Chapter 20

In the blink of an eye, Lin Feng rushed forward.

Moreover, he also held two life-threatening crossbows launched by the two of them in his hands!
The expressions of the mother and son were extremely bad. After Lin Feng arrived in an instant, they were both frozen in place.

Wei Yang turned pale with shock, he is a person of status and status, but he has controlled other people's life and death more than once.

However, he never imagined that his life and death would be controlled by others tonight!
Qiu Min was dumbfounded, and it was the same.

Lin Feng's gaze was filled with dead silence, which made her extremely uneasy. She wanted to drag her son and flee as far as she could, but she was still unable to move her legs.

You know, the mother and son fired the crossbow arrows twice successively, aiming at the vital points, just to put Lin Feng to death!
However, Lin Feng's speed was too fast, his moves were too weird, and his aura was too terrifying!
The sharp crossbow arrows were vulnerable to Lin Feng and could not hurt him even a single point, which made the Wei family's mother and son despair.

"The whole Wei family is full of ruthless and merciless people, all of them bear their lives, and they died unjustly." Lin Feng's voice was very soft, and the crossbow in his hand pierced the hearts of Qiu Min and Wei Yang.

With the way of the people, also treat the body of the people.

The mother and son of the Wei family were still in extreme shock, so they lost their lives at the same time on the spot!

Lin Feng knew very well that when weeds are cut, the roots must be removed, otherwise, there is a great possibility that the ashes will resurface.

To be kind to the enemy is to be cruel to yourself!
He acted resolutely, but he never killed innocent people indiscriminately. The Wei family deserved to die, that's all.

So far, the four families of Xue, Wu, Shen, and Wei have eliminated the second, and are getting closer and closer to his goal!

The night was dark, and a thin layer of mist gradually rose, making the whole Wei family even more dead silent.

Lin Feng felt a knot in his heart, he didn't stay any longer, he turned around and strode away, walking to the gate of Wei's house, he saw Liu Fei with a mixed expression on his face.

"Liu Fei, how many minutes has it been?"

Lin Feng walked over and smiled slightly.

Earlier, he joked to Liu Fei that they would go to have supper together in 10 minutes.

"Well, nine and a half..." Liu Fei swallowed his saliva with a serious expression on his face.

Earlier, Lin Feng had boasted about going to Haikou, and he wanted to enter Wei's house through the main entrance, and then settle everything within 10 minutes.

At first, he absolutely didn't believe it, thinking that Lin Feng was arrogant and conceited.

Then, he followed with curiosity and disdain, and has been lurking outside the gate of Wei's house.

In just nine and a half minutes, many things happened in the Wei family compound, and he had a panoramic view of them.

It's hard to imagine that Lin Feng would take care of the Wei family in such a short period of time, and make the Wei family completely disappear in Tianhai!

He thinks he can't do it.

Thus, he realized his own weakness, and his disdainful attitude towards Lin Feng was absolutely wrong!
He couldn't match Lin Feng's height!
"Let's go, go for supper. Wherever it is delicious, you lead the way." Lin Feng patted Liu Fei on the shoulder, and walked forward with a smile.

"Yeah!" Liu Fei looked at Lin Feng's back and nodded heavily, feeling extremely lucky in his heart.

Fortunately, he only showed disdain for Lin Feng before, and there was no verbal confrontation or any disrespectful provocative attitude.

Otherwise, it is impossible for him to stand here well now.

He turned around and glanced at the lifeless Wei family courtyard, and quickly closed the Wei family gate.

He knew that from now on, there would be no Wei family in Tianhai City!
Fifteen minutes later, the two arrived near People's Square together.

"Brother Feng, the barbecue here is very good."

With a smile on his face, Liu Fei's attitude has changed 180 degrees from before.

He wasn't flattering or flattering, he was just judging the situation. Lin Feng's energy deserved his respect.

"Liu Fei, thank you for staying up most of the night. Let's chat while drinking." Lin Feng waved his hand and sat at a square table.

"Alright Brother Feng!"

Liu Fei is very familiar with this place, greeted the boss, and soon prepared cold beer, and the two of them ate and drank after eating the skewers.

Liu Fei especially wanted to find out Lin Feng's true identity, but Lin Feng only revealed a little after drinking three rounds of food and eating five flavors. Like him, he was a veteran.

"Liu Fei, tomorrow you will be appointed as the security captain of Ankang Pharmaceutical." Lin Feng suddenly smiled.

"I'm promoted to captain to replace Lu Jinwei?" Liu Fei was slightly startled, then smiled.

"Do you think Lu Jinwei's performance this afternoon alone is enough to fire him?" Lin Feng smiled meaningfully.

"That guy is not a fuel-efficient lamp. He relies on his brother to work in the police station. He is usually unscrupulous and often harasses female colleagues. It is a good thing for the company to dismiss him."

After Liu Fei sighed, he smiled and said, "I believe that as long as Brother Feng is around, we will have nothing to fear."

"You seem to be very serious, but you have the mentality of following others. I don't like it." Lin Feng suddenly said in a deep voice.

Seeing this, Liu Fei's heart skipped a beat.

"I still like you before. You acted arrogantly, unpretentiously, like a man!" Lin Feng laughed again.

"Brother Feng, actually, I did have a disdainful view of you earlier, I'm sorry." Liu Fei had to admit this.

"Those who don't know are innocent. What's more, to make friends, you need to be sincere. Don't think too much, just keep drinking!" Lin Feng waved his hand, and the two drank it down in one gulp.

"Hey, you two idiots, your chattering is too irritable, get out!"

Accompanied by these domineering and contemptuous words, a beer bottle also flew into the air and smashed towards Lin Feng and Liu Fei.

Liu Fei suddenly stood up, and when he was about to refute the attack, he couldn't help being stunned after seeing the faces of the men and women on the other side.

At this time, Lin Feng had already grabbed the beer bottle that was thrown over him, and threw it back without hesitation.

It's not uncommon to run into people who find fault when practicing outside, but he humiliates them without warning. He will not be merciful when dealing with such broken-mouthed people.


The beer bottle shattered on the spot, hitting the forehead of the person who threw the bottle, and there was a blood hole gushing out, which soon dyed the person's hair red.

Then, the man swayed dizzily on the spot, then fell to the ground with a bang, and passed out.

"You guys are together?" Lin Feng slowly stood up with no smile on his face, and looked directly at the other three men and two women.

These three men and two women are well dressed, the men are handsome and the women are beautiful.

However, when their companion fell to the ground and couldn't get up, they were immediately stunned.

Especially Lin Feng's piercing gaze made them shudder and couldn't help shivering.

"That's right, we're together, boy, you're in trouble!" One of the men was the first to react, and immediately knelt down to take care of his companion.

Several other men and women also came to their senses at this time, and one of them, a man with a stud on his right ear, pointed at Lin Feng and forced him over.

"Boy! You fucking know I'm..."


A sound of bones breaking suddenly sounded, and the man with the earrings stopped abruptly.

Immediately, his face turned pale to the extreme, because his wrist had been easily broken by Lin Feng, and he was in pain like a slaughtered pig, baring his teeth and howling.

"My parents, no one can humiliate and abuse me!" Lin Feng glared angrily at the man in front of him, completely furious. His parents were his biggest rival, Ni Lin.

He will never allow anyone to be disrespectful!

[I hope everyone will vote for your support, Qingfeng bows here and thanks]

(End of this chapter)

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