, she took Lin Feng's arm and continued walking forward.

Leopard nodded heavily.

"Break two, at least they should be more symmetrical." Lin Feng's voice sounded lukewarm and suddenly.

In an instant, the atmosphere at the scene became even more solidified.

Who is this man accompanying Feng Lulu?

He seldom speaks, but when he speaks, he breaks his legs. Is he more noble than Feng Lulu?
"Miss Feng, who is this?" Hua Bao was at a loss, he could follow Feng Lulu's orders, but he didn't know this serious man.

Moreover, this man brought him a deep sense of suffocation, making him afraid to get close.

"This is my friend Mr. Lin, do as he said, just break Ji Dong's legs." Feng Lulu said firmly, word by word.

Ji Dong has completely collapsed on the ground.

He admits that he can't offend Fengze's daughter, but who is this Mr. Lin?

For a time, everyone was shocked.

Feng Lulu was enough to make them feel awed, and there was also a mysterious Mr. Lin who brought them endless panic.


In the red cayenne, Lin Feng carried Feng Lulu straight to the Jiayuan villa area in the holy city.

"I didn't expect you to be more ruthless than me. I really admire your style of conduct." Feng Lulu leaned on the car door with her chin in one hand, and looked at Lin Feng.

"What can I do? I just borrowed your face from Miss Feng." Lin Feng smiled.

"Now that you know who I am? You'd better put away your crooked thoughts, otherwise, hehehe..." Feng Lulu squinted her eyes, pouted her sexy mouth, and put her hand on Lin Feng's shoulder superior.

"Have I been thinking about you? Hehe, you're still young, I won't be hungry." Lin Feng looked at Feng Lulu, shook his head with a teasing smile.

"I'm 19 years old! Why am I so young?" Feng Lulu deliberately straightened her chest, pouted in dissatisfaction, and stared at Lin Feng with a pair of winking eyes.

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(End of this chapter)

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