The most powerful evil god of war

Chapter 26 Who Has Any Comments?

Chapter 26 Who Has Any Comments? (3 more)
Ji Wen is full of doubts, which is quite normal.

He squinted his eyes and looked at Qian Meini in front of him, trying to see through this woman's mind.

This woman from the provincial capital has a noble status, and she is not at home to be pampered at a young age. Why did she leave her hometown and choose to do business in Tianhai?

Also, what is so special about Baicao Biopharmaceuticals?Since this woman wanted to take it for herself, why didn't she dare to show her face in person?

A lot of doubts and guesses forced Ji Wenfu to ponder rationally.

"Don't worry, there is a sudden change in the Wei family. It's a personal grievance, and it's his own fault. It has nothing to do with Baicao Biopharmaceuticals."

"The reason why I bought Baicao Bio-Pharmaceutical at half price is because I want to do more good deeds, that's all." After a little hesitation, Qian Mini deliberately concealed some of the facts to prevaricate Ji Wenfu.

After all, the Wei family was suddenly destroyed, and she was extremely shocked when she found out.

However, in order to defeat Luo Wanjun, she must continue to run Baicao Pharmaceuticals to fight against her, and she must not reveal her identity.

"Since you want to start a business, why don't you run it yourself?" Ji Wenfu thought for a long time, then looked at Qian Meini.

"I only have one explanation. For some reason, I can't show up yet." Qian Meini made a seemingly reasonable explanation.

In the end, Ji Wenfu thought over and over again, nodded and agreed, and he had no other choice.

His only son, Ji Dong, had just returned to China not long ago. The night before yesterday, he was severely beaten by someone in the obsession bar. He was furious and furious.

However, when he knew that the other party was Fengze's daughter, he was persuaded.

The energy of Fortress is immeasurable!

He could only hold back the bad breath!

However, now with what Qian Meini said, he immediately regained his desire for revenge.

The Qian family in the provincial capital is superior to others after all. He believes that relying on Fengze's energy is not enough to shake the Qian family.

"Miss Qian, our conversation just now has been recorded. I hope you don't disappoint me."

After making his choice, Ji Wenfu stood up resolutely, took out his mobile phone and gave Qian Meini a look, then turned and strode away.

Qian Mini looked at Ji Wenfu's back, pondering for a long time, her beautiful eyes gleaming with disdain.

"This old thing, you are really careful in your life. What if you record it? Who has this lady been afraid of?" Qian Meini's face was full of disdain, and she immediately fell into deep thought.


Ankang Pharmaceuticals.

In the conference room on the ninth floor, the originally harmonious atmosphere had already become worrying.

This all stemmed from the appearance of the new president assistant Lin Feng. Everyone discussed in low voices and expressed their opinions. There was already a judgment inside and outside the words, and no one was willing to recognize Lin Feng's current position.

For a full 5 minutes, Lin Feng sat in the position of the president's assistant, listening to everyone's heart, and kept silent.

He has considered for a long time, regarding the issue of the three fires of the new official taking office, it is necessary to burn them once!
If you want to burn, you must burn thoroughly.

After all, he acts righteously and walks straight, and others gossip without any basis, so what is there to be afraid of?

There are so many unreasonable people in this world, if he has to lobby one by one, there will be no original life.

"Mr. Luo, he acts violently and is not suitable to be an assistant to the president." At this time, Yang Li, director of the public relations department, was the first to point the finger at Lin Feng.

Yesterday, she wanted to rely on her beauty to conquer Lin Feng, but she tried her best, but in the end she was still completely ignored by Lin Feng!

Invisibly, the dark side of Yang Li's heart was stirred up.

Over the years, she has had countless followers, and if she said a word casually, there would be people who would pay her attention.

However, Lin Feng rejected her so flatly. A person who was lucky enough to help the company once inadvertently had such an arrogant attitude, which made her angry from embarrassment.

"Director Yang is right, our company is in the research and development of medicines, how can we let a rough person take the position of assistant to the president?

"That's right, he was so impulsive yesterday that he injured the gang of people who were wandering on the road, and he has already caused a catastrophe!"

Many men and women were particularly disgusted with Lin Feng.

The reason is that Lin Feng provoked someone who shouldn't be provoked, which must have a great impact on the company. If the other party plots something wrong, they will be the ones who will suffer!
"Are you finished? Well, let me say a few words."

Lin Feng straightened his body, and said forcefully, "Yesterday afternoon, the company encountered difficulties. I want to ask, where are you so-called leaders?"

"Yes, you may have been busy at the time, and you may have been negotiating business and couldn't get away, but have you ever thought about the consequences that Mr. Luo Wan, Mr. Luo, will deal with personally?" Lin Feng said every word with a loud voice.

"You have no reason to shirk your responsibility, because you are not worthy of working in Ankang Pharmaceutical, and you have completely failed to fulfill the purpose of 'I am a brick, move it wherever it is needed'!" Lin Feng said generously, and did not stop there.

He stared at everyone present, and what he said was neither cold nor cold, but it was like a blow to the head, which woke everyone up.

That's right, if something happened to Luo Wanjun, wouldn't their company break up?
Everyone couldn't help but turn pale, and many people began to feel remorse.

As members of the company, if someone comes to make trouble, they, as leaders at all levels of the company, should set an example and take the lead.

Be the first to lead others, and self-discipline to obey others!
They totally failed.

At this moment, Lin Feng stood up suddenly, and walked slowly behind the crowd silently. If he hadn't considered Luo Wanjun's feelings, he would have slashed everyone!
"All the bonuses for this month have been cancelled. Is there a problem?" Lin Feng looked at the shocked expressions on everyone's faces and whispered, "I'm done talking. Opinion?"

His words were rough and unreasonable, and his sharp eyes stared straight at everyone present.

Everyone was silent, deeply comprehending Lin Feng's words and deeds, and their eyes were obviously relaxed.

"Assistant Lin's words, wake up the person in the dream, we were wrong, we were wrong..."

The only sixty-year-old man present was the first to pat the table and said heavily.

"That's right, I agree with Assistant Lin's words. At the same time, I also sincerely apologize for my evasion of responsibility yesterday afternoon." Another man also made a rational analysis.

"I agree with Assistant Lin's words."

"Assistant Lin's words, let us understand!"

Regarding Lin Feng's disharmonious views, everyone finally wiped out their arrogant comments, and did not say a word of no!

Luo Wanjun next to her had mixed emotions.

She pondered for a while, and finally tapped the conference table lightly, and said loudly: "Everyone, who is right and who is wrong in this matter has passed, so it doesn't matter. We should pay attention to it and let the R&D department make new ones as soon as possible. The tonic of a generation."

Luo Wanjun's words eased everyone's views on Lin Feng. After careful consideration, everyone made various suggestions in a low voice.

"Yes! In order for our company to operate normally, we must find a way to solve the research and development of new products as soon as possible."

"Well, it's the negligence of our R&D department. I promise to come up with a plan as soon as possible."

Lin Feng heard everyone's words very clearly. It turned out that the company was facing a new product problem.

Nourishing medicine?
With him here, do we still need research and development?

[Qingfeng hereby wishes thousands of students, that they performed exceptionally well in the college entrance examination, and are admitted to their ideal schools!The plot of this book needs foreshadowing to unfold perfectly, and the excitement will continue tomorrow]

(End of this chapter)

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