Chapter 43 Conspiracy (1 more)
Ankang Pharmaceutical Group.

"Will Lin Feng be in the Wu family..."

Luo Wanjun stood in front of the large floor-to-ceiling windows, overlooking the rainy scene outside, a little uneasy, and whispered softly.

"No, nothing will happen to him!"

Immediately, she raised her snow-white neck and looked at the gray sky.

Lin Feng's energy is very strong, the small Tianhai Wu family is not enough to trap Lin Feng, she has long chosen to believe that she loves a man for no reason!

She hoped that the Jiang family in the imperial capital would not trouble Lin Feng!

However, according to the Jiang family's behavior style, Jiang Ziming, the second son of the Jiang family, was seriously injured, and he would never settle down, and would definitely seek revenge from Lin Feng.

The boat will naturally go straight when it reaches the bridge, she believes that Lin Feng can handle everything!
After calming down, Luo Wanjun fell into the Juyuan Pill formula given by Lin Feng. She hoped that she could go to the city faster and put the Juyuan Pill on the market as soon as possible.

In this way, the tens of billions of promises between her and her father came naturally.

"Sister Wanjun, the phone is ringing."

Feng Lulu on the side, dressed in short-sleeved shorts, was leaning on the sofa and playing a mobile game of eating chicken, regardless of the image of a lady.

"Lulu, wear more clothes when you go out in the future. Look at your current posture, with your legs open and your arms open. If any man sees it, your eyes will burst into flames." Luo Wanjun said with a serious look, and connected Telephone.

"Hello, I'm Luo Wanjun from Ankang Pharmaceutical, who are you?" Luo Wanjun looked at the strange call and asked politely.

"Mr. Luo Wanjun Luo, my name is Ji Wenfu, from Tianhai, I have a business I want to discuss with you face to face, can I make an appointment to chat?" On the other side of the phone, a bald middle-aged man, Ji Wenfu, stared With a cryptic smile.

"A member of Tianhai Ji's family?" Luo Wanjun was a little hesitant. According to her understanding, Ji's family was just a small family that was in the seafood business. How could they talk about business with her, a medicine maker?
"Mr. Luo, don't you look down on me, Ji?" Ji Wenfu didn't get a response from Luo Wanjun for a long time, and then asked proactively.

"Boss Ji, have you switched to the medical business?" Luo Wanjun didn't respond in a hurry, so it's understandable to simply inquire first.

"That's right, you also know that Tianhai relies on the sea to eat, and the competition in the seafood business is too fierce. If you don't change your career, you will have nothing to eat, so I want to talk to Mr. Luo about the medicine business, and I'm not afraid of your jokes. I plan to spend all my family property and invest at least 70 billion."

"Invest 70 billion?" Luo Wanjun's face changed slightly when he heard this.

For a business of 70 billion yuan, if she takes a [-]% commission, it will be [-] million yuan. After deducting the wages of workers and raw materials, she can make a net profit of [-] million yuan.

Although [-] million is not enough for her to reach the [-] billion agreement, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat. At this time, she does not want to miss every opportunity.

Furthermore, Juyuan Pill is about to come out, which will definitely cause a sensation. It is also a good opportunity to expand the market at this time.

"Then go to the King's Landing Club at noon, shall we have an interview?" Luo Wanjun glanced at the time, it was now 10:30 in the morning, and immediately made a decision.

"Luo is always a cheerful person, but it's better not to go to the King's Landing Club. I've reserved a box at Juxianzhuang, and we'll see you at noon." Ji Wenfu chatted briefly, then hung up the phone.

The reason why he avoided the King's Landing Club was naturally that he tried every means to avoid Feng Ze, the owner of the King's Landing Club.

This matter was carried out quietly and in a low-key manner, which was conducive to the realization of his and Qian Meini's conspiracy.

"Mr. Ji, it's up to you whether today's matter is successful or not. Don't worry, I said to help you solve Lin Feng, and I will do what I say."

A woman sitting next to Ji Wenfu, with broken hair around her ears, bronze complexion, and a round earring with glittering pearls on her left ear, is Qian Meini from the provincial capital.

"Are you so sure that Luo Wanjun will come as promised?" Ji Wenfu was a little surprised.

He is a person in the seafood business, and he suddenly wants to negotiate business with the boss of a pharmaceutical group. No one will believe what he spreads.

"Do you know? I know her better than I know myself. If her company's current performance can't be doubled, hum..." Qian Meini narrowed her eyes and sneered.

She is very clear about Luo Wanjun's current predicament.

The so-called tens of billions of covenants, she had received definite information from her friends in the imperial capital long before coming to Tianhai.

Therefore, using this method to attract Luo Wanjun is a surefire strategy.

"Miss Qian, you can be sure that Luo Wanjun will come, but how can you be sure that Lin Feng will also come?" Ji Wenfu grinned, obviously confused.

After all, his enemy is not Luo Wanjun, but Lin Feng!

His son, Ji Dong, had conflicts with Lin Feng and Feng Lulu a few days ago, and he is still in the intensive care unit of the hospital!
Ji Dong's limbs were broken at the beginning, but they were finally connected, but the sequelae left behind will be that he will have to walk on crutches for the rest of his life!

His only son became disabled, he absolutely cannot accept it!
However, Feng Lulu is Fengze's daughter, he dare not move, and cannot move.

But that Lin Feng was just a young boy with good skills, why, and how could he dare to abolish his Ji Wenfu's son!
"Ji Wenfu, your brain may be grown on a dog!" Qian Meini snorted suddenly, and gave Ji Wenfu a displeased look.

"Miss Qian, you humiliated Ji, are you trying to turn against me!" Ji Wenfu was furious.

Even if his Ji family is a small family, they can't let others humiliate him without a bottom line and live on dogs!
"Ji Wenfu, use your elm brain!" Qian Meini's face turned cold, and she scolded: "You know, Luo Wanjun and Lin Feng are high school classmates. They used to love each other deeply, but now Now that we are together again, do you think Lin Feng will rest assured that Luo Wanjun will come here alone?"

"Uh..." Ji Wenfu opened his mouth, was at a loss for words for a moment, and then recovered and said displeasedly: "Miss Qian, I will bear with you for now, it is best not to let me down!"

"Hmph! Hurry up and get ready. After a while, we will have all the people we want to deal with. At that time, you must remember, don't talk like a mentally handicapped person, and do as I say!" Qian Minnie turned around and ignored her.

At this time, Ji Wenfu was so angry that his teeth were itching. If he hadn't been helpless now and could only rely on Qian Meini's energy, he really wanted to slap him now.


Ankang medicine.

"Sister Wanjun, do you really decide to go alone to discuss business?" Feng Lulu was still lying on the sofa playing games, watching Luo Wanjun pack up the materials, and asked in confusion.

"The company is developing new products now. I don't want to distract them. What's there to be afraid of when we talk about business at noon?" Luo Wanjun smiled.

"Anyway, you are also the boss of a company. How can you do business by yourself? If Brother Lin Feng is not here, I will be your little follower. I can help you with advice at critical moments, right?" Feng Lulu was about to get up. , but was directly pressed on the sofa by Luo Wanjun.

"Lulu, I hope you can play games in the office well, you must not go this time." Luo Wanjun warned solemnly.

This month, all the company's business is of utmost importance to Luo Wanjun.

Luo Wanjun knows Feng Lulu's temperament very well, and she won't take it with her.

"You two are..."

At this moment, Lin Feng pushed the door open and walked in, with a very different look in his eyes and a dazed expression on his face.

He saw at the first sight that Feng Lulu was lying on the sofa with disheveled clothes, and Luo Wanjun almost got on the horse. This small action of the two of them has to make people wonder.

[One more update, there are two more tonight, please support, thank you Qingfeng]

(End of this chapter)

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