The most powerful evil god of war

Chapter 48 All Get Out 【3 More】

Chapter 48 All Get Out 【3 More】

Luo Wanjun kept a straight face and spoke loudly.

Even though she and Qian Meini were good sisters, that was only in the past!
Standing nearby, Lin Feng secretly nodded to Luo Wanjun's attitude.

As the boss of the company, he still has such a vigorous and resolute style of dealing with things.

"Luo Wanjun, I'm going to humiliate your man, keep hitting me!" At this moment, Qian Meini, who was stunned by Luo Wanjun's slap, finally came to her senses, her eyes gleaming with endless resentment.


Luo Wanjun immediately slapped her again.


Qian Meini covered her swollen cheeks with her hands, her teeth creaking.

"Qian Meini, I don't know what caused you to become like this, but you are also an adult, you shouldn't do such reckless things!" Luo Wanjun still raised her arms.

If Qian Meini still doesn't realize where her mistakes are, she will slap her a few more times!

"I'm solemnly telling you now, don't pretend to be a good person in front of me, I, Qian Meini, no! Rare! Rare!"

"Then give me an explanation, why did you secretly design to frame me?!" Luo Wanjun said earnestly.

The Qian Meini she used to know, that good sister who was her classmate for four years, no longer exists!

Now, Qian Meini is a crazy woman, unreasonable!


"Hehehe, there is no explanation!"

"In terms of appearance and family background, what is it about Qian Meini that I am inferior to you? Why are you better than me in everything?!"

"So, I'm going to bring down your company, make you lose everything, and make you lose everything!"

Qian Meini struggled to stand up on her own, with a face full of fear, deliberately keeping a distance from Luo Wanjun.

"You want to bring down my Ankang Pharmaceutical Company?"

"So, Baicao Biopharmaceuticals is your company!" Luo Wanjun understood immediately.

Lin Feng next to him also thought of what he said that night not long ago when he was obliterating Wei Haichen, the Patriarch of the Wei family.

Wei Haichen once said that it was not him who secretly framed Ankang Pharmaceutical all this time, but a Miss Qian from the provincial capital!

Thinking about it now, the Miss Qian that Wei Haichen was referring to must be this Qian Meini, he should have thought of it long ago!
"Luo Wanjun, you should be a sensible person, I don't think I need to explain it to you again?" Qian Meini ignored Luo Wanjun's feelings at all, with a look of superiority, she stumbled and leaned on the wall, turned around and was about to leave .

"Want to leave?!" Luo Wanjun looked at Qian Meini's back. This woman almost destroyed herself, so she just wanted to leave?
"Luo Wanjun, do you still want to kill me here?" Qian Meini stumbled, still walking towards the door.

"I won't kill you tonight. But, if there is another time, I will never forgive you!" Luo Wanjun turned around and looked back, her eyes filled with tears.

She used to be a good friend and best friend, but now she has turned against her, which really hurt her heart!

However, deep down in her heart, she didn't want to do too much, so it could be regarded as giving Qian Meini a chance to reform herself!
"Hmph!" Qian Meini had a fierce look in her eyes, and disappeared at the door.

"Mr. Wan, let the tiger go back to the mountain. What is waiting is endless revenge. Are you sure you want to let her go?" Lin Feng walked up and hugged Luo Wanjun.

He knew that now Luo Wanjun's heart was very fragile.

Think about it, Luo Wanjun was framed by her trusted best friend, whoever she was, would feel sad.

"This is the last chance. If she doesn't repent, I won't have kind thoughts when we meet again." Luo Wanjun took a few deep breaths, comforting herself to calm down.

It has always been her principle to stay on the front line.

"I'll listen to you this time." Lin Feng nodded.

Luo Wanjun has a kind heart and has always been like this. He admits that Luo Wanjun has mixed too much personal emotion in handling this matter.

However, Qian Meini did bring a lot of trouble, but to him, this little trouble is not a big deal. It has always been his attitude that soldiers come to cover up the water and cover it up.

"By the way, how did you see through Qian Meini's shrewd scheming when you were in the box next door?" Luo Wanjun was a little curious.

"To tell you the truth, she can't compare to you at all. Why do I pity a weed that grows sideways instead of holding flowers?" Lin Feng grinned, and stretched out his hand to scratch the bridge of Luo Wanjun's upturned nose.

"It's them, it's them!"

Just now.

Outside the box, more than a dozen muscular men with sticks came rushing over, all of them fierce and glaring at Lin Feng and Luo Wanjun angrily.

"I'd like to see, which arrogant guy dares to make trouble in my Juxian Village?"

A strange voice came, and then a middle-aged man wearing gold-rimmed glasses walked into the box from the crowd with a cigar in his hand, surrounded by smoke.

"Master Qiu, it's them!"

The group of people holding sticks looked directly at Lin Feng and Luo Wanjun, and gave way to Lord Qiu one after another.

Qiu Hu, in his thirties, relying on his brother, has done well in the underground circle. This Juxianzhuang is the shop he just acquired.

Today, his friend Ji Wenfu was here to discuss matters. He had known about it for a long time, but he didn't realize it. In just over ten minutes, the bloodshed happened.

He could clearly see that Qian Meini, who was from the provincial capital, was extremely embarrassed and left with anger all over her body.

So, he brought his brother and rushed over immediately.

"Tsk tsk tsk, I really didn't expect that we could welcome such a beautiful woman in Juxian Village." The moment Qiu Hu saw Luo Wanjun, his expression of excitement was beyond words.

"All get out!"

Lin Feng said in a low voice, wrapped one hand around Luo Wanjun's waist, and strode safely towards the door.


"Is this guy scared and stupid, and let us go?"

"Made, what are you pretending to be!"

"Master Qiu, let's get rid of this kid and dedicate that beauty to you."

A group of people with sticks challenged Lin Feng one after another.

However, their gazes were fixed on Luo Wanjun, revealing the man's most primitive lust without any concealment.

"Brothers, as long as there is my meat, there will be your soup!" Qiu Hu smiled happily, and from time to time he helped his eyelids, his small eyes were full of thieves, showing no fear.

"Originally, you didn't have to die."

Lin Feng's words suddenly sounded.

It was his fault that he destroyed the furniture here, so compensation is enough, but the group of people in front of him clearly didn't come here because of this incident!
"Only you, do you still want to single out my brothers? It's a dream!" Qiu Hu laughed coldly and contemptuously.

"I'll definitely surprise you!" Lin Feng said earnestly, knowing that it was necessary to leave this dirty place quickly.

[Third watch, thank you for your recommendation vote support]

(End of this chapter)

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