The most powerful evil god of war

Chapter 50 Eradicating Cancer【2 More】

Chapter 50 Eradicating Cancer【2 More】

The arrival of Fengze surprised everyone.

Immediately afterwards, with awe on their faces, they immediately retreated to the wall and spread the way.

Master Feng's name is a taboo, and in the past three years, it can be said that the whole Tianhai has been famous, and everyone wants to make friends with him, and no one wants to leave a bad impression at this time.

Feng Ze came with his hands behind his back, his expression was not serious and rigid, but gentle, he nodded to everyone, and then went straight into the box.

Behind him, followed closely a man with inch hair. The aura exuding from him made everyone stay away. His appearance was somewhat similar to Qiu Hu. He was Feng Ze's right-hand man, Qiu Long.

"Master Feng!"

"Big brother!"

"This guy beats and scolds me, and doesn't take you two seriously. He really doesn't know what's good and what's wrong. You guys have to make decisions for me!"

Originally, Qiu Hu, who had been dying all the time, suddenly sat up after seeing Feng Ze and Qiu Long coming, and almost exhausted all his strength, calling for help, not forgetting to deliberately condemn Lin Feng for his disrespect.

This scene surprised everyone. They thought that Qiu Hu had fainted and passed out.

But now it seems that this Qiu Hu was afraid of death, so he deliberately lay down on the ground and pretended to be dead!

"Huzi, shut up!" Qiu Longhu stared at Qiu Hu with rounded eyes.

"Brother, aren't you making others more powerful and destroying your prestige? Why did you tell me to shut up?" Qiu Hu was very reluctant, but he was very confused.


Qiu Long jumped up in an instant, leaned close to his younger brother Qiu Hu, and slapped Wuzhishan down.

Qiu Hu was thrown into the air again, including when he landed in mid-air, he was completely stunned.

He was wronged, and his elder brother didn't avenge him after he arrived, but actually slapped him?
"Mr. Lin, my younger brother Qiu Hu's reckless behavior has offended you. Please punish him." Qiu Long knelt down on one knee in front of Lin Feng, bowed his head and lowered his eyebrows. His sincere tone was enough to show his awe.

At this moment, not only were Qiu Hu wailing, but Qiu Hu was at a loss, even the No. 30 people outside the box were all stunned in place.

Qiu Long beat his younger brother Qiu Hu violently, and even made such a humble act of kneeling, which is enough to explain Lin Feng's identity and background.

However, Qiu Hu, who was seriously injured, was already filled with anger in his mind, and when he saw this scene, he looked at Fengze very unspeakably.

"Master Feng..." Qiu Hu was stupidly confused, but was interrupted by Feng Ze waving his hand.

"Brother Lin, I'm really sorry."

Feng Ze bypassed Qiu Hu who was about to distinguish, and stood in front of Lin Feng.

This stunned Qiu Hu.

Brother Lin?I'm so sorry?

Fengze even called Lin Feng a brother, and even apologized?

Moreover, his elder brother Qiu Long made a gesture of kneeling and apologizing?
His eyes full of anger slowly turned to Lin Feng's body, his face could not help showing a look up, how strong is this person's energy?
Can't even provoke Fengze?

"Mr. Feng, Qiu Hu is your man?" Lin Feng witnessed everything and was not moved. He looked at Fengze word by word.

Fengze is a little embarrassed.

To put it bluntly, Qiu Hu was not his man, but his bodyguard Qiu Long's man. He was weighing how to answer Lin Feng.

Because he understood that after he talked with Lin Feng all night last night, the relationship between the two of them had become a kind of friend in terms of rights and interests.

Now, Qiu Hu is doing evil, if he responds that he is his subordinate, it will inevitably go against his behavior style.

"Mr. Lin, Qiu Hu is my brother, not Lord Feng's." Qiu Long, who was still kneeling on the ground, quickly explained.

"Your name is Qiu Long, but the man in black who lurked near the Holy City Jiayuan that night?" Lin Feng looked at Qiu Long and changed the subject.

Because he sensed the aura of this person, it was very close to the aura that had been following him when he picked Feng Lulu home that night.

"That's right, it's me." Qiu Long didn't deny it. He was arranged by Fengze to guard Feng Lulu secretly, that's why he followed Lin Feng all the way that night.

"Your behavior is to secretly protect Feng Lulu, right?" Lin Feng's tone eased.

Qiu Long nodded heavily.

"Since that's the case, then I don't want your brother to do evil things against his conscience again." Lin Feng lifted Qiu Long up with one hand.

He didn't take it for granted, he just talked about it.

"Mr. Lin, please don't worry, before dark, I will send this worthless guy out of Tianhai." Qiu Long nodded fiercely to make a promise, his face was covered with cold sweat.

He could feel that Lin Feng had been suppressing his anger all the time, and if he was a little careless, no one would be able to leave this box today.

"Mr. Feng, I would like to say one more thing here." Lin Feng turned to look at Feng Ze with a complex expression.

"Brother Lin, it's okay to say." Feng Ze took a deep breath.

"I think, you have to strictly investigate everyone under your command. I don't want people with nepotism like this to do evil." Lin Feng said slowly, and smiled. In front of everyone, he was enough Ze's face.

Even though Fengze was an informant of his old leader Longya, if he insisted on going out of his way, he wouldn't mind destroying this news organization with his backhand.

If there is a cancerous tumor, it must be eradicated naturally!
Fengze didn't hesitate when he heard the words, and immediately nodded in response.

He also feels the same about this matter. His news network is like a huge spider web. There are too many primary and secondary personnel. It is very complicated to smooth out everyone's relationship network one by one.

He also had this idea, but because it was too complicated, he didn't take action for a long time. Now Lin Feng's suggestion made him feel more and more that this matter must be implemented immediately.

Moreover, there are probably not a few people like Qiu Hu who bully others, so he has to think deeply.

Then, Lin Feng took Luo Wanjun with him, and left the Juxian Village clubhouse under everyone's attention.

Silence, this is the most silent time ever in Juxian Village.

Many people saw the legendary Fengze for the first time, but no matter who they were, they never expected that today Fengze would be subdued by an unknown Lin Feng.

"Qiu Long, take him away from Tianhai quickly, don't let me know that he is doing evil in other places, otherwise I won't keep him."

Fengze pondered for a while, made a decision, turned around and left, when he walked to the door, his footsteps suddenly stopped, and he said: "Juxianzhuang, I will take care of it for the time being, and it will be closed from now on, and a bookstore will be established in a new way."

Feng Ze strode away, after this matter, he will be busy for a while.

Everyone witnessed all this, their throats seemed to be blocked by something, and their breathing was particularly labored.

The content of the conversation between Lin Feng and Fengze was cryptic and difficult to understand. They only understood a few words, that is, the fate of Qiu Hu and the fate of the Juxianzhuang Club. After Lin Feng said a word, they would no longer exist... …


DC District of Tianhai City.

In this man-made Fragrant Hills Manor, the hostess Xue Siniang is drinking wine and admiring flowers alone in the back garden.

Her face was full of blush, she was in her 40s, she looked like a young girl in bud, quietly savoring the wine in the glass.

At this moment, a long-haired woman in a black dress with a soft sword wrapped around her waist approached from the hall in an instant.

"Si Niang, this morning, the Wu family..."

"I know, you should step back, I want to be quiet." Xue Siniang waved her hands, her face showing a calmness she had never had before.

Of the four great families in Tianhai, the third one has gone now, and only her Xue family is left!

Even if she is not so shrewd, she will realize that the next one is her Xue family!

Besides, she is a smarter woman than anyone else, how can she not understand that her Xue family is about to face disaster!
[There will be a third update in the evening. Book friends who can do their best, please support me a lot, thank you Qingfeng]

(End of this chapter)

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