The most powerful evil god of war

Chapter 29 This news is explosive

Chapter 29 This news is explosive (3 more)
At this moment, Ma Tao was frightened and knelt down on the ground with a "plop".

In his memory, he was cared and loved by his grandfather since he was a child. No matter how playful he was and made trouble, he never touched a finger of him.

But at this moment, in front of everyone, his grandfather actually slapped him for Lin Feng.

He even said that if he didn't listen to his grandfather's dissuasion and said one more word, his grandfather would probably beat him to death in outrage.

He didn't dare to chew any more, knelt on the ground and turned sideways, casting a fierce look at Lin Feng.


If it wasn't for Lin Feng, why would his grandfather slap him?
He attributed all the punishment he had received to Lin Feng, and swore that he would not take revenge on a gentleman.

When Ma Tao was beaten and knelt on the ground again, everyone saw it and was shocked in their hearts, and no one was talking about it for a long time.

None of them expected that Ma Hongji, a giant of traditional Chinese medicine in the Xinglin world, would actually slap his beloved grandson Ma Tao in order to please Lin Feng.

From this, it is not difficult to see that Lin Feng's identity has an unfathomable dignity.

"Mr. Luo, I, Ma Hongji, with the reputation of being one of the top ten masters of traditional Chinese medicine in China, dare to say with certainty that this nourishing formula has mild medicinal properties and is easily absorbed. The preciousness of the formula cannot be measured by money."

Ma Hongji looked straight at Luo Wanjun, and slowly glanced at everyone present.

This news is explosive!

Silence, the entire conference hall was silent, and a needle could be heard.

They looked at Lin Feng involuntarily. Their gazes ranged from questioning to shocked to looking up. Everyone couldn't express their state of mind at this time.

Lin Feng just wrote a prescription casually, so it's so precious that it can't be measured by money!

What followed was bitter struggle and deep regret in their hearts.

Previously, when they faced the tonic prescription, they had been chattering and ignoring it, and they had also aggressively turned their backs on it.

But Lin Feng didn't give any explanation at all, which made them even more sure that this tonic prescription was very tricky. To put it bluntly, it was a fake.

But in the end, the appearance of this result fully reflected Lin Feng's mentality at the time, which was clearly disdain to be with them.

And they, invisibly, are set off as clowns who can only grandstand.

"Grandpa..." Ma Tao raised his head with an expression of disbelief in his eyes.

"Xiao Hun Dan, you heard me right, the formula that Senior Lin came up with is extremely precious." Ma Hongji looked at Ma Tao with a look of resentment.

" could this be..." Ma Tao collapsed on the ground, no matter what, he was a descendant of a family of traditional Chinese medicine, so he didn't realize that Lin Feng's formula was so expensive.

He turned his head and stared at Lin Feng closely. In addition to being shocked, his heart was full of anger.

Since his grandfather said that this formula is very precious, he has nothing to say.

However, the hatred between him and Lin Feng was just the beginning!
"Mr. Luo, please lock up this formula and keep it safe. Let everyone present sign a non-disclosure agreement, and never let it out." Ma Hongji reluctantly handed the formula to Luo Wanjun, and then ignored everyone present.

How could everyone fail to understand Ma Hongji's metaphor, as long as this formula is spread, everyone present will be suspicious of it.

Unsurprisingly, many people regretted it in their hearts. If they had known that the recipe was so expensive, they should have memorized it by rote just now.

Especially Yang Li, director of the public relations department, her expression can be said to have changed the most.

She had doubts and hatred in her eyes, and she was guessing about Lin Feng's identity and background, what was his background?
Luo Wanjun took the recipe at this time, and looked at Lin Feng tenderly.

Lin Feng made a cheering gesture, then nodded with a smile.

Luo Wanjun sincerely thanked Lin Feng from the bottom of her heart.

If Juyuan Pill comes out, she believes that it will definitely become popular all over the country, and even become a hit in the world, and it is not impossible.

In this way, the deadline for the tens of billions of covenants must be reached within this month!

When Luo Wanjun thought that she would not have to marry that mentally handicapped child, she felt particularly at ease.

The meeting started again, and the theme was the future of the new product "Juyuandan".

Near noon, the meeting ended successfully.

It was finally decided that Juyuan Dan must be listed within half a month.

Everyone left and started to prepare.

In the conference room, only Ma Tao and Yang Li were left.

They stared at each other, and their thoughts coincided with each other. Both of them had been accused and implicated by Lin Feng's appearance, and finally decided to conspire.

outside the meeting room.

"Senior Lin, may I ask who is your apprentice?" Ma Hongji had always been respectful to Lin Feng, and followed him out.

"You are not qualified to know." Lin Feng said flatly.

"Uh... I'm really sorry, it was Hongji who was rude." Ma Hongji immediately bowed and apologized.

"Old Ma, let's talk again when you have time, I have something else to do." Lin Feng took a step forward and walked away in the blink of an eye.

Ma Hongji stayed where he was for a long time without saying a word.

He deeply understood that there were too many secrets in Lin Feng's body. Maybe he also had the inheritance of ancient medical skills.

We must make good friends with Lin Feng, and we must make good friends at all costs!

The president runs the company.

Luo Wanjun is contemplating and looking forward to, her mind is full of the future of the new product Juyuan Pill.

"Lin Feng, today you are dozens of times more handsome than before." Luo Wanjun made no secret of her admiration for Lin Feng, and smiled affectionately.

"If it's because of that formula, I don't object." Lin Feng smiled exaggeratedly, and said, "I'll give you another formula for beautifying your face."

"Beautiful..." Luo Wanjun stood up in shock.

"You heard me right, Beauty Beauty Pill." Lin Feng handed a piece of formula in his hand to Luo Wanjun.

Luo Wanjun couldn't describe her inner world anymore, she didn't have time to examine the formula, so she threw herself into Lin Feng's arms.

"Lin Feng, thank you, really, I really don't know how to thank you."

Luo Wanjun didn't know why Lin Feng had so much knowledge in the medical field, but it was Lin Feng who surprised her time and time again.

She chose to believe it, and she also understood that everything Lin Fengwei did was for her, to help her reach that tens of billions earlier.

"Remember, don't publish the formula for beautifying beauty for the time being, just use it yourself." Lin Feng is well aware of the reason why Huaibi is guilty. If Zhuyan Pill is to come out, the sensation it will cause will only be more violent than Juyuan Pill .

"In that case, you don't need to make it in the company, can you do it?" Luo Wanjun blinked affectionately, her body softened, and she pressed tightly into Lin Feng's arms.

Lin Feng only felt that his breath was dry and hot, and a nameless flame sprang up in his lower abdomen, should he do it now?
He was hesitant. As a man, why would he hesitate when facing the woman he loved?

Thinking of this, he stretched out his hands decisively, supported Luo Wanjun's face, and when he was about to bend down——

"Hey, hey, I said you two, what are you doing in broad daylight?"

At this moment, a woman in a red pettiskirt walked in small steps at the door.

[At the third watch, if you have a recommendation ticket, please vote for it, and help this book get into the ranking list, Qingfeng is here to thank you]

(End of this chapter)

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