The most powerful evil god of war

Chapter 21 Don't let me down

Chapter 21 Don't let me down (1 more)
If someone maliciously abused Lin Feng, he would punish him accordingly depending on the seriousness of the circumstances!

However, his parents had passed away for three years, and as a son of man, someone insulted and scolded them, which was the greatest disrespect to the two old people, so he would naturally give them a fatal blow!

It has to be said that Lin Feng's decisive behavior and his indifferent and cold words caused everyone present to fall into a momentary confusion.

Didn't I just call you a mother?
Is it worth breaking someone's wrist if they don't agree with each other?
In less than a minute, one of their companions passed out with bleeding from their head, and the other was trembling with pain from a severed wrist!

This arrogant and arrogant style of dealing with things made it difficult for them to accept it, and it made them angry.

"Boy, you crippled Geng Bin's hand, it's a big deal!"

One of the opponents, a tall and thin man, picked up two beer bottles and rushed towards Lin Feng in a rage.

Geng Bin, whose wrist had been crippled, was their backbone. Lin Feng's actions completely made him lose his composure.

Regarding this, Lin Feng did not move. He was really too lazy to teach these ordinary people who had no combat effectiveness.

For tonight's matter, as long as the other party sincerely apologizes, that's all. It's not worth his time wasting.

"Brother Feng, be careful!"

Liu Fei, who was next to him, moved over with a big stride and directly blocked Lin Feng.

"Crack! Kick!"

Two beer bottles hit Liu Fei's forehead one after another.

This scene surprised everyone.

Is this man sick?
Even if you can't beat it, you can't ignore the blooming of your head and use your head to smash the beer bottle, right?
Liu Fei shook his head lightly. With his personal combat power, it's okay to fight ten against one. It's absolutely fine to beat a beer bottle with his head.

However, he faced the malicious bombardment without dodging but went head-on, which made Lin Feng a little puzzled.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking of a possibility, unless...unless Liu Fei had another purpose.

Many customers nearby had their eyes gathered at that moment.

They had personally experienced this scene. A person was lying in a pool of blood, and there was another person whose wrist was broken, crying out in pain, making people back again and again uncontrollably.

"It's about to kill someone, get out of the way."

"The person whose wrist was broken seems to be Geng Bin, the domineering young master of this street?"

"The second child of the Geng family, that inhuman dude Geng Bin?"

Everyone talked a lot, and the talk turned pale.

Those who are familiar with him know that the Geng family occupies the snack street in People's Square, and Geng Bin is used to being arrogant and domineering. No one wants to have anything to do with this beastly guy.

Involuntarily, they looked at Lin Feng and Liu Fei with pitiful expressions in their eyes.

If you offend the Geng family, none of them will end well.

Everyone whispered, no one wanted to be implicated by the innocent, so they chose to stay away, with a mentality that it had nothing to do with themselves.

"Alas!" Liu Fei sighed heavily, his complexion changing complicatedly.

He was hit on the head by two beer bottles, but he was still standing intact.

You know, he was a scout, and after entering the special forces, he opened a wine bottle with his head, which was also one of the training courses.

"Feng Xiaoyun, take your friends and leave quickly." Liu Fei shook off the fragments of the broken wine bottle on his head, looked at one of the short-haired women on the other side, and said heavily.

"Liu Fei! I really didn't expect to meet you tonight, but the two of you collided with Geng Bin tonight, it's really a big deal!"

"Fortunately, I left you a long time ago. Otherwise, with your elm head, you will be starved to death sooner or later if I follow you!" Next to the man with earrings, there was a burst of worry.

"At the beginning, I had the heart to leave you. It was all for your life's happiness. I didn't want you to suffer with me. Feng Xiaoyun, I advise you to leave quickly, otherwise..." Liu Fei's face turned cold, sonorous and forceful.

"What else? Liu Fei, who do you think you are? Who do you think your friend is? With your clothes, you are at best the lowest class in society. You beat Geng Bin and told us to leave quickly? I You're such an idiot!" Feng Xiaoyun didn't think about the love she had with Liu Fei back then, and aggressively slandered Liu Fei and Lin Feng.

"That's all I've said, so do it for yourself."

Liu Fei sighed again, turned back to Lin Feng, squeezed out a smile awkwardly, and said, "Brother Feng, I made you laugh, I used to be a friend, why don't we let them go..."

Lin Feng lit a cigarette, his eyes turned from cold to warm, no wonder Liu Fei's expression was so complicated, it turned out that he and that Feng Xiaoyun used to be lovers, he could understand Liu Fei's current state of mind.

"Continue to eat." Lin Feng sat down, in order to take care of Liu Fei's feelings, it was understandable to keep a low profile once.


Liu Fei nodded, turned around and looked at Feng Xiaoyun, who was hostile to him, and several other men and women, and said in a comforting tone: "My brother is kind, you all disappear immediately, or if you want to leave at that time, you won't be able to leave!"

"You two have the guts!" Geng Bin, who had a broken wrist, was lifted up by Feng Xiaoyun tremblingly, "If you have the guts, just wait and don't leave. I'll let you You know what will happen to Geng Bin if you offend me!"

"We don't intend to leave, and I hope that you don't bluff and don't let me down in the end." Lin Feng's eyes were different from ordinary people, he gave Geng Bin and the others a sharp look, and then started eating and drinking with Liu Fei again.

"You..." Geng Bin's eyes were red, and his wrist was broken, which made him faint for a few times, and he insisted on sitting down.

His helper will be here soon, and tonight he will retaliate with blood!
Geng Bin and the others would not know what kind of existence they had unintentionally provoked. Liu Fei knew this best among all the people present.

Looking at Lin Feng's expression, Liu Fei couldn't help but smile wryly in his heart, finally glanced at Feng Xiaoyun, opened his mouth, and finally said nothing.

Back then, when he was ruthlessly betrayed by Feng Xiaoyun, he avoided it, wanting to forget that sad past, just now, he had fulfilled the last so-called responsibility of his ex-boyfriend.

Having said all that, since they didn't listen to persuasion and wanted revenge relentlessly, then he didn't need to worry about the identity of his ex-boyfriend anymore.

"I'm telling you two, don't be brave, and quickly bow your head and apologize to Young Master Geng, otherwise your lives will definitely be accounted for here." The owner of the barbecue stall walked over worried.

Making trouble in front of his small stall will undoubtedly bring troubles to his business. In this way, he will lose hundreds of dollars in profit tonight.

Besides, who is not good to offend, but the Geng family, the overlord of the snack street?

"Boss, all your losses tonight will be doubled. Don't worry, just watch the show quietly." Liu Fei raised his glass and drank it down, and made a decision in his heart.

"Go ahead and grill some more skewers." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

The barbecue stall owner was speechless.

Could it be that these two people escaped from the madhouse just now?
Knowing that he has offended the Geng family, he still looks fearless. Are you really joking?

"Xiao Bin, who the hell dares to touch you, I'll cut him alive!" At this moment, a tall and thick man with a ferocious look jumped out of a Land Rover.

[One more update, there are two more updates tonight, please recommend tickets for support]

(End of this chapter)

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