Chapter 33
Inside the box.

The two girls, Luo Wanjun and Ye Ying, were talking in whispers, as if they were talking about something.

The other girls helped the slapped fat girl Wang Duo, wiping the blood stains from the corners of their mouths, booing each other, and their expressions were not very good.

They were still a little apprehensive, they still hadn't escaped the shadow of Ma Wu coming here to make trouble, and they were still palpitating.

Feng Lulu was sitting alone, looking a little out of place, her face was already full of coldness.

The reason is that she was very upset and angry today, as if she was angry with someone!

You know, today is her birthday!

Thinking of Ma Wu's three souls breaking into her box unscrupulously and doing despicable and shameless actions, she couldn't get angry at all.

After thinking about it, she quickly edited a text message and sent it to his father Fengze.

Then, she walked towards Wang Duo with an apologetic face.

"Duo Duo, I'm really sorry, I'll send you to the hospital for an examination first." Feng Lulu stepped forward to support Wang Duo, with deep apology shining in her eyes.

"Lulu, it's okay, it's just a slap, it hurts so much that I dare not open my mouth to speak..." Wang Duo's cheeks were already swollen, she smiled bitterly, lowered her head, and tapped her lightly with her chubby little fingers swollen cheeks.

"Don't worry, I'll take a look for you."

At this moment, Lin Feng opened the door and walked in, his eyes fixed on Wang Duo's face.

"Brother Lin Feng, don't make any more trouble, okay?" Feng Lulu gave her a sad look, and immediately helped Wang Duo to leave the box.

However, Lin Feng stood in front of Wang Duo in the blink of an eye, and under the incredulous gazes of the girls, he raised his palm, just a finger away from Wang Duo's cheek.

Although Wang Duo's figure is chubby, she has a good appearance and belongs to the cute type.

It's just that young people nowadays are all after a slim lady with an S-shaped figure. With her figure, there are no boys around her to follow.

But, it's different now!

The man in front of her, just walked in the door, smiled at her, and helped him heal his swollen cheek very affectionately...

This is enough to show that the two are the ones who have confirmed their eyes, and her Wang Duo's spring has finally come.

"No problem."

At this moment, when all the girls had various puzzled views on Lin Feng, Lin Feng withdrew his hand and smiled.

"Huh... okay? Wang Duo, your face has recovered!" Feng Lulu was the first to scream.

The girls couldn't believe it, is there such a miraculous thing?They all gathered around to watch.

Luo Wanjun felt a sense of relief at the moment, she finally understood the intention of Lin Feng's actions just now.

From what she knew, Lin Feng was very familiar with Chinese herbal medicine. If he had some medical knowledge, it would be reasonable.

"Ah! Has my face really recovered? I don't feel any pain at all!"

Wang Duo touched his face, feeling unspeakably excited, and threw himself into Lin Feng's arms.

"Thank you, big brother." Wang Duo buried her head in Lin Feng's arms with forgetfulness, and murmured shyly,

Seeing this, all the girls couldn't help but feel ashamed.

Lin Feng naturally didn't expect that Wang Duo would be so excited that he even developed admiration for him?
Fortunately, the eccentric Feng Lulu came over with a smile and smoothed things over, saying: "Duoduo, in public, pay more attention to your words and deeds."

"Oh... oh!"

Wang Duo also realized that she had lost her composure, her shy little face was as red as a ripe apple, she turned around and took a glass of wine and drank it down.

She rolled her affectionate eyes and kept staring at Lin Feng, the more she looked at it, the more she liked it.

"Um...Lin Feng, what about the birthday present you and Sister Wanjun bought for me?" Feng Lulu hurriedly changed the subject so that everyone wouldn't pay attention to Wang Duo.

"Lulu, the birthday present is still being made, don't worry, I will definitely give you a big surprise in a few days." Luo Wanjun walked to Lin Feng's side gently at this time, and naturally held him Lin Feng's arm.

In this scene, Wang Duo was hit hard. It turned out that he had a girlfriend...

Fortunately, Feng Lulu was still obsessed with the topic of her birthday gift, and she cleverly resolved Wang Duo's embarrassment.

"Brother Lin Feng, what gift did you prepare for me, and it was handmade with such painstaking efforts?"

Feng Lulu stepped forward, took Lin Feng's arm as well, and smiled meaningfully.

"This is a little secret." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

"If you don't say it, then I won't. I'm too lazy to talk to you." Feng Lulu twisted her waist and sat on the sofa, raised her glass, and took a drink by herself.


At this moment, the box door was suddenly kicked open by an external force.

All the girls were startled, while Lin Feng and Ye Ying's eyes were cold, while protecting everyone behind them.

Immediately afterwards, a man in a silver-gray suit walked in with his head held high.

He did not hide the look of contempt in his eyes. After scanning everyone one by one, his eyes stayed on Lin Feng for a while, and then looked at Luo Wanjun.

"Sister-in-law, don't come here without any problems." The man raised his eyebrows and smiled like a gentleman.

"Jiang Ziming!" Luo Wanjun could not help being slightly startled when he saw who was coming.

The second son of the Jiang family, Jiang Ziming, the younger brother of his fiancé Jiang Ziguang!
"Sister-in-law, when Ma Wu came to invite you earlier, I was not very polite. I offended you. I hope my sister-in-law will forgive me a lot." Jiang Ziming bowed with a smile on his face, which was regarded as an apology.

"Call me Luo Wanjun." Luo Wanjun sighed softly, with a little helplessness in her tone.

Her eyes flickered very differently, she squinted slightly, and subconsciously took a step forward, blocking Lin Feng behind her.

Others don't know about the Jiang family, but she knows very well that the four sons of the Jiang family, except for the eldest son Jiang Zhiguang who is called mentally handicapped, the other three sons are all dragons and phoenixes.

The second child, Jiang Ziming, and the third child, Jiang Zilei, are both masters in martial arts!

Even if Lin Feng, who was so powerful, had no chance of winning, she didn't want Lin Feng to stand up for her and take risks for her at this moment.

[There will be a third change in the evening, please recommend tickets for support]

(End of this chapter)

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