The most powerful evil god of war

Chapter 42 1 It's Too Late!

Chapter 42 It's Too Late!

In the Wu family tea house.

These eighteen female arhats are dressed in white clothes, holding various cold weapons, and their charming or glamorous figures exude a fierce aura, showing their sharpness.

"Boy of the Lin family, the opportunity is fleeting. The old man gave you the opportunity, but you don't appreciate it, so you can't blame me!" Seeing Lin Feng's silence, Wu Guirong couldn't help but sneered.

Lin Feng frowned, staring at Wu Guirong's ugly face, gently put down his teacup, and stood up slowly.

He looked away from Wu Guirong with a serious face, and looked back at the eighteen female arhats.

"Thunderstorms are very suitable for killing people. Today next year will be your memorial day!" Wu Guirong savored the tea, looking like he was watching a good show.

"Old man, you think highly of yourself!" With his back to Wu Guirong, Lin Feng strode towards the Eighteenth Female Arhat.

"Hehehe, don't worry, I will do good deeds and bury your body next to your parents. After all, they are all acquaintances!" Wu Guirong wanted to put gold on his face, and the joke in his eyes was not concealed.

Lin Feng's face suddenly became extremely cold at this moment. Wu Guirong, an old man, actually used his late parents as an issue!

"Master Wu, is he alone?" One of the women looked away from Lin Feng with cold and disdainful eyes, and looked at Wu Guirong very puzzled.

"That's right, you guys also practice your hands and often fight with me, but you still haven't made new breakthroughs. Remember, don't kill him with one move, just play slowly!" Wu Guirong took a sip of tea very appropriately.

The girls were very puzzled at this moment, their faces showed confusion one after another, asking them to work together to deal with this man in front of them, are you really kidding?
"call out!"

At this moment, Lin Feng moved.

He didn't hesitate, and his speed was so fast that the women present were dazzled. They felt that there were countless afterimages shuttled back and forth in front of them.


"Will not……!"

"He's so fast!"

"how so?!!!"

"Dragon Subduing Stick!"

"Fu Hujian!"


The expressions of the eighteen female arhats all changed after seeing Lin Feng's speed and sharp aura like no man's land.

They knew that this was the most powerful opponent they had ever encountered!
Originally, they were extremely disdainful of Lin Feng, but now, they were shocked.

After all, they were not good people, each of them showed their housekeeping skills, resisted Lin Feng who was full of evil spirits from approaching, and greeted him as if he was going to die.

"Bang bang bang!"

Countless punches, as hard as steel, slammed on the eighteen female arhats.

The sound of bones breaking is endless!
The eighteen female arhats were hit by Lin Feng's heavy punches one by one, some of them flew upside down, some of them collapsed on the ground, and some of them spurted blood and fell unconscious.

In just a few tens of seconds, Lin Feng had turned back and walked towards Wu Guirong who was dumbfounded.

He will not be kind just because his opponent is a woman.

After only one move with the eighteen female arhats, he won directly!

At the same time, he also confirmed a fact.

The moves of these so-called Eighteen Female Arhats may seem fierce, but they are empty-handed and have no real lethality!

In other words, the current strength of these women is very likely to be the strength obtained after strengthening the body through some kind of genetic medicine.

It is similar to the Jiang Ziming he met last night.

In other words, the miracles created in the current high-tech era cannot be measured with the current perspective.

However, before a new thing is officially launched and put into the market, there will naturally be disadvantages.

The girls are so unbeaten, it is enough to see its disadvantages.

"You once said that with 18 of them working together, they can draw with you?" Lin Feng sat down opposite Wu Guirong again without moving his expression.

Wu Guirong was stunned again and again, subconsciously moved back, he finally understood the reason why the Shen and Wei families were destroyed overnight!

If Lin Feng wanted to take revenge, it must be a certainty, no one could stop him!
The man in a suit next to him was almost forced to kneel by Lin Feng's coercion!
"Brother Lin Feng, look, I knew that I was superior in strength, so I deliberately found some opponents for you to compete with. I didn't think about it, they are such useless." Wu Guirong forced a smile, thinking of expedient measures.

He knew that even if he made a move, he might not be Lin Feng's opponent.

As a result, the more he thought about it, the more afraid he became. For a martial arts master who can resist the strength of the late Ming Jin stage, Lin Feng's strength has reached the legendary Dark Jin stage!
"Three years ago, when my parents were ruthlessly strangled, it was fine for you to look at them coldly. When my tendons were severed, have you ever been as polite to me as you are now?" The veins bulged, and a huge force suddenly swung back.

"Bang, bang, bang...!"

The eighteen female arhats not far away were struggling to take revenge, but they were suddenly enveloped by a force thrown by Lin Feng, causing them to fall to the ground instantly.

In the next second, their muscles and bones were broken, blood spurted wildly, and then they were completely out of breath.

This scene really made Wu Guirong dumbfounded!

In the teahouse, his only subordinate, a man in a suit, knelt on the ground and did not dare to look directly at Lin Feng.

so horrible!

This is the first time in their history that they have seen such a scene.

Lin Feng just waved his hand!
The eighteen female arhats died directly, and they confessed to this suffocating result.

It took half a minute for Wu Guirong to wake up.

"Master Lin, I'm sorry, I, Wu Guirong, am sorry for your Lin family. If I could persuade Ye Yanluo back then, your Lin family would not have such a miserable end. I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

Wu Guirong was really scared, he shouldn't have invited Lin Feng over presumptuously.

He regretted extremely, regretted that when he first met Lin Feng, he hadn't seriously thought about why Lin Feng was alive and well!

This is him, the rhythm of burying himself in the grave!

"It's too late!"

Lin Feng held onto the void with one hand, and a dense white dragon's claw pinched Wu Guirong's neck tightly.


So far, Wu Guirong, whose strength has reached the late stage of Ming Jin, is still thinking about surviving, and has completely become a corpse!
"Mr. Lin, it's none of my business, it's really none of my business..." The man in a suit kneeling on the ground at the door was already so frightened that he fell to the ground completely.

He was indeed a mercenary, but from the beginning to the end, he had never seen such a terrifying attack!
"But anyone from the Wu family can't get away with it!" With a gloomy expression, Lin Feng stepped on the back of the man in the suit.


The man in the suit will lose his life immediately.

Although Lin Feng's body was already covered in blood, he did not lose his mind, let alone commit random killings of innocent people.

Five minutes later, Lin Feng left the Wanghai Manor of the Wu family.

There were 23 people in Wu's family. Except for the four heirs who had a grudge with his Lin family, he lost their lives, and the other 19 people survived after his memory was erased.

Yes, Lin Feng did not kill the grass.

He didn't want his hands to be stained with the blood of those innocent people, and erasing his memory was also an option.

Although the Wu family is still alive, once Wu Guirong dies, the status of the Wu family will completely collapse!

So far, three of Xue, Wu, Shen, and Wei's families have been eliminated, leaving only the only wealthy female patriarch in Tianhai City, Xue Siniang!

The sky was still gloomy, the thunder was still rolling, and Lin Feng's state of mind also became a little manic due to the obscure weather.

For some reason, he always felt that something unfavorable was about to happen!

He didn't know that a conspiracy against Luo Wanjun had already started.

[New book issue, urgently need recommendation tickets for support, Qingfeng thanks here]

(End of this chapter)

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