The most powerful evil god of war

Chapter 30 Try not to do anything

Chapter 30 Try not to do anything (1 more)
In an instant—

Lin Feng and Luo Wanjun felt as if they had been electrocuted. They let go of their hands together, and each took a step back, with a slightly embarrassed expression on their faces.

Should this scene be too ambiguous?

In particular, the two of them were deeply in love, and they just had a love affair, but they happened to be bumped into by an outsider.

"Lulu is here." Luo Wanjun quickly straightened her slightly wrinkled clothes, and a smile appeared on her shy cheeks.

"Miss Wanjun, is this guy bullying you?" Feng Lulu, who was wearing a red tutu skirt, had a complexion as white as jade, wore a pair of high-heeled shoes inlaid with white pearls, and changed her hairstyle with shofar braids. Get up, full of little princess dress up.

"Lulu, what are you talking about? How could Lin Feng bully me?" Luo Wanjunyang pretended to be sullen, and made a serious face on purpose.

Feng Lulu's eyes were cunning, and she said with a wicked smile: "Miss Wanjun, isn't that what happened? We are all adults, so there is nothing to avoid?"

"Brother Lin Feng, right?" Feng Lulu turned her head and looked at Lin Feng playfully.

Lin Feng touched the tip of his nose, smiled meaningfully and said, "Miss Feng, what wind brought you here?"

"Hey, hey, I know Ankang Pharmaceutical better than you, okay? I'm a regular customer." Feng Lulu walked over with one step, squinted her eyes and reached out to grab Lin Feng's tie. She winked and said with a smile: "Say, what are you doing here?"

"I am currently the assistant to the president, where else can I go?" Lin Feng coughed a few times and said seriously.

"Just you... the assistant to the president?" Feng Lulu questioned her face, walked around Lin Feng, and finally walked towards Luo Wanjun.

"Sister Wanjun, why don't you arrange a job for me too?" Feng Lulu begged while shaking Luo Wanjun's arm.

"Lulu, you've been out of school for more than half a year, it's time to go back to the classroom and study again." Lord Luo Wan consoled her earnestly.

"Well, in fact, I also have this plan, but, don't you have more than a month of summer vacation? Anyway, I'm free, so I'll just work here with you." Feng Lulu continued to beg persistently.

"Lulu, you're the young lady of the Feng family. It's not suitable for me to work for you, right?" Luo Wanjun once again pretended to be angry, and made a serious face on purpose.

Feng Lulu lowered her head, and said with a chuckle: "Sister Wanjun, are you still blaming me for not telling you the truth?"

"Lulu, how could I blame you?"

Luo Wanjun sighed lightly, brushed the broken hair in front of her forehead and smiled softly: "Who doesn't have any difficulties?"

When she said this, her eyes swept over Lin Feng intentionally or unintentionally, and immediately grabbed Feng Lulu's hand and asked, "Come to see me today, what's the matter?"

"Sister Wanjun, today is my birthday." Feng Lulu raised her snow-white neck and glanced at Lin Feng next to her.

"So it's my little princess's birthday, okay, okay, my sister will have a few drinks with you tonight, tell me, what birthday gift do you want?" Luo Wanjun smiled with a soothing mood.

"Then just watch and buy, anyway, I don't lack anything." Feng Lulu smiled silently, turned around and pointed at Lin Feng, and said, "You can go tonight too, just to help us carry a bag or something .”

"Miss Feng, are you inviting me?" Lin Feng narrowed his eyes meaningfully. Hearing Feng Lulu's tone, he wanted to treat him as a little follower.

"I said Brother Lin Feng, as a man, it's normal for you to help our women carry bags, okay?" Feng Lulu gave Lin Feng a slightly forceful look.

Lin Feng was indifferent and speechless. He really didn't want to argue, so he acquiesced.

Feng Lulu's temperament, she's a full-fledged coquettish girl, very annoying, but fortunately, she only stayed for more than ten minutes before leaving.

After lunch, Luo Wanjun received a phone call with a slightly displeased face.

"Is there something wrong?" Lin Feng sensed that trace of abnormality in Luo Wanjun.

"I fired Lu Jinwei yesterday afternoon, and now he's here again. There are reasons to say that his contract is still more than a year away. He refuses to leave and is causing trouble at the gate." Luo Wanjun walked to the large French window , overlooking the downstairs.

Yesterday afternoon, a group of hooligans broke into the company. The former chief of the security department, Lu Jinwei, seriously dereliction of duty, did not punish him, only fired, she is already magnanimous.

Now, she still refuses to leave, which invisibly brings a bad impact on the company. On the other hand, it also shows that her decision-making strength has not achieved results.

"Leave it to me." Lin Feng felt that it was necessary to go downstairs himself.

"Try not to do anything." Luo Wanjun turned her head and urged.

She knew Lin Feng's behavior style, and she was a little worried. After all, Lu Jinwei's elder brother worked in the police station. If this matter got serious, someone from the police station would definitely come over...

"Don't worry, if you can do it, I won't make any noise." Lin Feng grinned, showing his big white teeth, and strode out of the office.

The location of the gate.

Five security guards headed by the new chief of the security department, Liu Fei, blocked the gate tightly. Lu Jinwei, the former chief of the security department, was shouting with a gloomy expression.

"You guys are indifferent, I, Lu Jinwei, have not left yet, so you just deal with me like this, believe it or not, I let you go to the police station to drink tea every day?" Lu Jinwei grinned, not hiding his conspiracy, with a cigar in his hand, fiercely took a breath.

"Lu Jinwei, please be content. Mr. Luo didn't punish you accordingly. He has already given you enough face. If you don't leave, I will do it." Liu Fei, as the new security chief, now has the right to speak , no need to worry about Lu Jinwei anymore.

"Liu Fei, I knew you were the one who said bad things about me behind my back. You fucking let me in, otherwise, I'll let you go around!" Lu Jinwei kicked the door with his foot, speaking and acting recklessly.

"Liu Fei, abolish him, throw him out!"

Lin Feng walked over quietly, staring at Lu Jinwei with a pair of sharp eyes.

When Lu Jinwei saw Lin Feng's appearance, his heart palpited inexplicably. He felt as if he was enveloped by a murderous intent, his legs trembled, and he was about to collapse on the ground.

"Lu Jinwei, there is still time for you to leave now." Liu Fei hesitated for a while, but did not make a move.

He just had some scruples, and he didn't want to make this matter worse, otherwise, Lu Jinwei would be beaten and maimed, and Lin Feng's decision would be pointed out in the end. At that time, people from the police station would really have to go in and drink tea.

He didn't care, he just didn't want to hurt Lin Feng.

"Wait, you just wait and see!" Lu Jinwei gave Lin Feng a frightened look, turned around unevenly, stepped into the car, and drove away from the place with a bang.

In the car, he hesitated for a long time before making a mysterious call.

"Hello, is this Miss Qian? I'm Lu Jinwei."

"Mr. Lu? Hehehe, have you finally figured it out?" On the other side of the phone was Qian Meini, the eldest daughter of the Qian family from the provincial capital.

"Well, I agree to cooperate with you. However, the agreed 500 million won't be less than a penny. At least pay me half of the deposit first to show your sincerity?" Lu Jinwei said firmly.

Last night, when he received the news that he was fired, he wanted to find a solution with his brother in the police station, but the work in the police station was very serious, and his brother rejected him outright. Qian Meini found him.

"Mr. Lu, you will receive a deposit of 250 million yuan later. As long as this matter is completed, it will be a small matter to reward you with an additional 500 million yuan." Qian Mini smiled. As long as her careful calculation is achieved, What's the problem with 5000 million?

[There are two more updates in the evening, and there are not many books that can be updated three times in the new book period, so let's reward a recommendation ticket]

(End of this chapter)

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