The most powerful evil god of war

Chapter 44 Let go! 【2 more】

Chapter 44 Let go! 【2 more】

Lin Feng's sudden return made Luo Wanjun and Feng Lulu somewhat unexpected.

Moreover, Lin Feng's words seemed to have a deep meaning, what can two women do together?
Both Luo Wanjun and Feng Lulu were startled, and after staring at each other for about three seconds, they separated with a "ah".

That's right, the actions of the two of them are relatively too intimate!
However, if you take a closer look at their actions, isn't it normal for two women to fight and joke?

Involuntarily, both of their eyes fixed on Lin Feng.

This man's thoughts are a little impure!
"Lin Feng, why did you come in without knocking on the door?!" Feng Lulu put down her phone, and pinched Xiao Man's waist with her annoyed hands, looking like a very young lady.

"I knocked on the door, but there was no answer, so I just walked in." Lin Feng pretended to be innocent.

"Don't be an example!" Feng Lulu pouted, pretending to be very serious, and gave Lin Feng a blank look.

"Well, what Lulu said is good, remember to knock on the door in the future." Luo Wanjun's face was already blushing a lot, and she lowered her head slightly and echoed.

"Is there another time like this?"

Lin Feng looked shocked.

"Uh..." Feng Lulu was speechless.

After seeing the evil smile on Lin Feng's face, she immediately swung her pink fist and hit him.

Unexpectedly, she was stopped by Luo Wanjun.

"Lulu, Lin Feng is just joking." Luo Wanjun said as she pushed Feng Lulu to sit on the sofa, and then looked back at Lin Feng.

"I'm fine, everything is fine."

Lin Feng looked at Luo Wanjun's uneasy expression, and knew that he was worried about his affairs in the Wu family, so he spoke first to dispel Luo Wanjun's worries.

"Well! I knew you would be fine. I'm going out for a while. You should have a good rest as soon as you come back." Luo Wanjun smiled lightly, and immediately packed up the relevant materials of the medicine.

No outsider would have imagined that Luo Wanjun, the cold and charming female president who is famous in Tianhai City, would have such a gentle and charming side.

"Going out in thunderstorms? I'll accompany you." Lin Feng didn't know about Luo Wanjun's itinerary, but he felt the need to pay more attention to everything about Luo Wanjun.

"No, you'd better stay in the company, communicate more with the R&D department, and make new products as soon as possible." Luo Wanjun showed a sweet smile.

"Have you purchased all the medicinal materials?" Lin Feng was a little surprised.

"Not yet, there are two kinds of medicinal materials that are very hard to find. I think they will go to Shennongjia to pick them." Luo Wanjun shook her head and smiled wryly. She didn't expect that those two kinds of raw materials are extremely rare in China, and she still needs to go to the mountains to search for them. .

"Longzhilan and Ice Snow Crystal, right?" Lin Fengzheng's expression was a little dark.

"That's right, it's these two kinds of medicinal materials. I heard from Ma Hongji that Longzhilan may exist, but even people from his family of traditional Chinese medicine have never heard of such medicinal materials as ice and snow crystals." Luo Wanjun is currently working for This is troublesome.

Lin Feng had a premonition about this.

He knew that these two rare medicinal materials were very difficult to find in this secular world.

"Well, let's finish today's work with you first. As for the purchase of these two medicinal materials, I will go find them myself." Lin Feng hesitated for a while before making a decision.

If the purchasing department had no choice, he could only go to his master's residence.

"That's fine, it's almost time, let's go." Although Luo Wanjun is anxious about the medicinal materials, she still has a business to discuss, and being late is not her style.

"Sister Wanjun, do you really not want to bring me with you?" Feng Lulu said very depressed, "Forget it, I wish you a smooth trip, I'll go back to my dad first, see you tonight."

"Lulu, why do you want to stay at Wanjun's house if you don't have a home?" Lin Feng smiled with great interest.

"What's the matter? Is it in your way? Hmph, what's wrong with me making a light bulb?" Feng Lulu pouted, twisted her waist, picked up the small bag and left.

"Lulu, you misunderstood Lin Feng." Luo Wanjun wanted to argue with Lin Feng, but Lin Feng waved his hand to stop her.

"Forget it, let's go." Lin Feng smiled, also convinced of Feng Lulu's stubborn temper.


Juxianzhuang Private Club is located in Nancheng District, Tianhai City, facing the main road to the east.

After Lin Feng drove Luo Wanjun to arrive, it was less than 5 minutes before twelve noon.

As soon as the two of them arrived at the foyer, a welcoming woman walked up to them and led them straight to the VIP private room on the third floor.

The door opened, and the environment inside was very elegant. A pair of ink paintings hung in front of it, giving people a sense of grandeur as they are facing mountains, rivers and five mountains.

"Boss Luo, it's a pleasure to meet you!"

A middle-aged man who was almost bald, with a smile on his face after seeing Lin Feng and Luo Wanjun walking in, was Ji Wenfu.

"Good afternoon, Boss Ji!" Luo Wanjun smiled politely.

"Mr. Luo is a female elite in the business world. It is an honor for our Tianhai City to make Ankang Pharmaceutical grow stronger in just three years!"

"Besides, it really is better to see once than to hear a hundred times. It is also my honor, Ji Wenfu, to see Mr. Luo, who is as beautiful as a city and a country today!"

Ji Wenfu held Luo Wanjun's slender hand and kept holding it like this.

"Boss Ji, you hurt me." Even though Luo Wanjun cherished this opportunity to discuss business very much, her expression showed great displeasure.

"Let go!"

Lin Feng stepped forward and grasped Ji Wenfu's wrist. With a little force, the other party grinned in pain.

If it wasn't necessary for Luo Wanjun to still have business talks, Ji Wenfu's arm would have been useless.

"Suck..." Ji Wenfu's first feeling was the numbness and pain from his wrist, so he quickly retracted his hand.

His expression changed a bit, he suppressed the resentment towards Lin Feng in his heart, and said slowly: "President Luo, who is this?"

"He is my assistant, Lin Feng." Luo Wanjun stood quietly on the spot and said coldly.

"It turned out to be Assistant Lin. It's a pleasure to meet you!" Ji Wenfu squinted his eyes with a half-smile, turned around and sat on the sofa.

From the moment Lin Feng entered the door, he had been suppressing the resentment in his heart. The person who made his son crippled would definitely die today without a place to bury him!
He swears!
"Mr. Luo, I don't like having a third person present when we're talking about business." Ji Wenfu said with a half-smile.

"This reason is very far-fetched, right?" Luo Wanjun felt a little vigilance in his heart.

"Mr. Luo, this is a commercial secret related to my big business. He is just an assistant and doesn't have the authority to intervene. If it is revealed, you don't care about the great business of Mr. Luo's family. I, my little Ji family, really don't care about it." I can't bear it." Ji Wenfu said clearly, and immediately made a gesture of spreading his hands.

What he meant was obvious.

If you want to talk, there must be no third person present at the scene.

Or don't talk about it, just shoot and break up.

But he learned from Qian Meini that Luo Wanjun is in a predicament now, and only if he expresses his position like this, will he try to catch him.

Luo Wanjun showed embarrassment.

Lin Feng sneered endlessly. Anyone who wasn't a fool would probably be able to tell that this Ji Wenfu had no good intentions!
[There is still a third change in the party, please support]

 Qingfeng is kneeling here and begging for recommendation votes for support.


(End of this chapter)

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