The most powerful evil god of war

Chapter 60 Inescapable 1 Death 【Please recommend】

Chapter 60 Doomed to die 【Please recommend】

The sun is setting in the west, the setting sun is like blood.

Lin Feng restrained all his emotions, drove the Dongfeng Iron Armor like a wild beast, and headed straight to the Xiangshan Manor in the DC area, the Xue family!

The past is the same as before, he wants to wipe out his grievances with one sword!


In the sky, lightning bolts flashed across from time to time, illuminating the evening twilight.


Immediately afterwards, there were bursts of rolling and non-stop thunder, which was endless.

In the hot summer, the weather is changeable, and another thunderstorm is about to come.

Pedestrians on the street are gradually becoming scarce, only the vehicles in the evening rush hour after get off work continue to flow.

Lin Feng happened to be on this main road, and the car stopped and went for more than half an hour.

As night falls, the lights are on.

On the main road leading to Xiangshan Manor, one kilometer away from Xiangshan Manor, the place is full of trees and flowers, but the flow of people is extremely rare.

There is no other reason, this is Xiangshan Manor, Xue Siniang's territory!

A long-haired woman in lace and black clothes, riding a red six-eyed demon motorcycle, has been staying here since she drove out of Xiangshan Manor.

Her complexion is extremely fair, her appearance is glamorous, and the expression between her brows is full of endless sword energy. She is one of the two strongest men under Xue Siniang's command, Sword Soul.

She obeyed Xue Siniang's order and started to attack Lin Feng, but she couldn't kill him with one blow, which made her extremely annoyed.

It is her consistent style to carry out tasks to kill people and seal her throat with a sword.

But this time, she insisted on saving the other person's life and used methods of torturing the soul, which she extremely disdains.

However, she couldn't disobey Xue Siniang's order, so she had no choice but to give up this time.

Half an hour ago, she wanted to start with Lin Feng's friends, but she received the news that Lin Feng was coming in Fengze's Dongfeng Iron Armor, so she didn't take the initiative to attack, and deliberately waited here.

"Clap clap clap..."

At this moment, accompanied by thunder and lightning, a rapid raindrop began to fall.

The night is blurry, and this thunderstorm night is even more obscure. Under the light of lightning, it is gray everywhere.


Another bolt of lightning pierced the sky!

At the same time, two beams of dazzling lights came quickly from far to near in the rainy night.

This is a dark green military Dongfeng armor, known as a beast!

Jian Po's eyes suddenly tightened, and two sharp sword qis approached the galloping Dongfeng Iron Armor.

Immediately, she unhurriedly got off the motorcycle and casually stood in the middle of the road.

Lin Feng!

Lin Feng must be inside the car!

She is a martial artist with extremely keen senses, which is also derived from the killing swordsmanship she practiced.

She was surrounded by looming sword energy, and she didn't take half a step back from the coming Dongfeng Iron Armor.


When the Dongfeng armored car was one meter away from the Sword Soul, it stopped the car.

Inside the car was Lin Feng.

From not far away, he has already sensed the woman in front of her, surrounded by sword energy, she is definitely not very human. According to the message that Feng Ze had chatted with him, he can conclude that this woman is most likely to be under Xue Siniang's command Sword Soul!
This woman is named after Sword Soul, her aura is fierce and domineering, her sharpness is sharp, it is obvious that she cultivates the Slaughter Sword!
The corner of his mouth raised and he sneered slightly. If you talk about cold weapons, in this world, the martial arts and swordsmanship of Guigu's unique knowledge are respected!
Slaughter and protection are originally one, and this girl's sword soul gave up the sword of protection and specialized in the sword of killing, which is enough to show that this girl must have suffered a devastating blow when she was young.

The rain is getting heavier.

Jian Po just stood in the wind and rain, his whole body drenched by the rain, staring coldly at Lin Feng in the car.

"You're confident?"

Lin Feng got out of the car slowly, his body surface was filled with a dense layer of air, and when the rain fell from the sky, when he was a foot away from him, a trace of mist appeared and disintegrated.

"It seems that you are more confident than me!" Jian Po watched the changes in Lin Feng's body, and his pupils shrank involuntarily.

This display of true energy to protect the body is even stronger than her level!
This was the first time that she had come into contact with Lin Feng at such a close distance.

I had to admit that Lin Feng's indistinct aura made her a little hesitant.

However, she would never believe it, nor would she admit that the feeling Lin Feng gave her was fear.

She didn't retreat because of this, after all, in her cognition, the release of true energy does not mean that the strength is unfathomable!

"You set the fire?" Lin Feng said in a low voice, and looked away from Jian Po.

"Yes so what? No so what?" Jian Po subconsciously responded, suddenly confused, when did she have so much nonsense with a strange man?

What's more, the man in front of her is still the target of her mission, and he is about to become the soul of her sword, so he is not worthy to talk to her!

"Whether it's true or not, your result will inevitably lead to death." Lin Feng said in a deep voice, no matter how terrifying Jian Po's sharp eyes were, he remained motionless.

"Can't escape death? Hehehe! You really have no one in your eyes!" Jian Po sneered endlessly.

"Draw your sword!"

Lin Feng whispered coldly, but he was very curious, how strong could this sword soul who gave up the sword of protection and specialized in the sword of killing be?

All in all, anyone who stands in the way of his revenge will become his stepping stone, and the woman in front of him is no exception.

"You are not worthy of letting me draw my sword!" As soon as the sword soul fell, the whole person disappeared in front of Lin Feng.

You know, the distance between the two before was only three meters away!

If her opponent wasn't Lin Feng, but someone else, maybe with this move, her opponent would be dead.

However, what Jian Po is facing is a retired soldier who has fought in the battlefield for five years. He is called the backbone of the army and is the God of War in the army. Feng is just a step across.

"Hmph!" Lin Feng snorted coldly, and kicked him.


Lin Feng could clearly hear a painful gasp from Sword Soul.

Before that, the Sword Soul could blend in with the night, which was a necessary life-saving skill for an assassin.

However, it was a rainy day, and Sword Soul could hide in the dark night, but it couldn't hide in the rain.

Moreover, Lin Feng's senses were so keen that even without the change of rain, he could immediately determine the location of the sword soul just by the flow of breath.

"I underestimated you!"

Sword Soul's voice was full of endless anger, and he suddenly retreated ten meters away from Lin Feng.

Her left arm was broken by Lin Feng's foot just now.

Her face showed unprecedented indifference, but in her heart, she really felt what fear was.

Apart from her master and Xue Siniang who just showed her strength today, Lin Feng was the first person she feared.


She didn't dare to push her any further, and pulled out the purple blood soft sword wrapped around her waist!

"call out!"

Jian Po held a soft sword, and a burst of purple light soared towards Lin Feng's face.

Then, before she had time to withdraw her sword, she turned around suddenly, and almost tried her best to escape towards Xiangshan Manor at high speed.

She knew very well that the sword she used just now had used all her strength, but facing the calm Lin Feng, she seemed powerless as if she was mired in a quagmire!

"Flee without fighting?"

Lin Feng's eyes showed contempt, this is not the way a swordsman should behave.

"The Xue family will be destroyed from you!"

With a wave of his hand, the rainwater around him was condensed in an instant, and a three-foot water sword gradually took shape.

"call out!"

Lin Feng controlled the water sword to shoot out in an instant, and the surrounding rainwater was rolled up, forming an unrivaled sword energy, hundreds of times stronger than the so-called sword energy of Sword Soul itself.

Guigu Zonghengjian's hundred-step flying sword was brought into full play in Lin Feng's hands!

[Tomorrow will start to add updates, thank you for your support]

(End of this chapter)

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