The most powerful evil god of war

Chapter 58 Burning Sky's Wrath

Chapter 58 Burning Sky's Wrath

It has to be said that as a woman, Xue Siniang's current status is directly related to her hidden strength.

Even Daohun and Jiansoul, who have been following her for more than a year, never noticed that she turned out to be a hidden master!
Daohun and Jianpo looked at each other with different colors in their eyes.

Immediately, Jian Po turned and left with Xue Siniang, while Dao Hun turned and walked towards the old house of the Lin family.

Xue Siniang's orders, to him, there is no right or wrong, he will unconditionally obey and carry out!

10 minute later.

The Soul of the Sword fulfilled Xue Siniang's order, and the old house of the Lin family in Yujingwan villa area burned to the ground in a raging flame.


Ankang Pharmaceutical Group.

"Lin Feng, I'm going to Lulu's house tonight, so I can't accompany you to Xiao Yao's house." Luo Wanjun stretched herself from the desk and said apologetically.

"En! That's good." Not long after Lin Feng came back, he looked up at Luo Wanjun, with an obvious look of surprise in his eyes.

"You, what's the matter with your expression? Is something wrong?" Luo Wanjun stretched her waist comfortably, seeing that Lin Feng's expression was very strange, she hurriedly asked.

"It's's your clothes..." Lin Feng stared at Luo Wanjun's V-neck suit with shame, and couldn't help staring at it for a long time.

"Is there something wrong with my clothes..." Luo Wanjun was puzzled, looking down, her snow-white cheeks suddenly flushed.

Usually, she pays attention to her own manners, but in front of Lin Feng, she is not so reserved. She stretched casually, and almost all of her V-neck suit was exposed...

"Cough cough cough..." Luo Wanjun straightened her clothes while looking at Lin Feng affectionately, pretending to be sullen.


Lin Feng was very intrigued, and immediately turned his body sideways and looked out the window.

Opposites attract, this is a very normal thing, what he accidentally saw is actually a man's nature, but it is impolite to stare at people all the time.

He and Luo Wanjun didn't cross the threshold by half a step, at least they had to be respected.

Standing in front of the window, Lin Feng raised his hand to light a cigarette, but all of a sudden, he was in a daze, as if something was happening...

This is the first time since he left his master that he felt this uneasy feeling!
"Mr. Wan, put down the work at hand, I'll send you to Lulu's house first." Lin Feng made a quick decision, he still chose to trust his intuition.

Even though he is confident that he can protect Luo Wanjun's life, what if he is not by Luo Wanjun's side?
He is going to visit Xiao Yao's house soon, leaving Luo Wanjun alone, he is worried.

"!" Luo Wanjun didn't hesitate, Lin Feng's face suddenly became a little strange, she chose to trust unconditionally, and immediately agreed.

Fifteen minutes later, Lin Feng drove Luo Wanjun to Zijin Manor, Feng's house in Beicheng District.

"Lin Feng, go home, let's go home, back to your old house!" Luo Wanjun suddenly screamed.

"What's the matter?" Lin Feng was already feeling restless from hunger, but now it became much more acute.

"Hmm... Maybe I'm worrying too much, but you still listen to me, go back to your old house first." Luo Wanjun was sitting in the co-pilot, and when she accidentally checked the news on her mobile phone, she saw a piece of news!
One about the Yujingwan villa area, one of the villas was submerged in the fire!

Through the pictures on the Internet, she vaguely saw that the villa looked very much like the old Lin family's house!

But she didn't see it with her own eyes, and she couldn't be sure, so she didn't tell Lin Feng the truth, so as not to cause unnecessary worries.

However, Lin Feng already had a premonition.

His premonition comes from the Taoist nature in Guigu's unique art!

The car gallops away!

Five minutes later, the car drove into Yujing Bay. Before Lin Feng and Luo Wanjun approached, they saw puffs of black smoke rising not far away!

Lin Feng stomped on the brake, and a heart-piercing pain rose in his chest!
He held hands with Luo Wanjun, walked like flying, and stood in front of the old Lin family's house in an instant.

It was his home, the house that had been dilapidated in the fire, it was the old house of his Lin family!

At this moment, Lin Feng almost lost his mind, and in the blink of an eye he rushed into the old house of the Lin family, which still had sparks, regardless of the firefighters' obstruction.

Lin Feng tried his best to extinguish the burning flames, and the anger in his heart was spreading infinitely.

He wants to be kind, he doesn't want to kill innocent people randomly, but the direction of this world is driving him crazy!

Who did such a bad thing to his Lin family's old house behind his back? ! ! !
He has an intuition.

The person who set fire to his Lin family's old house, in Tianhai City, probably there is no one else except Xue Siniang who dared to act so recklessly!
A group of suffocating coercion spread out of his body inadvertently, and the vicinity of the old Lin family house was filled with his burning wrath!
All the people in the vicinity, including firefighters and ordinary people who spontaneously organized to fight the fire, all seemed to have fallen into an ice cellar at this moment, their faces pale and cold sweat dripping down their cheeks.

The old Lin family house is gone!

The memories that belonged to Lin Feng, everything that belonged to his Lin family, were all reduced to ashes, completely gone!
His thoughts were beating extremely fast, and finally froze on the verge of collapse!

Three years ago, his Lin family was killed and his parents were killed. He survived by luck!

Now, the only old house of his Lin family has completely disappeared in this fire!
He was furious, but it was not others who caused the current situation, but himself!
If he had dealt with the enemy earlier, what happened before him would not have happened!

He just wanted to help Luo Wanjun reach the tens of billions agreement with all his strength, which delayed his revenge plan!

"Lin... Lin Feng, look at me, look at me, I am Jun Wan..." Luo Wanjun resisted Lin Feng's enormous pressure and moved over step by step.

Lin Feng's eyes were red, and he glanced at Luo Wanjun abruptly.

In an instant, Luo Wanjun seemed to be frozen, unable to move an inch.

Immediately afterwards, she was dripping with sweat, and her face became paler and paler.

"Mr. Wan..."

Fortunately, Lin Feng, whose mind was filled with anger, came to his senses at this critical moment, and restrained all his aura in an instant.

"I'm sorry, I was too impulsive." Lin Feng came abruptly, hugged Luo Wanjun in his arms, and looked at everyone present apologetically.

"I know you're feeling uncomfortable, but the Lin Feng I know should be the one with the most tenacious willpower, and he will never lose his sense of control because of this incident, right?" Luo Wanjun snuggled into Lin Feng's arms, softly murmured.

"It's my fault, I'm sorry." Lin Feng admitted that at that moment, if he hadn't woken up in time, he might have started killing unintentionally.

The old house was set on fire, and no one could calm down, not to mention that Lin Feng is also a man of flesh and blood, so he naturally has emotions and desires.

"Wan Jun, you should stay at Lulu's house for a few days." Lin Feng smiled and buried all the pain and resentment in his heart.

"Lin Feng, the instigator of this fire may be the work of the Xue family, are you sure you want to..." Luo Wanjun hesitated to speak.

She knew very well what Lin Feng was about to do, but the energy of the Xue family had already stood at the top in Tianhai, so it was impossible for her not to worry.

"Mr. Wan, after tonight, Tianhai City will be clean for a while." Lin Feng didn't say it bluntly, he didn't want Luo Wanjun to be distracted by him anymore.

"Brother Feng!"

"If you win, I will accompany you to rule the world! If you lose, I will accompany you to get drunk and make a comeback!" Luo Wanjun buried her head in Lin Feng's arms.

"Mr. Wan, with you by my side in this life, I will never leave and never betray you!" Lin Feng hugged Luo Wanjun tightly into his arms.

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(End of this chapter)

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