The most powerful evil god of war

Chapter 49 Is a fierce man! 【1 more】

Chapter 49 Is a fierce man! 【1 more】

"Boy! Kneel down obediently and sing Conquer, we may spare your life!"

"You brazen guy, you still want to surprise us?"

"Brothers, don't dawdle, the speed has solved him, and there is a beauty waiting for us to moisturize!"

Just when this group of people were full of disdain and laughed, they suddenly saw Lin Feng holding Luo Wanjun in his arms, as if hanging on to Wia, his feet were off the ground, and he approached them in the next instant .

Then, before everyone could react, all the sticks in their hands fell to the ground!
Immediately afterwards, the group of people received a punch from Lin Feng in the chest, which was fatal enough.

The speed is as fast as a ghost!
"bang bang bang..."

The sound of sticks falling to the ground, and the sound of everyone falling to the ground in shock, could be heard all the time.

Lin Feng didn't want to hurt the innocent at first, but the other party really didn't know how to praise him, so he came to humiliate him if he was an individual, if this went on, no one would be able to tolerate it.

More importantly, these people shouldn't humiliate Luo Wanjun with words!

When the group of people all fell to the ground, each of them showed a face as pale as death, with less air intake and more air output, and they were already dying, and they didn't even have the strength to cry out in pain.

In this scene, Luo Wanjun, who was embraced by Lin Feng, was the first to be shocked.

She knew that Lin Feng's personal combat power was extremely strong, but she didn't expect to be so decisive. After knocking down everyone directly, it seemed like a one-hit kill.

The most shocking one was Qiu Hu, the owner of Juxian Village who was smoking a cigar next to him.

what is this?
It's just a blink of an eye, but his brothers haven't made a move yet, so they are so useless?
His back felt a little chilly. What kind of character was this unsmiling man in front of him?
The moment he was stunned, Lin Feng was already standing in front of him.

"Juxianzhuang has a boss like you, it really insults the word Juxianzhuang." Lin Feng said in a low voice, raised his hand and threw Qiu Hu flying.

Qiu Hu was defenseless at all, even if he was prepared, it was impossible for him to make a perfect plan in front of Lin Feng, and his whole body was directly thrown into the air and landed not far away.

"It hurts! It hurts!" Qiu Hu fell to the ground, flung all over the place, his face was full of horror, his mouth was full of blood, and he was in unspeakable pain.

But he inadvertently noticed that there was a person lying next to him, it was his friend Ji Wenfu.

He lightly touched Ji Wenfu's body, his face turned pale with fright, and he quickly retracted his hands. It was clearly a cold corpse!
"Brother, I was wrong, I was wrong, please forgive me, good man, and give me a chance to make a contribution!" Qiu Hu is a well-known sinister villain, if he doesn't bow his head at this time, maybe he will in the next second Become a cold corpse.

Thinking about it, he became more and more afraid, how could he accidentally provoke a killing god of unknown origin!

He is just a small character. With his brother's help, he managed to sit in the position of the boss of Juxian Village. He doesn't want to die so early!

He wanted to cry, for a big man was frightened, he was indeed frightened physically and mentally.

"Apologize yourself! Get out of Tianhai, if I meet you again, you understand the consequences!"

Lin Feng ignored Qiu Hu, and if the other party refused, he would take action himself.

"You... You've been bullying too much." Qiu Hu was naturally unhappy when he heard that he was asked to cripple his arm to apologize.

"So what if you bully people too much?" Lin Feng walked over.

"Forget about Lin Feng, let's go." Luo Wanjun stopped Lin Feng at this time.

"The group of people headed by him have insulted you. If there is no substantive lesson, he will retaliate like a ferocious wolf, and he will not stay." Lin Feng shook his head silently, staring at Qiu Hu with fiery eyes.

"I might as well tell you, my brother is Qiu Long, Feng Ye's right-hand man! I advise you to get out of here quickly, we'd better not make mistakes!" Qiu Hu suddenly raised his head, and at this moment he didn't care about his brother Qiu Long My warning, life-saving is important at the moment!
"Qiu Long, Fengze's right-hand man?" Lin Feng was slightly surprised.

If the Qiu Hu in front of him held the name of Fengze and stood up to the weak, this matter could not be handled so simply!
If necessary, let Fengze come here in person and ask the crime face to face!

Even if Fengze's identity is the informant of the retired veteran general Longya, and he handles the news in a black and white style, he will not let it go easily!

"Mr. Feng, do you have a man named Qiu Long under your command?" Lin Feng called Feng Ze in front of Qiu Hu.

The two chatted briefly, then hung up the phone.

"Mr. Wan, we have to wait a bit before we can leave." Lin Feng said apologetically.

"It's okay, it's a matter of principle to handle this matter well." Luo Wanjun saw Lin Feng's expression, which looked a little impressive, so naturally she would not forcefully leave.

Qiu Hu, who was next to him, watched Lin Feng finish the phone call, his expression was puzzled at first, and then he started to sneer, "Boy! Who the hell do you think you are? You can also talk to Master Feng? Stop talking nonsense!"

Only ghosts believe that Lin Feng in front of him has something to do with Feng Ze, who is famous in the underground circle of Tianhai City!

Just as Qiu Hu sneered disapprovingly, Lin Feng kicked him on the chest.

Lin Feng once clearly warned himself that no one would allow anyone to humiliate his parents in this life!

Lin Feng might not have been so angry if a curse fell on Lin Feng, but the parents who gave birth to him and raised him have passed away, and if someone cursed him again, he would never forgive him!
As far as his kick is concerned, Qiu Hu is almost useless, his life is hanging by a thread, and he only needs to wait for Feng Ze to come to the scene in person to decide his life and death.

Lin Feng had a hypothesis in his mind.

If Qiu Hu is from Fengze, then one can imagine the seriousness of this matter.

At this moment, the entire Juxianzhuang clubhouse is in chaos.

Other guests in the clubhouse had already gathered to watch out of curiosity. After all, there was too much movement in Lin Feng's box.

Fortunately, it is noon now, not the peak time for sleeping at night. There are about 30 people, all gathered in the corridor and discussing.

"I heard that there was someone inside who beat up Qiu Hu, the owner of Juxianzhuang?"

"It seems to be the case. There are too many people, and we can't squeeze in to see what's going on."

Some people on the periphery tiptoed to inquire inside.

"This is a fierce man! He beat more than a dozen of them by himself, absolutely fierce!"

"Then who is this fierce man? Have you never seen him before?"

"Although he is a fierce person, so what, he even claimed to know Master Feng, just his tasteless attire, it is really a joke in the world!"

Some people who were close to the door of the box saw clearly what happened in the box, and when they were shocked, they didn't think it was too big to comment.

Everyone was talking, less than 5 minutes later.

"Look at that person's appearance, why does he look more and more like Fengze?"

Someone with sharp eyes looked at the middle-aged man walking towards the hall and exclaimed.

"Yes, it's not like, it's him, Master Feng, Master Feng is here, it's really him, everyone, spread out!"

[Thank you for your recommendation tickets and support, there will be two updates tonight]

(End of this chapter)

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