The most powerful evil god of war

Chapter 32 No one can do it!

Chapter 32 No one can do it! (1 more)
"No! You can't take Miss Wanjun away!"

While Feng Lulu dialed Lin Feng's cell phone, she rushed forward without hesitation.

Even though Lin Feng would be there soon, how could she be at ease now and let Luo Wanjun leave with three strange men with malicious intentions!
"What? Could it be that Miss Feng's family also wants to come with us?" The tall and thin man had provocative eyes, his mouth full of big yellow teeth, and an undisguised smirk.

"You, do you know who I am?" Feng Lulu was startled.

"The overlord of the underground circle, Feng Lulu, Fengze's only daughter, was only known by her name before, but when I saw her today, she is not a vulgar fan, and she really deserves her reputation." The tall and thin man chuckled, his face turned cold, "Miss Feng , you'd better not touch this matter, even if your father stops me here, it would be shameless!"

" dad was just being rumored, and he was doing legitimate business!" Feng Lulu looked a little uneasy, and she was secretly shocked while explaining.

This big yellow tooth is soft and hard, knowing that her father is Fengze, but she still has such a proud tone?

In other words, the background of these three people is not simple, and they no longer take her father seriously?

"Let's go!" The tall and thin man said indifferently, waving his hands to greet his subordinates who were about to take Luo Wanjun away.

"Who are you?" Although Feng Lulu was startled, but considering that Luo Wanjun was taken away, it must be a bad thing, she felt overwhelmed, and stopped the tall and thin man again.

"My name is Ma Wu, but I'm just a small character. I might as well tell you my master's name. He is from the imperial capital, and his name is Jiang Shilong." Ma Wu, a thin and tall man, waved away after saying that.

"Jiang Shilong! You are the Jiang family!" Luo Wanjun was extremely horrified when she heard this name.

Jiang Shilong's eldest son, Jiang Ziguang, who is known to the world as mentally handicapped, is her fiance in name!

"That's right, we are Jiang's family, Mr. Luo, since the matter is broken, and you know it well, let's go." Ma Wu sneered again and again, not wanting to delay any longer.

Under Jiang Shilong's order, they must bring Luo Wanjun back to the imperial capital as soon as possible no matter what method they use.

That being the case, he was not afraid of offending Luo Wanjun, even if he took the opportunity to sleep with Luo Wanjun, he would have a corresponding countermeasure, give some medicine, and everything would be settled.

"You take me away? Impossible!"

"Besides, my marriage contract with Jiang's family is still three months away. You have no right to take me away, and you want to influence my fate with just a piece of marriage contract?!" Luo Wanjun spoke sharply, and took a few steps back decisively.

"Luo Wanjun, please don't embarrass me, lest I suffer from flesh and blood." Ma Wu's face was sullen, wanting to get angry.

"Go back and tell the Jiang family that my marriage contract with Jiang Ziguang is only in name, and you have no right to take me away by force!" Luo Wanjun's eyes were cold and determined again.

"Luo Wanjun! You don't think about yourself, you always think about your family, right?" Ma Wu smiled strangely, and approached Luo Wanjun one step at a time.


"Ma Wu, right! You scumbag don't want to touch my family!" Luo Wanjun raised his hand and slapped Ma Wu.

"You bitch dare to hit me?" Ma Wu finally couldn't hold back her anger, raised her hand and grabbed Luo Wanjun's wrist, and was about to bully Luo Wanjun in front of everyone.


In the blink of an eye, a wine bottle flew into the air and hit Ma Wu on the back of the head.


Ma Wu was furious, and at this time someone was sneaking up on him from behind!

"Scumbag." Ye Ying, dressed in black, appeared in front of everyone. With a strange smile on her face, she walked towards Ma Wu step by step.

"Who are you?" Ma Wu turned around and looked back at this beauty who had a different style from Luo Wanjun.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw two of his subordinates had fallen to the ground, and immediately became alert.


In the blink of an eye, Ma Wu lost consciousness and froze in place.

As Yeying approached, a purple sharpness appeared in her eyes, and the purple pupil technique took effect immediately.

"Mr. Wan, I'm sorry." Lin Feng walked over apologetically, and stood in front of Mr. Luo.

It was his fault that he and Ye Ying were drinking and chatting downstairs, but they neglected the safety of Luo Wanjun and his party.

"No, it's nothing." Luo Wanjun gradually recovered her usual expression, and then looked at Ye Ying with gentle eyes, "Who is this?"

"I fight..."

"I'm his sister."

Before Lin Feng could introduce him in the future, Ye Ying told Luo Wanjun on her own initiative that they were brother and sister.

"You are Lin Feng's younger sister?" Luo Wanjun was quite surprised.

"Yes, I'm his cousin Ye Ying. You should be Mr. Luo Wanjun, right?" Ye Ying smiled, and took Luo Wanjun's arm very familiarly.

"That's it..." Luo Wanjun nodded without thinking too much, and immediately started talking to Ye Ying.

Feng Lulu, who was nearby, finally let go of her hanging heart after seeing Lin Feng and Ye Ying appear.

"Miss Wanjun..."

"Okay, Lulu, I'm fine."

The girls were getting to know each other, and Lin Feng had dragged Ma Wu and the others out of the box.


Lin Feng stomped and broke Ma Wu's knee.


Ma Wu grinned his teeth in pain, and when he opened his eyes from the illusion and saw Lin Feng in front of him, he was almost stunned.


Lin Feng remained silent, and raised his foot again to disable the knee of Ma Wu's other leg.

"Don't don't don't, good man, spare your life, spare your life, why did I, Ma Wu, offend you..." Ma Wu was miserable, what happened just now, he seemed to be broken, what happened?
The man in front of him had his legs crippled one after another, which made him even more ashamed.


Once again, Ma Wu's left shoulder blade was broken by Lin Feng.


Ma Wu is absolutely terrified now, three limbs have been crippled one after another, and the screams of pain are like wailing like slaughtering pigs, piercing the wall on the third floor of the entire bar, causing many people in the next room to come out to get Check it out.

"Does it hurt?" Lin Feng looked at Ma Wu seriously.

"It hurts, it hurts!" Ma Wu almost blurted out.


Once again, Ma Wu's right shoulder blade was broken.

"You...!" Ma Wu was completely shocked, who the hell is this guy, and why is he so ruthless!
"Does it still hurt?" Lin Feng put his foot on Ma Wu's throat and said in a deep voice.

"No, it doesn't hurt anymore..." Ma Wu seemed to understand what Lin Feng meant. If he shouted again, his neck would probably be broken next time!

"No one can control Luo Wanjun's freedom, no one else!" Lin Feng's voice was very light, but it made Ma Wu tremble with fear.

"..." Ma Wu didn't know how to answer, but just nodded in horror.

"Go back and tell your master, if there is a next time, the end will not only be as simple as broken limbs, get out!" Lin Feng left this alive in order to warn the Jiang family.

Lin Feng turned around and returned to the box.

However, Ma Wu gradually woke up from the pain. He stared angrily at room 333, the killing intent in the corner of his eyes had already made his eyes red.

As a member of the Jiang family in the imperial capital, he had just arrived in this small Tianhai, and his limbs were forcibly amputated. If this is to be spread, it is a trivial matter for the person who lost him, but indirectly he also lost the face of his master Jiang's family. , this is going to kill your head!

(End of this chapter)

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