The most powerful evil god of war

Chapter 19 Sending You On Your Way!

Chapter 19 Sending You On Your Way!

"Wei Haichen, you brought the blame on yourself, how can I spare you?" Lin Feng snorted.

"Master Lin! I'm just a small character, and the matter of framing Luo Wanjun really has nothing to do with me..." Wei Haichen was cautious, lest Lin Feng would kill him in a single thought.

"Three years ago, my parents were ruthlessly strangled. You didn't help me. I don't blame you, but you acted like a clown. In order to please Ye Yanluo, you humiliated my parents and poked others to break my tendons. This is my revenge." If you don't report it, you will be a son of man in vain!"

Lin Feng's words were like thunder, and Wei Haichen's heart was completely wiped out of the urge to quibble.

He was still calculating, thinking about how to cover up his crimes back then, but Lin Feng had already seen everything, no matter how much he tried to argue, it would be futile.

"You want to kill me?" Wei Haichen changed his mind and sneered, as if he had forgotten Lin Feng's methods, and looked like he had nothing to love.

"Not thinking, but wanting." Lin Feng didn't move, his arms drooped naturally, and his right hand moved slightly.

An invisible force diffused from his hand, spreading to Wei Haichen's neck like a dragon's claw in the void.

"No! You can't kill me. If I die, Master Ye Yanluo will know immediately. You'd better think about the consequences of killing me!" Wei Haichen's eyes widened, his throat was restrained by a force , his face was flushed, and the veins on his forehead popped up.

He knew that if he didn't say anything harsh, he would most likely die in the next second. He could only use Ye Yanluo's name to intimidate Lin Feng, maybe there was still a glimmer of life.

"Death is imminent, and you still want to threaten me with Ye Yanluo?" Lin Feng stepped forward with evil spirits all over his body.


A loud slap came from Wei Haichen's face.


Wei Haichen couldn't guard against him. When his center of gravity was unstable and he was about to stagger and fall to the ground, he got another big mouth on his face.


Without any suspense, Wei Haichen was slapped to the ground. His mouth was full of blood, stars were shining from his eyes, and his brain was completely white.

He was timid and regretted the first time, he shouldn't have challenged Lin Feng's bottom line in a flash!
Shaking his head, he tried his best to wake up, covering his swollen cheeks, and couldn't help crying.

The aura on Lin Feng's body was so suppressed that he didn't dare to look directly at him. Unconsciously, he curled up on the ground like a dog.

"Master Lin, I'm willing to offer all the property of the Wei family with both hands, just to spare my dog's life." Wei Haichen's face was pale, and there was no disobedience in his heart.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, Lin Feng stepped on his chest.


"Pfft!" Wei Haichen's sternum was broken, and a mouthful of old blood spurted out three feet.

"I, Lin Feng, don't even bother with your Wei family's filthy property." After Lin Feng finished speaking, he flew quickly again.

The Lin family is now extremely lonely, and the responsibility rests heavily on Ye Yanluo. He will go to the imperial capital and take back everything that the Lin family had.

Although he is short of money now, he has countless ways to make money, and he really disdains the Wei family's property!


With Lin Feng's kick, Wei Haichen's limbs and joints were destroyed one by one.

During the whole process, every time Wei Haichen lost a limb, he fell into a faint due to the severe pain, but woke up with howling and pain because Lin Feng raised his foot and kicked again.

"Forgive me, forgive me, my life is still useful to you..." Wei Haichen's face was bloodless, his current injuries, if he is not sent to the hospital, his life will not be long.

In order to survive, now let him be a cow, a horse, or a dog, and he will not hesitate to say anything, he is willing.

Lin Feng looked at Wei Haichen, fully aware of the viciousness and ugliness beneath his appearance, so he didn't hesitate any longer.

"Send you on your way!"

Lin Feng waved Wei Haichen's body into the air, and when he landed, he bent one knee and suddenly went up to the top.


Wei Haichen completely became a corpse.

"Drip Drip!!!"

At this moment, from the direction of the gate of Wei's house, there was a swift car horn, followed by another furious roar!
"Don't hurt my dad!"

Immediately afterwards, Wei Yang jumped out of the car, still holding a crossbow in his hand.

He is Wei Haichen's only son. He had just returned from a trip with his mother when he found a bloodbath happening in the courtyard of his villa.

Behind him was a forty-year-old woman with an extremely cold face and a crossbow in her hand.

"Who are you?! Why did you treat my Wei family like this?! How did my dad provoke you?!!!"

Wei Yang lost his mind, looked at his dead father Wei Haichen, his eyes were blood red, he raised his hand and aimed at Lin Feng.

His mother Qiu Min's face became even more gloomy, and she acted in the same way.

Two bows and crossbows, the arrows are on the strings, and they are fired in an instant.


Two consecutive crossbow arrows arrived in an instant, and they were one meter away from Lin Feng in an instant.

However, the two crossbow arrows seemed to be fixed in mid-air, and could no longer advance an inch.

Lin Feng's body surface was filled with a layer of faint light. It was just two crossbow bolts, and he didn't worry about getting hurt at all.

In other words, the current him can effectively protect himself in the face of the lethality of bullets.

"You... how did you do it?"

"Impossible! It's impossible!"

Wei Yang and Qiu Min were stunned on the spot. They knew the power of the crossbow arrows well, but they didn't see Lin Feng blocking them, but blocked the two crossbow arrows from his body surface!

This kind of stunt plot, which is comparable to only in movies, actually happened at this time!
"Who the hell are you?!" Wei Yang took a step back subconsciously. The opponent's method was very similar to a magic technique. He wasn't afraid of anything, but he couldn't see through Lin Feng.

"Son of the Lin family, Lin Feng." Lin Feng looked at the mother and son, with a murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

Although it's not a disaster for the family, but if the other party insists on going his own way, it doesn't matter if he kills him.

He restrained his breath, and the two crossbow arrows hanging in the air broke into two pieces and fell to the ground.

"Lin Feng? The son of the Lin family, Lin Feng, who died a long time ago, how is he alive?!" Wei Yang's mother, Qiu Min, was suddenly taken aback, as if thinking of something.

"That useless Lin Feng who had been a soldier for several years and was covered in scars and was buried alive in the mountains within a few days?" Wei Yang was stunned.

Qiu Min nodded and said, "It's him!"

"Hahaha! Even if he is alive, what's the use? Waste is waste! If you dare to come to our Wei family to act wildly, then kill him!" Wei Yang laughed strangely, squinting his eyes and hit the crossbow again.

"Kill! Kill him quickly, you must kill him quickly!" Beside him, Qiu Min was so anxious that he quickly mounted a crossbow arrow.

"Mom! This guy is full of evil charms. I think he's just playing tricks. It's too easy to kill him!" Wei Yang was a reckless person, he didn't take Lin Feng seriously at all.

If he could calm down, even for a few seconds, he would be able to see the situation in front of him clearly.

After all, there were dozens of people in the entire Wei family, except for him and his mother who escaped alive, none of them survived.

Finally, Wei Yang fired the crossbow again.

"call out!"

The crossbow shot straight at Lin Feng's face.

"call out!"

A crossbow arrow from Qiu Min also arrived abruptly at this time.

Lin Feng shook his head and sneered, this mother and son seemed to be too childish, too self righteous!

Instead of retreating, he advanced, reached out and grabbed the two crossbow arrows that were stabbing at him, and stood in front of Wei Yang and Qiu Min in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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