Chapter 40

This invitation from the Wu family has a deep meaning.

Even Lin Feng was quite surprised by the Wu family's actions.

After three years of separation, after he returned to Tianhai, he settled the Shen and Wei families within two days, which can be described as a high-profile act.

However, he has this self-confidence, and through some of his means, he has not publicized it.

This was also what he did deliberately, to distract the few people in Tianhai City on purpose. This is what he wanted.

In a sense, he didn't want to kill him with one blow, just to let his enemy live in a lifetime of pain, but in this way, he would cut the weeds without eradicating the roots, and it is very likely that they will resurface.

If he hadn't met Luo Wanjun by chance and wanted to repay his kindness for saving his parents' corpses for him back then, the only two wealthy families Xue and Wu left in Tianhai City might have been destroyed long ago.

Originally, after chatting with Fengze all night last night, he decided to take the initiative to attack today, he didn't want to procrastinate, and then he took Luo Wanjun to the imperial capital.

Even if the Jiang family in the imperial capital covers the sky with only one hand, he will not let Luo Wanjun suffer any harm!
Now, one of his enemies, the Wu family sent an invitation, what does it imply?

To go or not to go?
The answer is simple, of course go!

"Lin Feng, the Wu family invited you suddenly. The purpose may not be pure, so don't go." Luo Wanjun interrupted Lin Feng's meditation.

"Wu family's purpose is pure or not, it doesn't matter to me." Lin Feng shook his head,

He has clear grievances and grievances, and he will not take the initiative to invite him because of the Wu family this time, so there will be a trace of kindness.

Furthermore, he also deeply understood that according to the disposition of Wu Guirong, the patriarch of the Wu family, suddenly inviting him to the Wu family as a guest must have some intentions, in other words, the designation has no good intentions.

He knew Wu Guirong's temperament too well.

"Then I won't persuade you anymore, how about this, I'll go there with you." Luo Wanjun didn't know that the Wu family was also Lin Feng's enemy, she just didn't want Lin Feng to go alone to avoid any twists and turns.

"Sister Wanjun, didn't you say that the company has a lot of things to do? Let me go with him." Feng Lulu thought about it.

"No, neither of us will go." Luo Wanjun waved her hand suddenly, and she suddenly realized that whoever followed Lin Feng, whether it was her or Feng Lulu, might eventually become a burden.

Instead of doing this, it would be better to trust Lin Feng to save unnecessary trouble.

"Well, you stay in the company and prepare the materials of Juyuan Pill as soon as possible to speed up the launch of this new product." Lin Feng looked at Luo Wanjun solemnly, then turned and left.

He walked to the security department and informed Liu Fei that he must take complete precautions for the safety of Ankang Pharmaceutical, especially protect Luo Wanjun and Feng Lulu.

Then, he drove alone and galloped away according to the address in the invitation.

The sky was gloomy, and a flash of lightning flashed from time to time, and the sound of thunder rolled from far to near.

The weather, which was originally getting less rain, suddenly intensified at this time, and a rapid thunderstorm poured down.

There were few pedestrians on the road, a red Cayenne passed quickly, and arrived at Wanghai Manor in a short time.

Wanghai Manor, built in an antique style, has an excellent location. It is a luxurious manor facing the sea and surrounded by green areas. It can be said that in the entire Nancheng District, Wanghai Manor has reached the landmark ancient building of Tianhai City thing.

When the car drove to the gate of Wanghai Manor, two bodyguards who were on duty in the rain greeted them immediately.

"Excuse me, but Mr. Lin Fenglin?" One of the stern-faced men asked while looking at the car window.

Lin Feng stared at Wanghai Manor without squinting, and nodded slowly.

"Mr. Lin, please just park the car in front of the villa's foyer." Outside the car, the thunderstorm was still there, and the cold-faced man almost yelled with all his might.

Immediately, the door opened, and driven by a powerful engine, the car drove straight to the villa.

After getting out of the car, Lin Feng jumped into the hall in one step.

A middle-aged man dressed in a suit immediately smiled when he saw Lin Feng, and said, "Mr. Lin, please, my master has been waiting for you for a long time."

Lin Feng nodded indifferently, and glanced slightly at the man in the suit. He was slightly moved by a soldier's unique aura. If he felt this aura carefully, it should be a bloodthirsty and fierce mercenary!
After all, when Lin Feng was in the army, he dealt with mercenaries too often, so he was very sensitive to this aura.

According to his estimate, the person in front of him had been in the mercenary world for at least five years. He could tell from the calluses on the joints of this person's hands, which could only be honed by holding a gun all year round.

At the same time, the man in the suit was also looking at Lin Feng up and down. Although he wanted to hide the shock in his eyes, he still couldn't do it perfectly. After all, it was because of Lin Feng's aura that made him very uneasy, even shuddering.

Lin Feng followed the man in the suit and walked in the vast villa until he arrived at a tea house, only to see an old man over sixty years old, sipping tea leisurely.

"Master, Mr. Lin is here." After the man in the suit finished speaking, he bowed and took three steps back, standing at the door.

This old man is Wu Guirong, the head of the Wu family.

"Mr. Lin, sit down." Wu Guirong smiled like a spring breeze, and slightly bowed. He didn't stand up to greet him, and motioned Lin Feng to sit opposite him.

Lin Feng sat down earnestly.

He knew that Wu Guirong, who was called "Smiling Tiger" by the world, had a very deep palace.

Moreover, the indistinct aura on his body is obviously that he has stepped into the category of martial arts master, and his strength is at least in the late Ming Jin period.

"Lin Feng, son of Lin Haoran, I haven't seen you for three years. You have grown up a lot." Wu Guirong helped Lin Feng fill a cup of tea, and politely signaled and pushed the cup forward.

"Ants are still alive, but I was born as a human, how can I live forever?" Lin Feng's tone was neither cold nor cold, he did not rush to question the grievances of the past, he raised his glass and sipped his tea.

"Yeah, it's better to live than to die." Wu Guirong chuckled, but there was a sharp displeasure between his brows.

"Although I don't have the slightest affection for you, I agree with this sentence very much. Only by living can I avenge the death of my parents, don't you?" Lin Feng confronted him tit for tat, his face still as calm as water.


"Why doesn't Mr. Lin have a good impression of me? I'm very interested to know more about it." Wu Guirong raised his eyebrows and narrowed his eyes to stare at Lin Feng.

Outsiders couldn't tell at all that although Lin Feng and Wu Guirong were chatting indifferently, their respective auras had already risen, and they had already been fighting since the beginning of their conversation.

Even the man in the suit standing at the door was forced to take a few steps back by the two auras of Lin Feng and Wu Guirong.

He was shocked, never thought that this Lin Feng could resist Wu Guirong's aura.

You know, Wu Guirong has been keeping a low profile these past few years, and has never had any communication, just breaking through his own barriers with peace of mind.

Now, the martial arts masters in the later stage of Ming Jin, looking at Tianhai City, I am afraid that there is no slap in the face. This young Lin Feng can be as indifferent as water?
Even Wu Guirong, whose strength has reached the late stage of Ming Jin, couldn't help being startled at this moment.

He was originally thinking that Lin Feng's energy was not small, but in front of him, it was nothing.

But he didn't expect that Lin Feng, who was dozens of years younger than him, would be able to confront him head-on without changing his face, and that sharp aura made him extremely cold.

(End of this chapter)

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