The most powerful evil god of war

Chapter 46 The Reason Not To Kill You 【Part 1】

Chapter 46 The Reason Not To Kill You 【Part 1】

Originally, in this box.

After Ji Wenfu lit the sandalwood incense box, Luo Wanjun's consciousness gradually fell into a state of confusion.

At that moment, she understood that Ji Wenfu, who was full of smiles, really had a problem, and his actions were too despicable!
She wanted to call for help at the first moment, but with a blushing face, her whole body was so weak that she didn't even have the strength to hold the phone, so she could only watch Ji Wenfu make a lewd smirk at him.

She regretted it immensely, regretted that she had insisted on going her own way before, and made an impulsive decision for the sake of [-] million yuan.

She regretted even more, regretted not seriously thinking about the persuasion Lin Feng had given her!
At that moment, when she realized that she was about to lose her virginity because of this, she was almost desperate!

Fortunately, at every critical moment, Lin Feng always brought her hope, and this time was no exception.

Lin Feng really came!

Just when she was completely helpless, after a loud noise, Lin Feng broke open the door of the box and walked in.

"Lin Feng..." Luo Wanjun murmured weakly, her face getting redder and redder.

"Wanjun, with me here, nothing will happen." Lin Feng rushed forward, casually dropped the unconscious Qian Meini in his hand, and put his hand on Luo Wanjun's lower abdomen.

Luo Wanjun's body trembled violently, it always felt weird to be touched by a man on her lower abdomen.

Fortunately, this man is the man she loves so much!
She only felt that the fiery heat in her lower abdomen was suddenly attacked by a gust of cold air, and then her mind gradually became clear, and her breath began to stabilize.

Lin Feng stared at Luo Wanjun with tenderness on his brows, then his eyes gradually turned cold, revealing a sharp edge, and glared at Ji Wenfu angrily.

As he said, as long as Ji Wenfu thinks wrongly about Luo Wanjun today, he will be tortured to death!

At this time, Ji Wenfu's face was already stiff, especially after Lin Feng gave him such a stare, his whole body was shaking violently.

His mentality turned 180 degrees in an instant.

Because after seeing Lin Feng's appearance, he knew that something was wrong, especially when he saw that Lin Feng was dragging a woman, that Qian Meini from the provincial capital, he was completely dumbfounded.

He never expected that the perfect plan he and Qian Meini had made would fall apart in less than 10 minutes and go to waste!
According to their plan, it was supposed to be Ji Wenfu who would take Luo Wanjun in profane possession, and then take a few photos of the fruit and upload them on the Internet as a threat.

As for Qian Meini, she was mainly responsible for taking care of Lin Feng and handing over to him for revenge in the end.

Their plan should have been flawless!

But, why did such a scene happen?

A full 1 minutes passed.

Ji Wenfu just sat on the sofa in such a daze, restless, and wanted to run away, but under Lin Feng's aura of majesty, he couldn't move an inch.

Lin Feng was helping Luo Wanjun to detoxify and kill Ji Wenfu in the blink of an eye, but he didn't make a decision because he needed to stay alive first and find out the ins and outs of today's incident.

"Mr. Lin, I'll go to the bathroom first." Ji Wenfu immediately gave a complimenting smile, and wanted to act as if nothing had happened. He put his hands on the sofa and tried to get up and run away.

"Kneel down!" Lin Feng said indifferently, his extremely cold eyes exuded endless coercion.

Ji Wenfu's whole body trembled, and involuntarily, his knees softened and he knelt on the ground.

"Misunderstanding, Mr. Lin, there must be a misunderstanding between us..." At this moment, Ji Wenfu was sweating coldly, and he did not dare to look up at Lin Feng's honor with his hands on the ground, but he developed a sophistry posture.

Regarding Ji Wenfu's sophistry, Lin Fengfan ignored it!
Taking good care of Luo Wanjun is his top priority at present.

Tens of seconds later, Luo Wanjun's demeanor finally recovered completely, and the secret medicine ingredient that she inhaled had been completely melted away.

Lin Feng also gently took his hand away from Luo Wanjun's lower abdomen, and said apologetically, "Mr. Wan, are you feeling better?"

"Yeah, there is an indescribable comfort, I feel much more energetic than before." Luo Wanjun is now sober, never sober before.

She really didn't understand, what did Lin Feng do to her?
But she was not afraid, because she knew that everything Lin Feng did was for her.

Lin Feng nodded slowly, stepped in front of Ji Wenfu, and said in a calm voice, "Boss Ji, have Mr. Luo and I ever offended you?"

", no." Ji Wenfu finally got Lin Feng's response. Faced with the questioning, he wanted to tell his son Ji Dong that he was beaten by Lin Feng. After thinking about it for a long time, he finally gave up. the idea.

In the final analysis, he was stunned by the aura exuding from Lin Feng, and according to his personal energy, he was not qualified to confront Lin Feng at this time, so what's the use of telling his true inner thoughts?
Maybe it would exacerbate Lin Feng's reasons for dealing with him, and it would be even worse.

It would be better if he tried to save his life today, and then hide his strength and bide his time to seek a powerful helper, then it will not be too late for revenge!
"Then give me a reason not to kill you." Lin Feng raised his hand, lit a cigarette, put his hands behind his back, and his face was not angry but pretentious.

"I said, I said, I said..." Ji Wenfu wiped the cold sweat off his face, forced himself to be calm and swallowed.

The moment Lin Feng raised his hand to light a cigarette just now, Ji Wenfu almost fell to the ground in fright. He thought he was going to be in trouble, but fortunately Lin Feng just raised his hand and lit a cigarette.

"Ji Wenfu, you are so disappointing! One!" Luo Wanjun stood up at this time, the anger on her brows was self-evident.

She came here with the attitude of discussing business, but was deliberately calculated by others, so it was inevitable that she would feel angry.

"Mr. Luo, Mr. Lin, in fact, I was instructed by Qian Meini to do what happened today." After all, Ji Wenfu did not reveal his real purpose, and put all the responsibility on the unconscious Qian Meini .

As he said that, he revealed a resentful gaze, and looked at Qian Meini, who was lying on the ground not far away.

"Qian mean that woman is Qian Meini!" Luo Wanjun woke up instantly, and looked at the woman lying on the ground not far away.

how is this possible? ! ! !
She and Qian Meini are college classmates for four years, they are roommates in the upper and lower bunk beds, and they are good girlfriends who talk about everything. The relationship between the two is very close, as close as sisters. How could Qian Meini frame her? ?
She can't believe it!

It must be a woman with the same name as her best friend Qian Meini!
"Wanjun, that woman is called Qian Meini. Judging by your expression, you seem to know her?" Lin Feng fixed his eyes on Luo Wanjun's face at this moment.

He could deduce that there seemed to be an unusual relationship between Luo Wanjun and Qian Meini.

"No, no, no, no, no, Minnie is my good sister, how could she treat me..." Luo Wanjun really couldn't think of any reason, Qian Mini, whom she regarded as her own sister, would treat Qian Meini She made a bottomless frame!

Lin Feng stepped forward at this time, picked up Qian Meini who was on the ground, and threw it in front of Luo Wanjun.

"Mini! It's really Minnie!" Looking at the face of her best friend Qian Mini, Luo Wanjun couldn't help feeling cold.

It's not the same name and surname, this woman is her best friend!

At this time, Qian Meini's whole body was flushed, foam was still spitting out at the corner of her mouth, and she looked very embarrassed.

Luo Wanjun absolutely cannot bear the blow of being framed by a girlfriend.

(End of this chapter)

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