The most powerful evil god of war

Chapter 45 A Woman's Jealousy [3 More]

Chapter 45 A Woman's Jealousy [3 More]

Lin Feng stepped forward and stood in front of Ji Wenfu with a complex expression.

"You...what do you want to do?" Ji Wenfu was stunned again and again, his whole body involuntarily leaning back greatly, fearing that Lin Feng would strike him.

From his son Ji Dong's mouth, he learned that this guy named Lin Feng acted in a low-key manner, but he was quite ruthless in his attacks.

Although he had been on guard against Lin Feng for a long time and had made perfect arrangements to deal with Lin Feng, everything was not in this box.

"Boss Ji, I don't know what kind of business you want to talk about. You still need a man and a woman to live together?" Lin Feng said in a condensed voice, his words were cold, and he really wanted to hear the other party's explanation.

As for the business secrets that Ji Wenfu talked about, go ahead and lie to ghosts!

"Assistant Lin, you are just a wage earner. I'm talking about business with Mr. Luo. Why do you think you can stay?" Although Ji Wenfu was timid, he had to make sharp words at this time. Only in this way can he vividly show , everything he said is true.

"Lin Feng, why don't you go out and wait for me first." Luo Wanjun sighed softly, grabbed Lin Feng's hand, and signaled her reassuring eyes.

How could Lin Feng feel relieved?
"How about this, Assistant Lin, you go to the box next door to rest, and all expenses are mine." Ji Wenfu said in a very bold tone, and his face began to warm up.

He knew that if this stalemate continued, the plan he and Qian Meini designed this time would be difficult to proceed.

"Don't worry, Boss Ji is not that kind of person." Luo Wanjun lowered her head a little awkwardly, and quietly pressed it against Lin Feng's broad chest.

No matter how much Lin Feng persuaded, Luo Wanjun insisted again and again, so he had no choice but to give up.

He was absolutely sure that even if something unexpected happened to Luo Wanjun, his keen insight would detect it immediately and come in time.

In other words, if this Ji Wenfu has evil intentions towards Luo Wanjun, he will torture him to death!

He doesn't know at the moment that the son of Ji Wenfu in front of him is Ji Dong, whom he just abolished not long ago.

If Lin Feng knew this, he wouldn't just leave.

After walking out of the box, Lin Feng went straight into the next box.

In the private room, a woman with shattered hair and a round pearl earring came into view in her left ear. She had a bronze complexion and was none other than Qian Meini.

"You must be Mr. Lin Fenglin, right?" Qian Meini stood up gracefully, and casually pointed to the ring-shaped tea table, which was filled with all kinds of fine wine and snacks.

He giggled again and said, "I'm Mr. Ji's friend, call me Minnie, all the consumption here is free for you, please enjoy it as you like."

Lin Feng glanced at Qian Meini lightly, and immediately sat down peacefully.

Qian Meini originally wanted to make a charming posture and sit next to Lin Feng, but when she saw Lin Feng's calm expression, she was too lazy to look at her, and immediately felt extremely uncomfortable.

In what way is she inferior to Luo Wanjun!
A woman's jealousy is very scary!
Just like her, why did she target Luo Wanjun everywhere, because her creed in life is to beat Luo Wanjun in everything!

Naturally, it also includes Luo Wanjun's men!

She doesn't like Lin Feng, but now she must conquer Lin Feng!

She wants Luo Wanjun to see the man she loves with her own eyes, and now she has Qian Meini as her own.

Just thinking about it made her very excited.

"Come on, let's meet for the first time, let's have a drink?" Although Qian Meini was angry at Lin Feng's indifference to him, her unyielding belief made her feel the need to face up to difficulties, so that she would have more desire to conquer!
"Don't drink." Lin Feng turned his head and silently lit a cigarette.

"Cough cough cough...Mr. Lin, it's very impolite to smoke in front of women." Qian Meini resisted Lin Feng's inhumanity, coughed a few times coquettishly, and leaned over in a breathless manner. , Picked up a glass of wine and drank a glass.

"Stay away from me." Lin Feng gave a disgusted look.

He is extremely disgusted with this kind of woman who deliberately shows off!

"You are such a disgusting man, how can you talk so coldly to a girl?" Qian Meini stared, her mouth pursed in resentment.

"You know, most of the women who have a relationship with me will get angry." Lin Feng said expressionlessly, listening carefully to the movement in the next room.

"So what if you set yourself on fire? In the final analysis, aren't you the coward?" Qian Meini didn't give up, but she didn't continue to tease her. She lit the sandalwood box on the coffee table with her backhand, and then sat quietly by the side.

She was sure that within 5 minutes at the most, this man who was indifferent to him would obediently crawl to her side!

She was also convinced that Luo Wanjun in the box next door would also offer herself to Ji Wenfu in a confused way.

In this way, Luo Wanjun will no longer have an innocent body!

Only in this way can she feel some balance.

Say a thousand and a thousand.

After today, Luo Wanjun's fruit photos will be spread all over the Internet, and she will become a scumbag who relies on pornography to get her position!

And she achieved her goal.

It has to be said that Qian Meini now belongs to that kind of vicious woman with perverted human nature, and her life is a great disaster.

"You just said you want to drink?"

Just as Qian Meini was thinking hysterically, Lin Feng's voice suddenly came.

"What? Figured it out?" Qian Meini couldn't help being delighted.

"Drink, why don't you drink?" Lin Feng's mentality suddenly changed, which made Qian Meini's face beam with joy.

She knew that the medicinal effect of sandalwood had worked!

As she reached for the drink, her arm froze in mid-air—no!
If the sandalwood medicine worked, why didn't she feel a little strange?

Thinking of this, she narrowed her eyes and turned to Lin Feng who was close at hand.


Lin Feng suddenly grabbed her back. It wasn't Lin Feng's lips, but an open bottle of vodka. Before she could react, the mouth of the vodka bottle directly entered her mouth. middle.

"Gudong Gudong Gudong..."

"Don't you... Lin Feng, you..." Qian Meini was so frightened that her face turned pale, and she struggled with all her might.

But in Lin Feng's hands, she was like a helpless little chick. She couldn't control her body at all. A whole bottle of vodka was poured into her stomach in the end.

"You want to drink so much, I have no choice but to give it to you." Lin Feng looked at Qian Meini, who was about to lose consciousness, and immediately threw away the empty wine bottle.

Qian Meini was already drunk, and coupled with the ingredients of the secret medicine released from the sandalwood box at this time, she almost collapsed and passed out directly.

Lin Feng didn't hesitate anymore, there was already a quarrel in the box next door, he didn't want to ignore Luo Wanjun's safety!
Getting up, he reached out and grabbed Qian Meini's short hair, and walked out of the box like dragging a dead dog.

Lin Feng is a shrewd person, Qian Meini's gesture in front of him is too exaggerated!
Moreover, when Qian Meini lit the sandalwood box, he immediately noticed the secret medicine in the sandalwood.

You know, he is the only inheritor of Guigu's unique knowledge, and he is proficient in medicine!
If he couldn't even smell the ingredients of this ordinary secret medicine, he wouldn't have left Yunmeng Mountain Valley with the promise of his master.


Lin Feng dragged Qian Meini, and broke open the door of the box next door.

【The third watch is presented】

(End of this chapter)

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