The most powerful evil god of war

Chapter 31 You guys are kidnapping!

Chapter 31 You guys are kidnapping! (3 more)
Lin Feng's decisive tone made Yeying hesitate to speak, and finally sighed slightly.

"Well, I know you are thinking about me, and I also believe that all the bumps and bumps under your feet are just stepping stones." Ye Ying pursed her lips, her eyes showing tenderness and firmness.

Who would have known that this superficially glamorous woman was far more fiery in her heart than others?

Moreover, in the team they belonged to, her combat power was second only to Lin Feng as the captain.

"En!" Lin Feng nodded and smiled.

He didn't want Ye Ying, the girl with purple pupils, to help her, but he just wanted to do it himself. After he solved the Xue and Wu families in Tianhai, he would go to the imperial capital to deal with Ye Yanluo!
As for Ye Yanluo, Lin Feng didn't have any fear at all. After all, he had experienced the baptism of life and death, and he had obtained the unique knowledge of Guigu. He really had no fear of these secular enemies.

"Do you have any connection with King Kong?" Lin Feng thought of the voice and appearance of King Kong, one of the only three surviving members of their team, and couldn't help showing bitterness in his eyes.

"Yes, he is currently in Africa, and he is also running around for the sacrifice of our teammates. We often communicate with each other. I believe it will not be long before the traitor who murdered us will surface." Ye Ye As Ying talked, she thought of those comrades back then.

"Don't worry, there is only one truth, you keep investigating, and I will join you soon to avenge our comrades in arms!" Lin Feng whispered, and his agitation quickly calmed down.

"Don't worry, boss, comrades who died in vain will not die for no reason." Ye Ying sighed softly.


Lin Feng also firmly believed Ye Ying's words,
He raised his head, glanced at the time, and said with a smile, "A friend is having a birthday party on the third floor? Let's have a drink together?"

"Girlfriend? Or a female friend? If I go, will it cause misunderstanding to others?" Yeying suddenly became serious.

"There is nothing to misunderstand," Lin Feng smiled seriously.


On the third floor of the bar, in box 333.

There are seven or eight women, most of whom are in their early 20s.

Luo Wanjun sat on the outermost side, holding a glass of wine and glanced at the door from time to time.

More than ten minutes passed, even if Lin Feng met an acquaintance, it's time to come up, right?

"Lulu, it's your birthday today, it's okay to have a few more drinks, come, come, come, don't go home if you don't get drunk!"

One of the chubby girls, with drunken eyes and blurred eyes, held a glass of wine, and now she drank a glass very generously.

"Yes, yes, in one month, everyone will go to various places to return to school, and we won't be able to see each other until half a year later. If you don't get drunk, you won't go home tonight."

Another girl with a Sassoon haircut, wearing a pair of thick myopia glasses, was next to Feng Lulu, and she was drinking a little too much.

"Sister Wanjun, why don't you drink too, hurry up!" Feng Lulu got up and pulled Luo Wanjun.

Everyone was drinking and chatting happily, but no one noticed that the door of the box opened suddenly.

Then, two men walked in one after another, each with big arms and round waists, and a strong body. After entering the door, they stood on both sides.

Immediately afterwards, another tall, thin young man walked in.

"who are you?!"

In the whole box, Luo Wanjun was the most sober, turning around inadvertently, she saw the three unexpected guests.

"Hun Dan! What do you want to do?!" Feng Lulu was the protagonist of today, she was about to step forward to question her with her eyes wide open, but was grabbed by Luo Wanjun.

"Little sisters, don't be nervous! Brother, come over and have a drink with you." The tall and thin man grinned, showing his big yellow teeth.

"You annoying guy, if you don't leave, we'll call you!" The chubby girl picked up a wine bottle and gestured to protect everyone.

"Hahaha, I said little sister, with your figure, I really don't have any desires, get out!" The tall and thin man swung his arm and slapped her across the face.


The fat girl didn't have much fighting power at all, she couldn't stand a man's angry slap, she was overturned on the ground immediately, with a clear mark of Wuzhishan on her face, blood dripping from the corner of her mouth, she was very pitiful.

In the whole box, it suddenly became quiet, and then all the girls backed up a few steps one after another with screams.

This big yellow tooth has a cold face, fierce eyes, and hurts people if he doesn't agree with him. This is clearly a kind person!
"You rascal, you don't even know how to pity and cherish the jade, you come at me if you have the guts!" Feng Lulu was completely annoyed.

Today is her birthday, and a group of good sisters were drinking and chatting with her, and there was a bloody incident. If she had known this, she should have held a birthday party at her own King's Landing Club!
"Is this fat woman worthy of my pity? What a joke!" The tall and thin man rubbed his hands, looked at the girls with malicious intent, and even kissed his lips in a mean way.

"None of you want to leave tonight!" Feng Lulu finally broke away from Luo Wanjun, and each of her left and right hands picked up a wine bottle and was about to rush over.

"Lulu, take a look at Wang Duo's injuries first!" Luo Wanjun was the first to bear the brunt. While stopping Feng Lulu from being impulsive, she called the girls to help the fat girl Wang Duo up.

"Everyone, be safe and don't be impatient. We have no other intentions here, just want to ask Mr. Luo to accompany us, please!" The tall and thin man lit a cigarette casually, and walked slowly in front of Luo Wanjun.

"You, who are you?" Luo Wanjun was extremely surprised, this group of people came here for a purpose, and they didn't just cause trouble after drinking too much in the box next door!
"Never mind who we are, as long as you accompany us, I will spare them tonight." Da Huangya squinted his small eyes, his face turned cold.

"You guys are kidnapping! I won't agree!" Although Luo Wanjun was timid, she knew that Lin Feng was downstairs, maybe he was going upstairs now, so she had to calm down and stabilize these people.

"It's easy if you don't agree, I'll let you witness some embarrassing scenes with your own eyes!"

Big Yellow Teeth giggled, eyes greedily looking at every woman present.

He could actually take Luo Wanjun away forcibly, but these seven or eight pretty girls in front of him had such a good opportunity to be bumped into by him, if he didn't take action, wouldn't he be very sorry for himself?


Luo Wanjun spat fiercely, and quietly reached for the mobile phone on the sofa.

"Luo Wanjun, Mr. Luo, please don't be ignorant of flattery!" Big Yellow Ya saw Luo Wanjun's actions, and immediately scolded him coldly.

"Okay! I'll go with you!" Luo Wanjun's heart skipped a beat, she turned around and looked back at Feng Lulu, and blinked.

Feng Lulu understood, Luo Wanjun was telling her to call Lin Feng immediately!

"Mr. Luo, you know the general situation and know right from wrong, so please!" Da Huangya inspected Luo Wanjun's beauty and nodded secretly.

Then, he showed a look of reluctance to part with the girls present, shook his head regretfully, and looked at Luo Wanjun again.

He smiled knowingly, this Luo Wanjun is enough to cover up the light of all the women in front of him, if tonight goes well, maybe he can taste Luo Wanjun's taste!
Thinking of this, a look of longing was undisguised in his eyes.

[The third update, the plot of this book has been rolled out, and the next one will be even more exciting, so stay tuned, the author Qing Feng, thank you for your support! 】

(End of this chapter)

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