The most powerful evil god of war

Chapter 41 Eight Female Arhats

Chapter 41

Lin Feng's aura made Wu Guirong ponder for a long time, but he still couldn't figure it out, so he couldn't help feeling jealous.

However, for a character as lonely as him, the fear of Lin Feng was only fleeting.

From his point of view, Lin Feng was just a young, energetic, brainless person with no plans!
"Shen and Wei, are you the one who moved?" Wu Guirong bowed his head and lowered his eyebrows, taking a sip of his tea.

The corner of Lin Feng's mouth turned up, without hiding it, he said flatly, "That's right, I moved it."

"'re quite courageous, and you really admitted it? Don't you be afraid, I will execute you on the spot, old man?" Wu Guirong snorted softly, and the sharp and cold light in his eyes approached Lin Feng.

"Afraid? You are still far from being able to scare me!" Lin Feng put down his teacup and filled it up by himself.

His words were calm and ironic, which made Wu Guirong, who was in his 60s, tremble with anger.

In his Wu family territory, Lin Feng was the first person to speak so arrogantly in the past three years!
"You seem to be overly confident. You really think you are a big boss? You know, not everyone can be lucky enough to drink the tea from my Wu family." Wu Guirong sneered, and his face gradually turned dark.

"Stop talking nonsense. Since you took so much trouble to invite me, what's the point? Let's get straight to the point and save time and effort." Lin Feng drank his own drink, and lit a cigarette calmly.

As soon as he said those words, there was a sudden thunderclap in the dark sky outside.

Invisibly, it showed that Lin Feng's understatement was very heavy, and it was ear-piercing.

"Important? Hehehe..."

Wu Guirong smiled when he heard this.

He has lived a long time, after all, he is a thousand-year-old fox, he was slightly startled, and then recovered his calm expression.

"The Wu family, how many people are there?" Lin Feng simply took the initiative to attack, and said with a smile on his face.

"What do you mean?" Wu Guirong's complexion suddenly changed, and his body stiffened a lot.

He just confirmed the fact that the destruction of the Shen and Wei families was all caused by the young man in front of him!
Now, when Lin Feng suddenly brought up this topic, he couldn't help but feel murderous in his heart.

This is the rhythm of wanting to destroy his Wu family too!

"It doesn't mean much. Although there are some things that don't hurt the family, sometimes, if you don't cut the weeds and get rid of the roots, it is bound to recur, isn't it?" Lin Feng said with a faint smile.

His current posture is very indifferent, as if he came to Wu's house today just to make a living, not to take revenge.

To do it, only in his mind.

He was just a little curious, this Wu Guirong knew that he had a grudge against the Wu family, but still invited him over, where did he come from with such confidence!

He figured it out before it was too late to act.

However, Wu Guirong's expression could no longer hold back, he slapped the table with a livid forehead, and shouted: "Boy Lin Feng, I invite you to come over to catch up on the old days, do you still want to do something to my Wu family?!"

He invited Lin Feng today for two purposes, one is to find out about Lin Feng's reality, so as to determine the reason for the collapse of the Shen and Wei families;
Second, if he is sure that Lin Feng is the mastermind behind it...

Then there are still two results: either kill Lin Feng on the spot; or make Lin Feng submit to him!

"Reminisce? This is ridiculous!"

"Wu Guirong, what friendship do I, Lin Feng, have with you, and I still need to catch up with you?"

"Also, why did you say that I might move your Wu family?" Lin Feng said loudly, his voice was cold and determined.

Wu Guirong was suddenly startled, and really wanted to slap himself. Didn't his words mean that his Wu family owed the Lin family?
This is self-evident, he wanted to cover up on purpose, but he said that he showed his mouth.

However, he was not frightened!
The strength of the Shen and Wei families together is nothing compared to him.

What's more, the arrogant and arrogant Lin Feng in front of him is just a stunned young boy!

"You have been entangled with the death of your parents. As a son of man, it is understandable, but it has been three years, why can't you let it go?" Wu Guirong said slowly, with different eyes.


Lin Feng slapped the tea table with a slap.

"Crack clap clap..."

The solid sandalwood tea table is carved from 300-year-old tree roots, and it is very precious. It was Wu Guirong who was lucky enough to buy one, and it fell apart in an instant right in front of his eyes.

"Boy of the Lin family! You caused troubles and wiped out the Shen and Wei families one after another, so you know that you are in great trouble? The old man wants to protect you, but you don't know what to say, and instead anger me! Do you really think I dare not kill you?!"

Wu Guirong's face was completely dark, and he no longer wanted to hide anything!
"Old man, where's your city? Where's your so-called self-confidence? Can you finally stop showing your fox's tail?" Lin Feng kept a straight face, not angry but awe-inspiring.

He didn't want to talk so much nonsense, but Wu Guirong wanted him to let go of his parents' feud with just a few words, it was too ridiculous!

Moreover, he also claimed to be able to protect him. Does he still need someone else's protection?
What's more, the person who said this was one of his enemies!

"Boy of the Lin family, good, you are fine!"

Wu Guirong laughed angrily, and slammed the teacup in his hand to the ground.

Throwing a cup is an order!

When the teacup shattered, apart from the men in suits at the door who were keeping vigilant, eighteen women in white clothes suddenly rushed from all directions.

Each woman also holds a different cold weapon in her hand.

Knives, guns, sticks, axes, hooks, forks, etc...

Everyone has an extremely cold face. Judging by the breath, half of them are at least A-level in strength, and the other half have stepped into the strength of the early stage of martial arts!

Lin Feng was a little surprised by this.

Since when have there been so many brilliant masters in martial arts?
And, are they all such young women?

Fortunately, the area of ​​this teahouse is more than 100 square meters, and the eighteen women who came suddenly did not appear to be cramped.

"Do you think that the combined strength of 18 of them can be stronger than yourself?"

Lin Feng still sat on his seat, looked around the girls slightly, and locked his eyes on Wu Guirong again.

"I can tell you clearly, with my current strength in the late stage of Ming Jin, if I take it lightly, I will be captured by 18 of them." What Wu Guirong said was the truth, he was too lazy to deal with Lin Feng.

"Wu Guirong, don't you think this Hongmen Banquet is ridiculous!" Lin Feng narrowed his eyes slightly.

In fact, he did not deny what Wu Guirong said. These eighteen women, in the shape of the eighteen arhats of Shaolin, joined forces to confront a martial arts master in the late Ming Jin period. There was a glimmer of hope that they could win.

He was very curious about the origins and backgrounds of these eighteen women. After all, there are very few women who practice Shaolin Kungfu.

Even so, for Lin Feng, there was nothing to fear.

You know, he possesses the unique skills of Ghost Valley!

He has a good understanding of the ghost valley's vertical and horizontal techniques, and even if he fights against these eighteen female arhats with bare hands, he still wins completely.

[Recommended tickets go for a wave]

(End of this chapter)

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