The most powerful evil god of war

Chapter 47 You are not allowed to humiliate my man!

Chapter 47 You are not allowed to humiliate my man! (2 more)
"Is she, drunk?"

Luo Wanjun was heartbroken, looked at Qian Meini who was foaming at the mouth, and sighed deeply because of the smell of alcohol all over her body.

"Just like you, I also inhaled the ingredients of the secret medicine, so I can live for half an hour at most." Lin Feng replied without mercy.

"Lin Feng, save her first, I have something to tell her." Luo Wanjun made a decision without hesitation, she had to figure out why Qian Meini wanted to frame her!
"Boss Ji, haven't you brought out the antidote yet?" Lin Feng pondered for a while, nodded silently, and looked at Ji Wenfu, who was ashen-faced.

Lin Feng could tell that Ji Wenfu had been awake all along and had no symptoms of inhaling the secret medicine, which was enough to show that he had prepared the antidote himself.

However, even the antidote can only relieve the symptoms on the surface, and its medicinal power has already penetrated into the body, which is bound to cause some sequelae.

"Uh...take it, I take it, I take it." Ji Wenfu didn't dare to disobey at all, as long as he can find a way to leave here, everything has room for change!

He hurriedly took out a glass bottle and was about to hand it to Lin Feng with trembling hands.

Lin Feng staggered his gaze and did not take over.

Naturally, Ji Wenfu was not stupid. He understood that Lin Feng didn't want to get his hands dirty, so he quickly opened the glass bottle and squatted beside Qian Meini.

It was clearly visible that Qian Meini's red skin was gradually fading away.

Luo Wanjun was silent, and it was obvious that she was quite angry.

"Although the ingredients of the secret medicine have been removed, she drank a full bottle of vodka before, and she might not be able to sober up until midnight." Lin Feng said as he helped Luo Wanjun up.

"Can she regain consciousness now?" Luo Wanjun asked quietly.

"Mr. Wan, you are kind, and I have no objection, but she was ruthless and unjust to you, and made such a despicable conspiracy, and you were almost in danger because of this. Sparing her from death is already the greatest pity for her." Lin Feng said out his own analysis.

"I understand, I just want to make it clear, and I have no intention of letting her go." Luo Wanjun lowered her head, the emotions in her heart were hard to calm down.

"Forget it, I can wake her up right away." Lin Feng made a decision with his hands tied behind his back.

He cared a lot about Luo Wanjun's emotions, even if Qian Meini was a vicious woman, for Luo Wanjun's sake, he would not sit idly by.

"Hmm!" Luo Wanjun nodded heavily.

Lin Feng and Luo Wanjun surrounded Qian Meini, and Ji Wenfu beside him couldn't help gnashing his teeth.

At the same time, he also has great doubts.

You must know that the smell of the secret medicine exuded from the sandalwood incense box was obtained by chance from Southern Xinjiang a long time ago. There is no antidote, and it is impossible to regain consciousness!

Luo Wanjun obviously absorbed the ingredients of the secret medicine just now, but Lin Feng touched his lower abdomen lightly with one hand, and in less than a minute, he recovered as before!

Now he calmed down and thought about it, thinking carefully and fearing a little!

It can be seen from this that in addition to Lin Feng's strong kung fu, he also seems to have medical skills!

Thinking of this, he just happened to see Lin Feng helping Qian Meini regain consciousness, and his mind was spinning a thousand times, and he immediately wanted to take the opportunity to run away.

"Your Majesty!"

However, even though Lin Feng turned his back to Ji Wenfu, he waved his hand suddenly, and the two silver needles pierced into Ji Wenfu's knees like arrows off the string.


Ji Wenfu's face was shocked, and he felt as if two high-voltage currents rushed into his knees, which directly made him kneel on the ground numbly.

And, after this sting, he lost feeling in his legs very quickly, what does this mean?
Ji Wenfu was completely scared!

"Boss Ji, you seem to be in a hurry?" Lin Feng said calmly with his back to Ji Wenfu.


Ji Wenfu's mind went blank,
At this time, he really had the urge to scold his mother, and he couldn't leave, and couldn't stay, it was definitely torture to death for him!
Did it just fall into Lin Feng's hands today?
"You did such a nasty thing against your conscience today, do you still want to leave safely?" Lin Feng turned around and walked towards him without expression.

Qian Meini is already gradually waking up, let Luo Wanjun handle it.

If he was waiting by the side, the two women would definitely not be able to let go, and besides, with him around, Luo Wanjun would never be harmed in the slightest.

"Boss Ji, why are you silent?"

"Your previous attitude was chattering and frantic, but now you are suddenly dumb. It's very intriguing." Lin Feng sneered and stood in front of Ji Wenfu.

"Lin Feng, don't bully me too much. You have already crippled my son. Do you still want to kill them all?" Ji Wenfu pursed his lips and raised his head subconsciously.

The rabbit bit people when it was anxious, not to mention that he was a human being. Facing Lin Feng's strong pressure, he couldn't let him slaughter him without saying a word.

"Your son?" Lin Feng was puzzled.

"My son's name is Ji Dong, and you beat him up at the Zuixin Bar a few days ago!" Ji Wenfu couldn't restrain his emotions when he thought of this.

However, after he let out his breath for a while, his expression fell into depression again. After all, he was afraid of Lin Feng in his heart.

"So that scumbag is your son! Well! Sure enough, like a father, like a son! Both of you father and son are full of sins, living is a waste of air!" Lin Feng remembered that night, he went to drunk The experience of picking up Feng Lulu at the bar.

That night, that arrogant Ji Dong humiliated him and took his parents away!

It was the greatest kindness that he didn't kill Ji Dong as a soldier.

"You have evil intentions towards Jun Jun, there is no reason to live, and death is not a pity!" Lin Feng will not be kind.

"You can't kill me, you can't kill me!" Ji Wenfu was so frightened that his whole body went limp, and he wanted to escape, but his knees were numb and he couldn't move at all. His head was chopped off.

"Don't, don't, don't kill..."

Ji Wenfu finally felt the taste of death, and turned into a corpse in the next second.


As Ji Wenfu fell to the ground, the conversation between Luo Wanjun and Qian Meini also started to quarrel at this time.

"Luo Wanjun! I don't need your pity, stay away!" Qian Meini gradually recovered, dizzy, and suddenly saw Luo Wanjun in front of her, and immediately became angry from embarrassment.

"Qian Meini, you need to calm down!" Luo Wanjun thought of saving Qian Meini, but she denied it after a second thought.

"I, Qian Meini, don't need your pity, so hurry up and get lost with that little boy of yours!" Qian Meini gave Luo Wanjun a very disgusted look.


The slaps were loud and clear!

Qian Meini was woken up by a slap, and stopped venting instantly.

This scene made Lin Feng, who came in a hurry and also wanted to slap Qian Meini, stopped in his tracks.

"Qian Meini, you designed to frame me, I haven't pursued it yet, and now you want to humiliate my man?!"

Luo Wanjun still raised her hand, if Qian Meini said something disrespectful to Lin Feng again, she would slap him again without hesitation!

[There will be a third update in the evening. I would like to thank the two book friends U18***933 and 252***251 for their support. I don’t have the nicknames of the two book friends here, only the numbers ⊙⊙]

(End of this chapter)

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