The most powerful evil god of war

Chapter 61 You are very cunning 【Part 1】

Chapter 61 You are very cunning 【Part 1】

This water sword is as fast as the wind and rushes like thunder. In the rainy night, it is filled with rippling cold light, which is far more dazzling than the lightning in the sky!

At this moment, Sword Soul is fleeing at high speed, burning the essence and blood in his body desperately to flee wildly!

She has learned the sword of killing since she was a child, and has never met an opponent, which has invisibly formed her aloof character. She doesn't know what fear is at all!

However, at this moment, she was afraid. She really understood what it means that there are mountains beyond mountains, and there are people beyond people!
With just a wave of Lin Feng's hand, water gathered into a sword, and that terrifying and suffocating powerful sword energy made her face ashamed.

This water sword that people dare not look directly at is like a dragon in the deep sea, approaching the back of Jian Po in an instant.

Jian Po's mentality completely collapsed!
The water sword was only a finger away from her back, if she was a little careless and slowed down by half a point, she would definitely die on the spot!
During this period, she tried several methods, but she still couldn't get rid of the water sword's approach.

The unspeakable misery and unprecedented fear that she had never had before made her regret.

She tried her best to escape, even if she died, she couldn't die outside!

She wanted to tell Xue Siniang about Lin Feng's strength, otherwise, the Xue family would soon be destroyed unimaginably!
Tens of meters away.

Lin Feng had already stepped into the car, maintaining a speed of [-] mph, following closely behind the frantically fleeing Jian Po.

As for the water sword that made Jian Po flee wildly, it did not directly penetrate Jian Po's body, but also maintained a constant speed, closely following Jian Po's back.

He can subtly grasp the speed of this water sword, the reason why he didn't kill the sword soul in one blow is because he was waiting for time.

He was waiting for the moment when Jian Po fled to the gate of the Xue family, and then wiped him out!

He wants the Xue family to understand that even the recognized cold-faced female killer Sword Soul is still useless in front of him!

Of course he also admitted that Sword Soul's strength is not bad, at least in Tianhai City in this secular world, its strength is not bad.

If you want to blame it, blame her for following the wrong person, doing the wrong thing, and being tolerated by the world!

After a few seconds—

Sword Soul finally approached the gate of the Xue family!
Her state of mind, at this time, is the excitement of the rest of her life!

Because through her own efforts, she finally survived until now, and the seemingly invincible sword energy emitted by Lin Feng did not hurt her.

"Lin Feng, you are nothing more than that!" She turned around confidently, and immediately swung the purple blood soft sword in her hand, trying to block the cold light water sword that was right in front of her eyes.


As soon as the clang of weapons confrontation sounded, a crack appeared between Jian Po's eyebrows!
That's right, Lin Feng had already got off the car, and at this moment he finally ended Jian Po's life.

" could you..."

Jian Po's cold face, which was already bloodless and pale, is now a dead face!


Sword Soul crashed to the ground!

Ten meters away, in front of the gate of Xue's house, the lights were brightly lit, and the four gatekeepers who stood still despite the wind and rain just happened to see this scene.

At this moment, they were almost dumbfounded on the spot!
In their minds, that sword soul who kills people without blinking an eye and is so beautiful fell in front of a strange man!
"I... I, am I wrong?"

"It should, it shouldn't, it won't..."

"Master Sword Soul, she..."

"Not good! Quick, close the door..."

The four of them froze in place for a long time before finally recovering from the scene in front of them.

They don't know who Lin Feng is, but they know who Sword Soul is, and the person who can knock down Sword Soul, even if they have dozens of guts, they wouldn't dare to fight hard!

In an instant, Lin Feng's figure appeared in front of them.

"Don't, don't come here!"

"We are, but the Xue family..."


When the four of them saw Lin Feng standing in front of them like a ghost, when they were about to argue, their throats seemed to be locked by an iron chain, and they couldn't breathe anymore.

Then, Lin Feng strode into the Xue family compound.

He once said that disasters are worse than family members!

However, the other party deceived others so much that he even set his Lin family's old house on fire, this will never be forgiven!

He also said that he would make the world crazy for his actions!
The Xue family must be wiped out!
When Lin Feng walked into the Xue family's compound, he sensed the surroundings slightly, and only then did he discover the Xue family's forest of security!
In the huge courtyard, ten steps and one person remained unshakable despite the wind and rain. After finding a stranger intruding, they did not act decisively and attack him in groups.

There were only two people closest to Lin Feng, and they stopped Lin Feng with wide-eyed tiger eyes.

"The Xue family's mansion, don't trespass, report your name, and you can leave your whole body." One of them yelled at Lin Feng coldly.

Lin Feng was expressionless, disdainful to argue.

He didn't bother to pay attention to these bullying rats, so he might as well give them a good time!
"call out!"

Lin Feng stared at the villa hall directly in front of him. He was walking like flying. Wherever he passed, all the bodyguards of the Xue family fell to the ground, unconscious!
After a few breaths, Lin Feng stood in the hall of the Xue family and walked into the hall.

After a few more breaths, after Lin Feng walked to the second floor of the villa, his expression suddenly changed drastically.

very wrong!

Within his sensing range, there was no one in the entire villa!
This is very abnormal!
This vast and splendid Xiangshan Manor shouldn't have only dozens of bodyguards guarding the house!
He vaguely felt that Xue Siniang was not in the villa.

Are you not at home?

Or, got cold feet?

"Xue Siniang!"

Lin Feng was extremely insane, he circulated his true energy and let out a loud roar!

In the entire villa, all the glass and porcelain were reduced to powder under Lin Feng's voice!
Anger and unwillingness, loss and self-blame occupied Lin Feng's mind at this moment!
What if Xue Siniang ran away?
His road to revenge will take more time!

After Lin Feng calmed down, he sat in a chair in the hall and lit a cigarette.

He comforted himself, maybe Xue Siniang is out and hasn't come back yet!

Slightly squinting his eyes, he tried his best to convince himself, but with the facts in front of him, even he himself was unwilling to accept his guess!
Xue Siniang, most likely ran away!


At this moment, the broken monitor on the wall suddenly made a "ding" sound!

Immediately afterwards, a woman in a blood-red cheongsam appeared on the screen.

"Xue Siniang!"

Even if this woman turns into ashes, he will not admit his mistake!

"Boy of the Lin family! I admit that your current energy makes me a little afraid, but I don't understand why you want to attack me?"

Xue Siniang was in the helicopter, and turned on the satellite image with the monitor at home.

All the actions of Lin Feng and Jian Po before, she and Dao Hun could see clearly at home!

She and Dao Hun admitted that he was not Lin Feng's opponent for someone who could injure Jian Soul with a single strike.

Xue Siniang and the old fox knew the importance of the situation, so they gave up Xiangshan Manor, arrived at the mountain behind the manor through the secret underground passage, and boarded the helicopter.

"You are very cunning!" Lin Feng's eyes were like swords, and his body was filled with endless killing intent.

"Well, if you don't explain, then I will understand. You must be struggling with the bad luck that your Lin family encountered in Wisteria Manor three years ago, right?"

Xue Siniang narrowed her eyes and sneered.

She was dressed so coquettishly that outsiders could not tell that she was already a middle-aged woman in her 40s.

"You can't live for more than three days!" Lin Feng stared at the monitor, already having a plan in mind.

"Hehehe! If you can survive, let's talk!" Xue Siniang said, turning off the monitor.

However, with Lin Feng's keen senses, he suddenly heard the sound of a second hand in the ground not far away!
"Timed, dynamite...!"

Lin Feng was suddenly shocked, the hairs all over his body stood on end!
[There are two more changes in the evening, please recommend tickets for support]

(End of this chapter)

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