The most powerful evil god of war

Chapter 51 Fully cooperate with you [3 more]

Chapter 51 Fully cooperate with you [3 more]

The sky is still dark.

The thunder rolled for a long time.

This thunderstorm has continued since last night.

Xue Siniang was sitting under the gazebo in the back garden, looking at the colorful flowers nearby, thinking a lot.

She learned from Soul Blade's investigation information, and finally confirmed that Lin Feng was the one who wiped out the three families of Shen, Wei, and Wu recently.

Lin Feng!

This person is still fresh in her memory.

Three years ago, the man she was in the imperial capital invited many big families in Tianhai City to a luncheon at the Wisteria Manor.

At that luncheon, Ye Yanluo from the imperial capital, just because his daughter had been despised by the Lin family couple, he did not shy away from obliterating the Lin family couple on the spot. This Lin Feng was the one from the Lin family. offspring.

Moreover, she still remembered that this Lin Feng seemed to have just returned home from the army to recuperate from his injuries. During that luncheon, he was like a waste, with his tendons severed and buried alive in the mountains.

Three years passed in a flash, she thought this matter would have gone with the wind long ago.

Who would have thought that that little trash from the Lin family back then would have survived like a fantasy.

Moreover, it is not difficult to see from the fact that the Shen, Wei, and Wu families were destroyed one after another, this Lin Feng seems to be living a good life!
After pondering for a long time, Xue Siniang let out a long sigh.

She didn't expect that that little trash back then had grown into a full-fledged man today!
One thing she regretted was that she didn't watch Lin Feng die with her own eyes.

This has led to the current situation where the three families of Shen, Wei, and Wu are destroyed!
She knew very well that the reason why Lin Feng had such hatred must be because the heads of their wealthy families did not intercede for their Lin family during the luncheon that year.

She felt that she had analyzed it thoroughly.

However, she is in this game of chess, and the authorities are confused, and she seems to have neglected the most important point.

Lin Feng once said that when their Lin family was in trouble, everyone present could not help them, but don't add insult to injury, and don't slander their Lin family!

After all, there is a saying that is very good, it is love to help you, and it is duty not to help you.

In a sense, in that situation, no one would dare to come forward to intercede for the Lin family with the ferocity and violence displayed by Ye Yanluo.

Lin Feng had already rationally analyzed this point. He came back today to take revenge just for the reason that the four rich families Xue Wu Shen Wei slandered and abused the Lin family inhumanely in order to cater to Ye Yanluo's favor!
This was the important point that Lin Feng hated the most.

It's a pity that Xue Siniang really didn't understand the real reason why Lin Feng came back for revenge.

"Good boy, I'd like to see what waves you can make!" Xue Siniang drank a bottle of wine by herself, picked up a pot of tea and drank by herself.

She felt that she knew this matter well now, and her scruples about Lin Feng had vanished in a flash.

After half an hour, she finally stood up.

"Sword Soul, prepare the car."

Xue Siniang's complexion was frosty, her eyes were shining brightly, she showed an imperceptible hidden smile, and walked straight to the villa.

Behind her is Jianpo dressed in black silk, with a narrow soft sword that is inch wide wrapped around her waist.

The whiteness of her complexion is the kind of bloodless white. Dressed in black clothes, the whole person has a particularly cold aura, surrounded by sharp sword energy, which makes people dare not look directly at her.

Sword Soul is Sword Soul's junior sister, who has served under Xue Siniang's command for more than a year.


Ankang Pharmaceutical Group.

After Lin Feng and Luo Wanjun came back, they each took a shower and returned to the president's office.

Luo Wanjun has a change of clothes here, wearing gray casual clothes, she looks particularly sunny.

And Lin Feng didn't have a change of clothes. Fortunately, Luo Wanjun helped him find a brand new security uniform and changed it out.

"Lin Feng, if you don't become a male model, it will definitely be a loss to the global modeling industry." Luo Wanjun saw Lin Feng coming out, her eyes lit up, and she said with a smile.

To be honest, Lin Feng was 1.8 meters [-] tall, with a well-proportioned body, and he could wear any clothes with an eye-catching feeling. He was definitely a perfect clothes rack.

"The entertainment industry is too deep, I'm not suitable for it." Lin Feng shook his head and smiled, "I'll go to various departments to check on the raw material procurement, research and development, and sales of Juyuandan."

"Yeah, okay, I'll hurry up and make a bidding document." Luo Wanjun nodded, and then started to work at her desk.

"Why do you still need Mr. Luo to personally handle the bidding materials?" Lin Feng touched the tip of his nose, feeling a little curious.

As the boss of the company, Luo Wanjun has the heaviest burden on her shoulders. Shouldn't such trivial matters as preparing bidding materials be left to the secretary?

"You know, I still have less than a month left. There are some things that I have to do by myself, and I must cherish every opportunity." Luo Wanjun clenched her small fists and made a cheering gesture vigorously.

"Mr. Wan, in fact, you don't need to be so tired. Even if the tens of billions agreement is not reached, I will not let you lose your freedom to marry the Jiang family, for sure!" Lin Feng frowned with distress, and made a promise .

He also wanted to tell Luo Wanjun that the so-called tens of billions of promises were not that important with him around.

"Lin Feng, thank you!" Luo Wanjun's eyes were flushed, and she tried to keep her eyeballs from rolling. After wiping away her tears, she said with a smile, "But, I want to prove myself, and I want to prove myself too." Let my parents be proud of me, in this way, our Luo family will not always be squeezed out by the Jiang family and the others."

"Then, for the next time, I will fully support and cooperate with you." Lin Feng pondered for a while, showing a sincere smile.

He knew that if he forcibly helped Luo Wanjun resolve this matter, it would be a blow to Luo Wanjun's self-esteem.

Although sometimes, self-esteem is not that important, but for Luo Wanjun, he might be severely injured mentally in the future, so Lin Feng decided that no matter what, he would support Luo Wanjun.

One minute later, Lin Feng came to the R&D department.

"Assistant Lin, what are you doing here?" Wearing a white coat uniform, Ma Tao is the deputy head of the R&D department. He was sitting at his desk smiling and fiddling with his mobile phone. blacken.

"Minister Ma, are you so relaxed?" Lin Feng stood in front of Ma Tao with a light smile, and he could see that Ma Tao was chatting on WeChat, and he seemed to be quite excited.

"Assistant Lin is looking for me?" Ma Tao realized Lin Feng's eyes, quickly locked the screen of the phone and put it in his pocket.

"To be precise, I'm looking for your grandfather Ma Hongji, Minister Ma." Lin Feng looked around the office of the R&D department and wandered around as if nothing had happened.

"My grandpa's office is next door. He's not here today. Tell me if you have anything to do." Ma Tao looked at Lin Feng very displeased.

He is the deputy minister, and his grandfather is the minister. Because his grandfather doesn't come to work often, basically everything is decided by him, Ma Tao.

"You tell him to call me back within 5 minutes." Lin Feng turned and walked out of the office indifferently.

Ma Tao stared at Lin Feng's back, thinking of the scene where he could not lift his head up in front of everyone because of the Juyuan Pill formula, he was so ashamed that his teeth itch.

Lin Feng was walking in the corridor, and he saw the number plate of the office of the public relations department at a glance, and the voice and appearance of the charming head of the public relations department, Yang Li, immediately rose in his mind.

This woman is not a fuel-efficient lamp, so it is necessary to take some precautions first.

【Third watch, continue tomorrow】

(End of this chapter)

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