The most powerful evil god of war

Chapter 63 All Destroyed 【3 Updates】

Chapter 63 All Destruction

Thunderstorm night.

In this desolate mountain ridge, Lin Feng actually found it!

This made Xue Siniang terrified when she thought about it!
Originally, she was talking with Daohun, and she had already shown a strategic smile, but when she suddenly saw Lin Feng's appearance, the smug smile on her face froze instantly.

Lin Feng is not dead!

He actually avoided the explosive attack with only a three-second countdown? ! ! !
Xue Siniang is an extremely shrewd woman, and also an extremely confident and strong woman, but at this time her mind is already in a mess.

How could this be?
She sacrificed Jian Po's life and personally destroyed her beloved manor. Why did this result happen?
Her face was extremely pale, although she had also thought that Lin Feng might not have been killed by the bomb.

But how did Lin Feng find the desolate ridge where she was hiding now?
For a moment, she suddenly thought of that big man known as the "King of News" - Fengze.

Fengze must have helped Lin Feng farewell!

Otherwise, in the entire Tianhai City, who would have the ability to find out Xue Siniang's whereabouts in such a short period of time?

"Lin Feng! You're here, and it will save me the time of looking for you!"

The sword soul next to him bared his teeth. He also just woke up from the shock. Deep down in his heart, he hoped that Lin Feng would not be killed by the bomb.

Because, in this way, he would be able to personally kill Lin Feng for his junior sister, Sword Soul, and avenge her revenge!

"My arrival, you two, one seems to be happy and the other sad?" Lin Feng watched the changes in the faces of Xue Siniang and Dao Hun, and their footsteps were approaching.

"Oh, so it's the young master of the Lin family. I don't know why you came to this poor place like mine." Xue Siniang pretended to be very curious, but she was thinking about how to escape from this place quickly.

"What's the matter?"

"Xue Siniang! When you worked for Ye Yanluo back then, you personally proposed to hold a family reunion in a pretentious name, and also issued an invitation letter under your signature, am I right?" Lin Feng laughed angrily.

"Oh! It's been so long, I've forgotten about it!" Xue Siniang pretended to be thinking, and sighed for a long time.

The first time Lin Feng saw Xue Siniang, he had actually made a decisive decision in an instant.

However, if Xue Siniang didn't mention those indelible past events in front of Xue Siniang, how would he know about his late parents in the spring?

What's more, Xue Siniang in front of him is still thinking about not admitting her fault at this time. Lin Feng will naturally take action. He wants to make Xue Siniang's heart tremble, and at the moment of death, let her clearly recognize Acknowledge your mistakes!

"Blade Soul!"

Suddenly, Xue Siniang stretched out her hand fiercely, and pushed the furious Daohun out.

In order to take her own life into consideration, Xue Siniang would not hesitate to sacrifice anyone!

In her eyes, all the people around her are just pawns in her chess game.

He wanted to take advantage of Lin Feng's battle with Dao Soul to be as fast as possible.

If not, the perfect plan that she carefully laid out will be put to Dongshui.

"Lin Feng! Wait for me to take your head as a memorial to my junior sister!" Dao Hun originally wanted to attack Lin Feng, but due to Lin Feng's soaring killing intent after his arrival, he retreated.

But now, he was pushed out by Xue Siniang, so he could only bite the bullet, and of course he would not run away again.

At the same time, his hatred for Xue Siniang increased exponentially, this vicious woman!
"There are a lot of people who want to take my head. It's a pity that I took the head instead in the end, and you are no exception." Lin Feng walked indifferently, his eyes focused on Xue Siniang. Soul, he didn't care.

"Go to hell!" Dao Hun's eyes were already ignited by the anger of hatred. At this moment, he didn't care how powerful Lin Feng was. He still didn't believe that he would be killed by one blow!

Immediately, he wielded the double knives in his hands to the extreme, his legs bent naturally, his body leaned forward, and his feet kicked back violently, like a ferocious wolf, he rushed towards Lin Feng.

"Your strength is far inferior to that woman with the sword, go to hell and accompany her!" Lin Feng walked lightly, still not looking directly at the soul of the sword, and turning his hands once again condensed water into a sword.

"call out!"

A sword seals the throat.

Even though Dao Hun and Jian Soul both have the strength of Ming Jin in the early stage, they are definitely outstanding among the younger generation, but his opponent is Lin Feng.

He himself didn't know what level Lin Feng's current strength was at. He only knew that his master had said that in this world, no one could knock him down. The reason for being able to go down the mountain.

At this time, Daohun was still leaning forward, and the brow had been pierced by the swift water sword.

At the moment when he was dying, he still couldn't understand that there was such a huge difference in strength between him and Lin Feng.

Dao Hun fell down unwillingly, and at the moment of dying, his eyes moved away from Lin Feng's angrily glaring, and then glared at Xue Siniang.

This vicious woman who pushed him to the abyss of death!
Xue Siniang did not regret the death of Dao Hun, on the contrary, the moment she had the sword in Dao Hun's eyebrows, she had already gained momentum and soared into the air.

In this thunderstorm night, she was as light as a swallow, as nimble and swift as a swift on the sea.

Lin Feng was not surprised by this, because after he arrived earlier, the moment he saw Xue Siniang, he felt that this woman was actually a hidden master.

Early stage of dark energy!

You must know that in the martial arts path, only when you reach the early stage of Ming Jin can you enter the door of the martial arts path, and in this life, it is already very good that one in ten thousand people can achieve such an achievement.

Not to mention, the strength of a woman in her 40s is actually in the early stage of Anjin, which is enough to show that Xue Siniang also had a big chance.

Of course, no matter who had a great chance, they couldn't compare with Lin Feng's great chance.

"call out!"

Lin Feng jumped up into the air, and the two of them shuttled among the mountains and rocks in this thunderstorm night.

Xue Siniang is very fast.

But Lin Feng's speed was even faster!

"Xue Siniang!"


Lin Feng's footsteps were flying, and he stood in front of Xue Siniang who was running away like lightning.

Due to the inertia of running away, when Xue Siniang found that Lin Feng was less than five meters in front of her, it was too late to stabilize her figure, and she wanted to turn around and run, but Lin Feng's speed was beyond her reach.


Without hesitation, Lin Feng kicked Xue Siniang's chest!

Xue Siniang instinctively wanted to dodge, but with her speed, she couldn't escape Lin Feng's heavy feet.


Xue Siniang was kicked hard, and immediately spurted out a mouthful of old blood, and then flew out backwards.

Moreover, she relied on the inertia of flying backwards to speed up her escape speed by a bit.

She was completely scared!

"Xue Siniang, you can't escape!"

No matter which direction Xue Siniang fled to, Lin Feng's figure was always like a ghost, blocking Xue Siniang's way time and time again.


In the end, Xue Siniang's neck was pinched by Lin Feng's backhand, causing her to struggle to breathe, and veins popped out of her forehead suddenly.

"Because of you, my parents died tragically!" Lin Feng's eyes flashed with a sharp edge, and the strength in his hands was slowly increasing.

"Lin... Lin Feng, you, you can't kill me, you have to know that besides Ye Yanluo, there is also a master butcher with sword soul and sword soul behind me!"

Xue Siniang squeaked and couldn't speak, she felt the taste of death deeply, and immediately threw out her two backers.

"It's useless to talk too much, die!"

Lin Feng stopped the ink marks and broke Xue Siniang's neck with his backhand.

What about Ye Yanluo in the imperial capital?

So what about the so-called butcher?

He has no fear!
So far, the four great families of Tianhai City, Xue, Wu, Shen, and Wei, have all been wiped out!

[Third watch, thank you for your reward and support, thank you for your recommendation tickets and support]

(End of this chapter)

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