The most powerful evil god of war

Chapter 56 The Hit and Runner [2 more]

Chapter 56 The Hit and Runner [2 more]

The scarred man's face was ashen, and there were too many assumptions spreading in his mind.

The feeling Lin Feng gave him was the kind of heart palpitations that made him panic!
You must leave this place of right and wrong immediately!

It's just very helpless, after he was kicked by Lin Feng just now, his internal organs have been displaced, scarlet blood is still dripping from the corner of his mouth, and he can't move at all.

"I..." On the operating table, the old man's eyes were very cloudy, and he opened his mouth in a murmur.

All he remembered was that he was cleaning up rubbish on the road when he was suddenly hit by a big Mercedes.

After that, he had no memory at all, and looked at everyone with a confused expression.

Since he was still in the operation stage and still had a certain dose of anesthetic on his body, he couldn't speak clearly at all, and he couldn't even move his bones.

Fortunately, Lin Feng appeared in time, otherwise his brain would be powerless to recover from the lack of oxygen for a while.

"Xiao Yao, the operation on the old man's leg injury has not been completed yet, please clean up the wound quickly, and I'll help you." Lin Feng looked around the smoky operating room, and looked at Xiao Yao who hadn't recovered yet.

"oh oh!"

Xiao Yao woke up like a dream.

After the old man's legs were broken, the operation was only halfway through, and now it has been delayed for so long, and the operation must be performed immediately.

"Dean Li, take down this scarred face and others first, and don't let anyone go." Lin Feng looked at Dean Li with a very different look, and said slowly.

"Okay, no problem." Dean Li has lived a long time, of course he can see that the young Lin Feng in front of him has amazing medical skills.

Moreover, Ma Hongji knelt down to worship his teacher!
This further explained the important background of Lin Feng in front of him.

And the so-called family members in front of them...

Dean Li is naturally a sensible person. This group of people has no kinship with the patient, but they look like the perpetrators who injured the elderly.

He quickly greeted the security guards, and after taking away the man with the scar and the others, he hurriedly ordered people to clean up the mess in the operating room, and after quick sanitation and disinfection, he quickly took them away.

When he walked out of the operating room, the noisy crowd that had been lingering had already dissipated, and there was only one person, Ma Hongji who had just arrived at the hospital.

"Mr. Ma, who is Mr. Lin inside?" Dean Li asked quite cautiously.

"Old Li, I can only say one thing. It is understandable to say that he is No. 1 in China for his medical skills. Even if you look around the world, Mr. Lin's medical skills claim to be second, and no one dares to call him number one."

Ma Hongji's face was miserable, and he looked at Dean Li with relief.

Dean Li suffocated suddenly after hearing this.


If he hadn't witnessed Lin Feng resuscitating a dead man with his own eyes, he would never have believed Ma Hongji's words until his death!

However, he witnessed everything with his own eyes, witnessing the miracle of a dead man being brought back to life!
Birth, old age, sickness and death are the normal state of the world, and no one in this world can change the normal death of others.

However, after some miraculous movements, Lin Feng abruptly dragged a dead man back from Lord Yan's place!

The two were silent one after another, which undoubtedly gave them another idea of ​​the magic of this world.

Half an hour later, the operating room door opened.

Lin Feng and Xiaoyao walked out with smiles on their eyes.

"Mr. Lin, are you tired? Take a rest quickly. I will host a banquet tonight, so I can have a light meal for my face?"

Ma Hongji immediately stood up to greet him, trying every means to make up for his mistakes.

"Yes, Mr. Lin, this incident happened to my hospital tonight. Without your intervention, the hospital's reputation would be completely ruined. Let's have a light meal together?" Dean Li said in a timely manner.

Ma Hongji couldn't help but cast a deflated glance at Dean Li. He had been waiting for this opportunity for a long time!

This dead old man wanted to use his invitation to have a meal, wouldn't that hinder his private negotiation with Lin Feng?
"Dean Li, I heard that before I came, you spoke rudely to Mr. Lin. Is that true?" Ma Hongji immediately reprimanded.

Dean Li was extremely embarrassed, and quickly said with a smile: "I'm sorry Mr. Lin, I'm going out too..."

"Hmm! It's understandable." Lin Feng interrupted Dean Li's apology lightly at this time.

In his position to seek his job, Dean Li, as the person in charge of the hospital, some things need to be thoroughly investigated, but he didn't care.

"Thank you, Mr. Lin, for your understanding. Would you like to have a meal together tonight?" Dean Li hurriedly invited again with a smile on his face.

"Who are there for dinner tonight?" Lin Feng asked.

"Just me and Mr. Ma will accompany you to eat." Dean Li said, looking at Ma Hongji who looked displeased, and said with a smile: "Mr. Ma, is there anyone else?"

"Yes, yes, just the three of us." Ma Hongji rolled his eyes at Dean Li, and hurriedly expressed a respectful tone.

"That's it!"

Lin Feng waved his hand and strode away with Xiao Yao.

"Mr. Lin..."

"Please stay, Mr. Lin..."

Ma Hongji and Dean Li were dumbfounded immediately, and quickly chased after them in small steps.

"Mr. Lin, let's see, is it possible to make an appointment for tomorrow?" Ma Hongji didn't know how to continue the invitation, so he hurriedly retreated and asked.

"Did I say I'm going?" Lin Feng brows sullenly.

"This..." Ma Hongji and Dean Li were speechless for a moment.

Fortunately, Lin Feng said calmly again: "First, my brother Xiao Yao was wronged today, is there another explanation?"

"Yes, yes, there must be an explanation, and I'll write a manuscript right away..." Dean Li hadn't finished speaking, but was interrupted by Lin Feng raising his hand.

"Secondly, my brother was injured in the head, do you want to have a forensic examination to see the injury?" Lin Feng asked again.

"Yes, yes, Doctor Xiao has paid too much for the hospital, so there must be this process. I think his qualifications are not short, and he should be promoted to director." Dean Li hurriedly said righteously .

"Third..." Lin Feng just opened his mouth, but was interrupted by Dean Li.

"Third, I know that Dr. Xiao must be present for dinner tonight." If Dean Li still doesn't understand, then he is really a stickler.

Xiao Yao next to him was completely shocked. Is this still the Lin Feng he knew?

In a few words, Dean Li was conquered.

Is this still the Dean Li he knows?This is the first time Kaitianpidi has been so humble in front of people!
"Tonight my brothers will drink alone, let's do it another day." Lin Feng patted Xiao Yao's shoulder and looked at Dean Li.

"Tomorrow..." Dean Li hesitated for a moment.

"Mr. Lin, there is a charity auction tomorrow evening, why don't we go and have a meal together, okay?" Ma Hongji said suddenly.

"If you're sure it's a charity auction, you can go there." Lin Feng's gaze turned warm.

In a sense, he is also an orphan now. Since he is engaged in charity, he has no reason not to go. Naturally, he can't go empty-handed.

"Where are those people with Scarface?" Lin Feng pondered for a while, then looked at Dean Li.

"They...they were too tough, they fled after injuring the security guard of my hospital..." Dean Li's expression was extremely complicated.

"Escaped?" Lin Feng's eyes were cold and menacing.

Scarface and the gang were clearly the perpetrators who injured the old man, and even beat his brother Xiao Yao, so there is no explanation!

Previously, because of rescuing the patients, he had told the scarred man to settle the score later, but he didn't expect them to escape!

"Mr. Lin, let's forget about this matter. I have inquired about it, and the Scarface group seems to have something to do with the Xue family..." Dean Li said again.

"The Xue family!" A mass of evil spirit suddenly rose from Lin Feng's body.

(End of this chapter)

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