The most powerful evil god of war

Chapter 57 Of course I want to kill him!

Chapter 57 Of course I want to kill him!
In an instant—

Lin Feng dissipated the momentum from his body.

If not, Xiao Yao, Dean Li and Ma Hongji beside him would have been suppressed and fainted on the spot.

Xue family!

In Tianhai City, the Xue family, the only surviving wealthy family, and the Ye family in the imperial capital, are also Lin Feng's only current enemy!
After a while, he calmed down, and took Xiao Yao's shoulders indifferently, and strode away.

Only Dean Li and Ma Hongji remained, who were feeling uneasy.

"Old Li, how do you do things? Mr. Lin asked you to leave scars on the faces of several people, why did you let them run away?" Ma Hongji frowned, talking about Dean Li's fault.

"Mr. Ma, those people with Scarface are very likely to have a relationship with the Xue family, and you know it, they are not easy to mess with." Dean Li's expression tightened, and he shook his head in distress.

"Well! You're right, that little girl from the Xue family is quite difficult to deal with. I'll hurry up and inform Mr. Lin." Ma Hongji suddenly came to his senses, and wanted to follow in small steps.

"Mr. Ma, it's absolutely impossible." Dean Li grabbed Ma Hongji's arm.

"Why can't it be done? Do you want to watch Mr. Lin confront that girl from the Xue family?" Ma Hongji couldn't understand the meaning of Dean Li's words.

"I mean, Mr. Lin didn't say to look for Xue Siniang?" Dean Li patiently explained.

Ma Hongji was stunned for a moment, and smiled wryly, "It's true, Mr. Lin has such a noble status, it's impossible to mess with that girl from the Xue family for the sake of a few punks."

They looked at Lin Feng and Xiao Yao who were leaving, and when they were bitter in their hearts, they were suddenly overjoyed, as if they had a good understanding, they looked at each other together.

"That's right, if you want to make friends with Mr. Lin, you can do some homework from Doctor Xiao." Dean Li instantly felt relieved.

Ma Hongji naturally thought of this too, and the two coincided with each other, and hurriedly began to deploy the plan.

When Lin Feng and Xiao Yao came to the parking lot to say goodbye, Xiao Yao directly gave Lin Feng a big bear hug.

"Brother Feng, if you don't show up today, I'm afraid I'll be in trouble." Xiao Yao sighed, quite emotionally.

Today's incident happened suddenly, and he was completely unprepared.

"Xiao Yao, being so polite to me, does this mean you don't consider me, Lin Feng, a buddy?" Lin Feng grinned.

"Brother Feng, that's not what I meant. Do you want to come to my house for dinner tonight?" Xiao Yao calmed down and thought about the pain, and immediately smiled, and made an invitation with all his strength.

He had too many things to babble with Lin Feng, but he still felt more clean and free at home.

"Okay, after I came back, I haven't had time to visit my uncles and aunts. I'll go to your house tonight." During the days when Lin Feng came back, he stayed by Luo Wanjun's side all the time, and he didn't have time to visit his childhood friends. visited at home.

He was wrong.

Apart from Xiao Yao, his closest childhood brothers were Mo Bei and Feng Xin.

These two people went to join the army in the same year as him. These two people have been on their own side of the world and have not had any contact with each other. It is time to visit his family to visit the old man sometime.

The two agreed at seven o'clock in the evening, and then left separately.


Yujingwan Villa Area.

A gold-labeled Rolls Royce was parked outside a villa with a slightly dilapidated appearance.

Xue Siniang slowly got out of the car, followed by her most trusted and most powerful pair of brothers and sisters, Daohun and Jianpo.

"Si Niang, the old house of the Lin family has just been renovated, but no one lives there. I checked secretly, and the trash of the Lin family is currently living in the Luo family."

The soul of the sword, with a breath of blades all over his body, bowed to one side and reported softly.

"The Luo family... the Luo family moved to the imperial capital eight years ago. That little girl has been back to Tianhai alone for some years. I have to pay close attention to her every move!" Xue Siniang narrowed her eyes slightly, with a cold look on her face .

"Should we take the Luo family first..." Before Daohun could finish speaking, Xue Siniang interrupted him with a wave of his hand.

"The Luo family can't afford big waves, don't worry!"

"Actually, we should have thought a long time ago that the descendants of the Lin family came to seek revenge, but isn't that little trash dead?" Xue Siniang sighed softly, with a puzzled and slightly bitter look on her face.

There are not many times when a vicious woman like her can make her laugh and cry.

If it is said that when Shen, Wei, and Wu's families were destroyed one after another, she had no clue, and she was indeed melancholy and restless.

However, it is different now!
She had already learned the ins and outs of this matter, and after confirming that this person was Lin Feng, a descendant of the Lin family, she smiled strategically.

"Si Niang, Lin Feng and the others successively destroyed the three families of Shen, Wei, and Wu. His personal strength cannot be underestimated." Sword Soul made a rational analysis.

"Soul of the Sword, how long has it been since your master asked your two senior brothers and sisters to assist me?" Xue Siniang suddenly smiled meaningfully.

"One year and three months." Soul Blade responded immediately.

"After following me for more than a year, have you ever had the word 'fear' in your heart?" Xue Siniang said with a smile.

"Under Si Niang's protection, Dao Hun has never been afraid of anything." Dao Hun replied.

"Hehehe... Dao Soul, when did you learn how to flatter horses?" Xue Siniang suddenly laughed.

"Si Niang, what the soul of the sword is talking about is the truth. My sister and I can work for the master and the elderly while assisting you. We all have to rely on your identity to protect us." Soul of the sword said very seriously.

"Rather than saying that you are under my protection, it is better to say that we have reached a consensus, which is a relationship of sincere cooperation, isn't it?" Xue Siniang smiled happily, and was not at all worried about Lin Feng's matter.

"What Si Niang said is true." A smile appeared on Dao Hun's cold face.

"Jian Po, what do you think of Lin Feng?" Xue Siniang suddenly looked at Jian Po who was looking at the old house of the Lin family.

"Si Niang, you're just a reckless man, just kill him." Jian Po replied coldly.

Her complexion was extremely white, in stark contrast to the lace black dress she was wearing, and there was a faint sword aura wrapped around her body, which made people dare not look directly at her.

Even Xue Siniang and Dao Hun didn't want to get too close to Jian Soul unless it was absolutely necessary.

"Kill him?"

"Of course I want to kill him!"

Xue Siniang's face suddenly turned cold.

Dao Hun immediately bowed and said: "Si Niang, Dao Hun is willing to take his head."


Xue Siniang stared at the old house of the Lin family, smiled ambiguously, raised her hand and lit a cigarette, took a deep breath just right, and then sneered, "It's too easy to kill him, he won't feel what is called life." It's better to die, it's not fun!"

"What Siniang means is to torture his soul first, and then kill him when his oil is exhausted?" The sword soul is very good at pondering Xue Siniang's mind, and expressed his guess.

"Soul of the Sword, this old Lin family house shouldn't exist in this world, so burn it!"

Xue Siniang nodded silently, flicked the cigarette in her hand, and landed in the old house of the Lin family.

"Jian Po, Lin Feng, I will leave it to you to deal with, remember, don't kill him, don't restrain him, let him suffer first, let him understand that I, Xue Siniang, can punish whoever I want! "

Xue Siniang turned and left.

There was murderous intent in her cold eyes, which made Dao Hun and Jian Po feel the coercion coming towards them.

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(End of this chapter)

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