The most powerful evil god of war

Chapter 39 Everything has a chance!

Chapter 39 Everything is in case!

The three women had different complexions, and they all looked at Lin Feng's back together, feeling a little disappointed in their hearts.

"Brother Feng, I'm leaving Tianhai tonight, pay more attention to your body." Ye Ying seemed to have hesitated for a long time on this decision, and finally called out softly before Lin Feng was about to step into the bedroom.

She had been waiting for Lin Feng at home, just wanting to say goodbye in person.

When she came to Tianhai, her intention was to find out the truth, the truth about why Lin Feng's family was destroyed three years ago, and then take revenge!

But now, after seeing Lin Feng, she knew all the ins and outs of this matter, and she was at ease.

Moreover, given that Lin Feng's current strength is more perverted than before, he can completely settle the worldly enmity by himself, without using her purple pupil technique, and it would be boring to stay here. The mastermind behind the sacrifice of their comrades in arms.

"In such a hurry?" Lin Feng paused and turned around immediately.

"Seeing that you are safe and sound, I have fulfilled my wish, and it is time to meet up with King Kong." Ye Ying smiled gratifiedly.

"I'll see you off." Lin Feng returned to the first floor.

At this time, Luo Wanjun and Feng Lulu held Ye Ying's hand.

"Sister Yeying, the thunderstorm is so urgent outside, why don't you stay for one night before leaving." Feng Lulu reassured her earnestly.

Although the three women have just met, but fortunately they have similar temperaments, and they have already formed friendship in a short period of time.

"Lulu is right. The weather outside is bad. It is estimated that the plane and the high-speed train will have to change their itinerary. It is really unwise to leave at this time." Luo Wanjun analyzed the current situation in one sentence.

"Wanjun, Lulu, thank you both for your concern, Ye Ying is very glad to meet you." Ye Ying smiled softly, and immediately looked at Lin Feng, "Brother Feng, go to bed early, I don't need you to send me off."

"En!" Lin Feng didn't say much, he understood Ye Ying's temperament, she was a very independent woman.

Feng Lulu and Luo Wanjun continued to stay, but Yeying finally left.

Lin Feng walked to the door, looking at Yeying who soon disappeared into the rainy night, while feeling disappointed, he also ignited a fighting spirit.

Time, don't waste it!
His comrades sacrificed for more than three years, the wronged souls must have an explanation, at least, their ashes must be buried in the martyrs cemetery!
Turning back his thoughts, Lin Feng turned and walked up the stairs.

Feng Lulu had already entered the bedroom, but Luo Wanjun stood in front of Lin Feng's bedroom as if she had something on her mind.

"Still sleeping?" Lin Feng came upstairs and smiled slightly when he saw Luo Wanjun's preoccupied look.

"Yeying, she's not your cousin, is she?" Luo Wanjun brushed her hair on her forehead and smiled lightly.

"Why do you ask that?" Lin Feng shrugged.

"I'm also a woman, and I can tell that when Ye Ying, who is also a woman, looks at you, the emotion in her eyes is definitely not as simple as a brother-sister relationship." Luo Wanjun leaned against the door frame, bluntly laughed.

"Are you jealous?" Lin Feng smiled. Luo Wanjun's every move at this time, invisibly revealing the unique charm of a woman, all make people fantasize about it.

"I don't deny it." Luo Wanjun pursed her lips and lifted her snow-white neck, why should she pretend to be innocent in front of the man she likes?

"Actually, I'm still very proud of it. The man I like should be the one that attracts the attention of all women. You not only meet this requirement, but also stand out even more." Luo Wanjun pursed her lips and smiled affectionately Walking over, he tiptoed and kissed Lin Feng's cheek.

Lin Feng did not expect her comments and actions.

After Lin Feng felt Luo Wanjun's fragrant lips leave his cheeks, he showed a strange smirk, and said, "You think too highly of me, and what you're doing is very easy to get angry. Upper body, are you really not afraid that I will do something out of line?"

"It's just you, you have the heart but not the guts." After Luo Wanjun finished speaking, she turned and walked into her bedroom.

It is very important that her door is lightly closed and not locked.

Lin Feng was stunned on the spot, it was obvious that Luo Wanjun deliberately left the door open for him again.

Could it be that he is going to be an impulsive beast tonight?
In a blink of an eye, he denied this idea. At this moment, the great revenge has not been avenged, and he does not want to infect his children's affair for the time being.

Everything has a just in case!

If he dies accidentally while avenging his comrades one day, wouldn't that make the young Luo Wanjun a widow?
It's just planning for the worst.

Moreover, he possesses ghost valley thaumaturgy and has the power to protect himself.

Turning around, Lin Feng walked towards his bedroom. It was his own and no one could take it away. He would never take Luo Wanjun's body tonight.

In the early morning of the next day, there was still thunder and lightning outside, but the amount of rain was much less.

Luo Wanjun was wearing pajamas, walked out of the bedroom with sleepy eyes, and looked at Lin Feng's bedroom at first sight.

Her sensual red lips were pursed, and there was a slight resentment in her beautiful eyes.

Last night, she thought that Lin Feng understood what she said, and that she was going to give Lin Feng her most precious body, but in the end, she waited until midnight... and gradually fell asleep until dawn.


Luo Wanjun exhaled lightly.

She is not the kind of woman who is hungry and thirsty, she is just thinking, if her ten billion promise is not fulfilled in a month, will she still belong to Lin Feng by then?

In the end, she just prepared for the worst and wanted to give herself to her favorite man first.

After a quick wash, Luo Wanjun walked out of the bedroom wearing a LV uniform.

"Sister Wanjun, it's still raining outside, you still have to go to work?" Feng Lulu was wearing short-sleeved shorts as usual, with long legs that were as smooth as water, and she came out wearing shoe soles, and held her Luo Wanjun's arm.

"The company is developing a new product, so don't be sloppy. This light rain is not a problem." Luo Wanjun and the two went downstairs while talking, and they could already smell the aroma of rice coming from the kitchen.

The two of them looked at each other in a daze. Could it be that Lin Feng got up early and was helping him make breakfast?

Obviously, apart from the two of them, Lin Feng was the only one in the family.

"Everyone is up and ready to eat."

At this moment, Lin Feng came from the kitchen with a smile, holding three portions of ham, fried egg and bread, and gently placed them on the dining table.

Then, he walked to the refrigerator, took out a box of pure milk, and said, "Lulu, can I drink your milk?"

"You...Of course...Of course you can drink the pure milk I bought." Feng Lulu shyly bit her red lips with her white teeth.

This stinky bastard, Lin Feng, can't you say one more word "pure"!
"Forget it, let's drink mine. Lulu's milk is specially ordered from the western plateau, and it is delivered by air every morning. Today's thunderstorm weather, I am afraid there will be a delay." Luo Wanjun said seriously without thinking After that, he sat down.

"Forget it, I don't have the habit of drinking milk, you two can drink your own, I can deal with it with plain water." Naturally, Lin Feng didn't think much about it, but on the topic of drinking pure milk, he was always somewhat evasive. open.

After the breakfast was settled, Feng Lulu insisted on staying with Luo Wanjun. After Lin Feng sent the two girls to the company, Liu Fei, the security chief, brought an invitation from Wu's family.

"Wu Guirong from the Wu family!"

In Tianhai City, the Xue, Wu, Shen, and Wei families who had feud with Lin Feng had eliminated two of them. Among the remaining Xue and Wu families, the Wu family sent an invitation!
Lin Feng was quite surprised by this.

(End of this chapter)

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