The most powerful evil god of war

Chapter 25 The new official took office

Chapter 25 The new official took office (2 more)
Xue Siniang's face was grave, very disturbed.

This was the third time in her life that she felt restless without any sign.

The first time, after her fiancé died tragically, she turned into a female devil that night and slaughtered the culprit, her three elder brothers!

Afterwards, she was extremely disturbed.

The second time was three years ago, the powerful Ye Yanluo from the imperial capital, with a gesture of looking down on the world, wiped out a family with a wave of his hand.

That scene still appeared in front of her eyes, making her terrified and uneasy, and she still has lingering fears to this day.

Fortunately, Ye Yanluo didn't stay in Tianhai, and returned to the imperial capital after slapping his butt. Only then did Xue Siniang have the opportunity to rise up, and only then did she gain her current status as the head of the wealthy family.

The third time, which is now, she feels more and more that this day seems to be about to change!
Subconsciously, she looked up at the sky, the sky was blue and cloudless, it was a good day.

But she knew that if the mastermind behind the destruction of the Shen family and the Wei family could not be found out, the sky in Tianhai City would really change!

"Soul of the Sword, from now on, at all costs, investigate, and don't let go of any clues. I want to know who is behind the conspiracy as soon as possible!" Xue Siniang calmed down.

She doesn't want to be threatened by others, and she doesn't want the next family to be wiped out to be her Xue family!

Sitting and waiting is not her style, she has to change from passive to active, so that she can completely control the veins of Tianhai City.

"Si Niang, don't worry, no matter who the other party is, it's impossible to do things impeccably. There must be flaws. I will do my best to find him out." Dao Hun patted his chest to reassure, and then bowed his body and retreated.


Xue Siniang seemed to have thought of something again, she waved her hand and said: "You bring a generous gift, first go to Fengze to inquire about the news, he should be able to detect something, remember, never be rude."

Soul of the Sword nodded heavily. Fengze is the overlord of the underground circle in Tianhai City. Anyone who is familiar with him knows that he is good at collecting "news".

"Also, let your junior sister Sword Soul come back and stay by my side." Xue Siniang waved her hand to let Sword Soul leave after finishing her sentence.

After all, she was also afraid of death.

Even though Xue's family is heavily guarded, she still has to take precautions.


Ankang Biopharmaceuticals.

Today is Lin Feng's first day at work, and it is also the first time he has set foot on a job since he joined the army after graduating from high school.

He was still thinking about finding a simple job, dealing with it for a month first, and then leaving Tianhai to go to the imperial capital, but he didn't know that he would become the assistant to the president in a sudden transformation.

Moreover, he is currently working part-time as Luo Wanjun's personal driver. Except for sleeping, the two of them will almost always be together.

Fortunately, Luo Wanjun had spoken beforehand, telling Lin Feng that the company's rules and regulations should be followed as much as possible. If it is really unacceptable, then there is no need to follow it.

Lin Feng naturally had no objection. He didn't have many days in Tianhai, and he had too many things to do. If he stayed in the company all the time, it would definitely not work.

After the two arrived at the company, they went to the conference room on the ninth floor together.

The meeting room was filled with many men and women. Generally speaking, the yin was strong and the yang was weak. Apart from all kinds of beauties, there were only three men, and one of them was an old man over sixty years old.

"Everyone, he is Lin Feng, assistant to the president." Luo Wanjun looked at everyone with a smile, and was the first to applaud everyone.

There were more than a dozen men and women sitting below with different expressions, and they didn't seem to welcome Lin Feng very much. Because of Luo Wanjun's face, everyone applauded scatteredly.

This scene made Luo Wanjun very angry.

Lin Feng walked over in one step, gave Luo Wanjun an indifferent look, and then sat down in the position of assistant to the president.

As an assistant to the president, he seems to be unpopular. The new official has three fires. Do you want to make use of it?
at the same time----

On the east side of Tianhai City Seaside Park, in an antique tea house.

In a box, a young woman was sitting quietly enjoying a cup of fragrant tea.

She has a bronze complexion, short hair around her ears, and two heart-shaped diamond earrings of the luxury brand "Fantino" hanging from the earrings, exuding the nobility of a queen.

Her name is Qian Meini and she comes from the provincial capital.

Her gestures reveal her elegance and dignity, and the charm between her brows reveals the elite of her thoughtfulness.

At this time, a middle-aged man with a sad face walked in with a heavy heart.

"Ji Wenfu, I thought you wouldn't come." Qian Meini put down her teacup with a smile on her face.

"Are you Miss Qian's family from the provincial capital?" Ji Wenfu received the invitation last night, hesitated a lot, and decided to come.

"Sit down and let's talk slowly." Qian Meini gestured with her hand, and smiled politely.

"I'm still very busy, so just tell me if you have something to say." Ji Wenfu sighed and turned his back, as if he was reluctant to Qian Meini's invitation.

"Since you have investigated me, then I won't be polite. Your son Ji Dong was dismissed in the bar two days ago, right?" Qian Meini squinted and smiled.


When Ji Wenfu heard this, he turned around angrily, and stared at Qian Meini, "What do you mean? You called me here to expose my scars?!"

"Do you think that I, Qian Meini, would be so rude?" Qian Meini tensed her face, and sank slightly.

"Then call me..." Ji Wenfu was so angry that he raised his hand and was about to slap on the table.

I called you here to tell you that I can help you avenge you. "Qian Meini interrupted Ji Wenfu's words, and was startled that his arms froze in mid-air.

Ji Wenfu was stunned, and said disapprovingly: "Avenge me? If you rely on the energy of your Qian family, maybe you can do it."

"Then sit down." Qian Meini's eyes softened.

"But, why did you help me? On what terms, just tell me." Ji Wenfu is also an old fritter, how could he fail to understand the meaning of the other party?
Although he was very annoyed by the fact that his son Ji Dong's limbs were mutilated, according to his strength, it was absolutely not enough to fight against Feng Ze.

Moreover, on the night of his son's accident, besides Fengze's people, there was another character that should not be underestimated. So far he has not found out who it is. If he can use the energy of the Qian family in the provincial capital, it may be feasible.

"Ji Wenfu, you really have a bad temper. If you don't sit down and talk about it, you make me look up at you. I'm really tired." Qian Meini sighed softly, "Forget it, since you don't appreciate it , then just pretend I didn’t say anything about it.”

"Let's talk." Ji Wenfu leaned forward and sat down.

"I want you to take me in charge of Baicao Biopharmaceuticals and resume operations as soon as possible. In exchange, I will help you find the mastermind who hurt your son. As for Fengze, he is just protecting his daughter Feng Lulu, there is no need to touch him " Qian Meini smiled with a confident tone.

"Isn't Baicao Biopharmaceuticals the property of the Wei family?" Ji Wenfu shook his head blankly after hearing this.

But he heard that the Wei family was destroyed last night, who knows why?

If he takes over rashly, God knows if his Ji family will be the next to be wiped out.

[There is a third update to the party, please give me a good review from all the stars, thank you]

(End of this chapter)

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