The most powerful evil god of war

Chapter 24 Don't worry, I'm here!

Chapter 24 Don't worry, I'm here! (1 more)
Restaurant on the first floor.

Lin Feng appeared in front of Wanjun wearing a neat gray suit and shiny brand-name leather shoes.

It is true that people rely on clothes and horses rely on saddles.

Lin Feng had a ring of stubble around his lips. He was mature, steady, handsome and full of masculinity.

Coupled with this attire, it is simple yet elegant, luxurious and connotative, and looks like a top male model in the world, which is eye-catching.

"Not bad!" Luo Wanjun looked at Lin Feng and said with a smile.

She knew very well that whatever clothes Lin Feng wore had a unique charm.

"Mr. Wan, I'm really not suitable for formal clothes, why don't I change back to casual clothes?" Lin Feng moved his muscles and bones, feeling his limbs being restricted by the shape of the suit, feeling uncomfortable all over his body.

"Well... just wear it for a day." Luo Wanjun pursed her lips and smiled. She knew that Lin Feng didn't like being restrained, but when she went to work on her first day, she always wanted to give everyone a good impression.

"Well, that's enough for a day." Lin Feng grinned, sat down and started eating.

He didn't want Luo Wanjun to be unhappy.

"Lin Feng, without your permission, I forcefully arranged a position for you. There will inevitably be rules and regulations in the company. You must feel very uncomfortable, right?"

"Actually, you can refuse me." Luo Wanjun said sincerely with an apology in his eyes.

Yesterday afternoon, her company was broken into by a group of people. Fortunately, Lin Feng appeared in time to solve the problem. She gave Lin Feng a title on the spot and appointed him as the assistant to the president of the company.

"I am willing to serve you. I am not uncomfortable, but I may not be able to stay in your company." Lin Feng looked very serious.

That's right, he doesn't like being restrained, but everything about Luo Wanjun, except!

Moreover, he informed Luo Wanjun in advance that he could not stay in Ankang Pharmaceutical for a long time.

"Hmm..." Luo Wanjun nodded heavily, she could clearly feel that Lin Feng cared about her very much.

"Actually, at most one month, I will return to the imperial capital. Will you choose to accompany me to the imperial capital?" Luo Wanjun felt a little melancholy, looking at Lin Feng with flickering eyes.

"To the imperial capital? Of course!" Lin Feng came back from the dead, and his purpose was to go to the imperial capital!

Since Luo Wanjun returned to the imperial capital in a month, he just happened to accompany him there!

When mentioning the imperial capital, Lin Feng felt a pang of pain in his heart, and more of it was bloody resentment.

Ye Yanluo, his greatest enemy, is still alive and well, how can he feel at ease?

"You said you would return to the imperial capital within a month at the most? Do you have the heart to give up your hard work in Tianhai?"

Lin Feng was referring to Ankang Biopharmaceuticals. After all, Luo Wanjun came to Tianhai three years ago and worked hard to manage the company. Why did she suddenly choose to give up?

"I have a three-year contract of tens of billions with my father, if I fail to fulfill it..." Luo Wanjun said, her eyes turned red.

"How about not achieving it?" Lin Feng had long guessed that Luo Wanjun had a lot on his mind, but now that he mentioned it, he was even more sure of what he was thinking.

"I will marry a mentally handicapped child." Luo Wanjun hesitated for a while, and wanted to swallow this matter to her stomach, but thinking of Lin Feng's feelings one day in the future, she finally decided to tell the whole story.

"With me here, no one can hurt you, let alone control your fate!" In an instant, Lin Feng's aura suddenly became fierce.

No one can interfere with his woman's fate, not even Luo Wanjun's father!
It is his fault that he didn't make a promise to Luo Wanjun because of revenge for his parents.

"For the sake of the Luo family, I can only do this. Otherwise, the foundation of the Luo family will be restricted by the Universal Chamber of Commerce. I am afraid that the Luo family will suffer a devastating blow within three years." Luo Wanjun did not hide anything, and simply told the story again.

"Mr. Wan, I will not let you become a victim of the family, for sure." Lin Feng listened quietly, the coldness in his eyes was self-evident.

"Actually, my brother is also worried about me. He even wants to mobilize his troops to solve the problem. It's ridiculous. So, I need to trouble you to find an opportunity to communicate with him. Don't let him do stupid things." Luo Wan Jun said with a worried smile.

Lin Feng thought of Luo Wanjun's elder brother, Luo Tian, ​​and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

Although Luo Tian's actions were flamboyant, he still wouldn't commit any mess!
"Don't worry, with me here, everything will change." Lin Feng made a serious promise.

"Sorry, I've been talking too much. The company's market value has reached 58 billion, and there is still a month to go. Maybe there will be a turning point!" Luo Wanjun comforted herself, got up and walked into the kitchen.

Lin Feng sat at the dining table, quietly watching Luo Wanjun's back, feeling sad for a while.

This woman, for him three years ago, spared his parents' corpses at the expense of her own safety.

This woman, obviously a rich man, did not hesitate to resist all external pressures. In order to control her own destiny, she walked through the deceitful business world.

Fortunately, life is not disgraceful!

Back then, that pure, lovely, considerate and beautiful woman left her family and came to Tianhai for her own destiny. In three years, she has transformed into a female elite in the business world.

"Wan Jun, I will do the housework like washing the dishes in the future." Lin Feng stepped into the kitchen and snatched the dishes from Luo Wanjun's hand.

"I can do it. How can you, a big man, be able to do these housework?" Luo Wanjun resolutely refused, pushing back and forth, and finally the two of them brushed together.

"Mr. Wan, what if you reached the tens of billions agreement within the specified time?" Lin Feng asked.

"If it is achieved, I don't need to marry." Luo Wanjun smiled sweetly.

"You don't need to get married, does it mean that you don't need to marry for the rest of your life? Or, you don't need to marry that so-called mentally handicapped child?" Lin Feng, who is so shrewd, was at a loss for this sentence.

"Hehehe, of course you don't need to marry that retarded child." Luo Wanjun saw Lin Feng's embarrassed face, and giggled.

"That's good." Lin Feng felt more at ease.


DC District of Tianhai City.

Next to an artificially built mountain, there are green shades, fragrant flowers, and a luxurious and luxurious manor surrounded by small bridges and flowing water.

Xiangshan Manor, the villa area of ​​Xue Siniang, the only female head of a wealthy family in Tianhai City.

Xue Siniang was wearing a red cheongsam, and she was walking leisurely in the back garden, admiring the various flowers that she had carefully collected and cultivated, and pruning the excess branches without thinking about it.

"Report to Siniang, something is wrong." A man with a cropped head full of hostility, with a little shortness of breath, bowed behind Xue Siniang.

"Soul of the sword, what can make your aura so messy? Tianhai has me, Xue Siniang, in command, and you are an elite soldier under my command, how decent you look like this!" Xue Siniang yelled sullenly, and kept her hands , still pruning her flowers.

"Si Niang, Dao Hun is reckless, Dao Hun knows his mistake." Dao Hun bowed on the spot, not daring to move an inch.

At the age of more than 20 years, he has already perfected the gossip sword technique in one hand. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the hostility that is full of him is clearly the sharp edge of the sword.

"Tell me, what's wrong?" Xue Siniang sighed disapprovingly, and deeply sniffed the fragrance of flowers, showing a look of enjoyment.
"The Wei family, the Wei family was destroyed last night." Dao Hun bowed his body and reported in a low voice.

"What?!" Xue Siniang's face changed drastically upon hearing that, and she turned to look at Soul of the Sword.

Soul of the sword raised his head slightly, and the two looked at each other. He then nodded heavily to confirm that what he said was true.

Xue Siniang was stunned.

The four big families in Tianhai, Xue, Wu, Shen, and Wei, one of them, the Shen family, was destroyed just the night before. She sent people to investigate the cause on a large scale, but there was no result.

However, at this time, the Wei family was gone last night!
A big character as lonely as her, after hearing that the Shen and Wei families were destroyed one after another, also felt the extraordinaryness of this matter.

Could it be that there will be another one tonight?
[Thank you for the support of book friends, everyone's support is the motivation of my codeword]

(End of this chapter)

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