The most powerful evil god of war

Chapter 64 Win or lose, I will accompany you

Chapter 64 Win or lose, I will accompany you

Xue Siniang, the vicious woman who killed her three elder brothers with her own hands, finally lost her vitality on this thunderstorm night.

If this news spreads, it will definitely be a shocking and fortunate thing for the people in Tianhai City.

After all, Xue Siniang's energy is known to everyone in Tianhai City. There are too many people who dare not speak out because of her power. They would rather sacrifice their own property than compete with her.

The full underground overlord!
As a result, there are still many happy families, under Xue Siniang's coercion and temptation, their families were ruined and displaced.

Xue Siniang's death is undoubtedly a great joy to the world!
For Lin Feng, this was the goal he had achieved after returning to Tianhai!
Next, he will assist Luo Wanjun to complete the tens of billions earlier.

Then, go to the imperial capital!
He wants that powerful Ye Yanluo to pay a hundred times and a thousand times the price for what he did three years ago!

During this period, he still needs to keep in touch with Yeying and King Kong in time to find the mastermind who framed their Dragon Team back then, and to avenge his lost comrades-in-arms!

Turning around, Lin Feng walked down the mountain step by step.

This thunderstorm night is destined not to be peaceful.


Ji's house in Nancheng District, Tianhai City.

"Ruthless! Lin Feng's Hudan was so cruel that he killed my father for no reason!"

Sitting in a wheelchair, Ji Dong was wearing filial piety, staring at the corpse of his father Ji Wenfu, his eyes were red as if bleeding, extremely ferocious.

His legs are useless, and they are directly related to Lin Feng!
Before the revenge was avenged, his father was murdered by Lin Feng again. His mind was filled with anger and he lost his mind.

"Ji Dong, I said before that I will avenge your father's revenge for you, and I will never break my promise." Qian Meini, who had swollen cheeks and dark red skin all over her body, stared at the thunderstorm outside with sharp eyes, revealing murderous gaze.

A few hours ago, at the Juxianzhuang Club, she conspired with Ji Wenfu to deal a fatal blow to Luo Wanjun and Lin Feng.

Never expected that that seemingly insignificant Lin Feng actually destroyed the perfect chess game she had designed!

Moreover, he tortured her almost to death!
A woman as lonely as her is unwilling to ask her father for help no matter what.

Half an hour ago, she did not hesitate to spend [-] million yuan to invite the top three international killers Xuesha on the dark web.

She believed that within three days, the killer Xue Sha, who was of Chinese descent, would arrive in Tianhai.

During this period, she still has to do everything possible to destroy Luo Wanjun's Ankang Pharmaceutical Industry, so for now, she has to bear with it and endure the calm for a while.

at the same time--

Far away in the Kunlun Mountains in the Western Regions, an old man with white beard and hair, accompanied by a handsome young woman with gorgeous branches, embarked on a flight to Tianhai City.

"Senior Butcher, congratulations on entering the late stage of dark energy. After returning to Tianhai to deal with grievances, do you want to join us in Death Valley?" The young and handsome woman was wearing a black embroidered cheongsam, and she looked extremely cold and beautiful. Yan is exactly the black rose under Xue Siniang's command.

"Is this your invitation, or the invitation of your death valley owner?" The old man with white beard and hair is the master of the sword and soul - the butcher!
"Of course it's an invitation from our valley owner. I just want to let you know the news first." Black Rose pursed her lips politely and chuckled.

"As far as the background of your Death Valley is concerned, how does it compare with Kunlun Mountain?"

"Our valley owner said that there are some in Kunlun Mountains, and we also have them in Death Valley, but we have a lot of things that Kunlun Mountains don't have." Black Rose smiled slowly.

The butcher suddenly opened his eyes, stretched out his hand and grabbed Black Rose's wrist, and asked suspiciously: "Little girl, you can't joke about this, are you sure, Wen Bilan really said that?"

"Senior butcher, you're hurting him..." Black Rose was very angry, showing a little bitterness.

"Yeah!" The butcher realized that he was a little impulsive, so he let go of his hand, and then asked: "Did your Valley Master ever say that you are qualified to enter the secret realm of the entrance?"

"Senior Butcher, it depends on whether you have joined Death Valley." Black Rose didn't say it clearly, but deliberately revealed to the butcher this secret that was enough to shock the world.

"Forget it, when I arrive at Tianhai, I'll go to your Death Valley first, and then join my disciples." In the bottom of his heart, the butcher still hopes very much for the qualification to enter the secret realm of the profound entrance, which is the only door related to leaving the secular world!

As for meeting Xue Siniang, he was not in a hurry.


Tianhai City is still covered with thunderclouds.

Beicheng District, Zijin Manor, Feng Family.

After Lin Feng came back from Beishan, he drove here.

In the villa, when Lin Feng stood in the foyer, Luo Wanjun and Feng Lulu, who were sitting on the sofa in a daze, suddenly stood up.

"Brother Feng!"

"Brother Lin Feng!"

The expressions of the two women changed from worry to joy.

"Wanjun, Lulu, are you still up so late?" Lin Feng walked over with a smile on his face.

"How are we going to sleep if you don't come back?" Feng Lulu said with resentful eyes, and ran towards Lin Feng first.

"Do you want to sleep together?" Lin Feng was a little surprised. Feng Lulu's words, if you savor them carefully, have a deep meaning.

"What are you thinking? I hate it!" Feng Lulu waved her powder fist and punched Lin Feng.

"Wanjun, it's not beautiful for a woman to cry." Lin Feng walked quickly to Luo Wanjun who was standing there, and stretched out his arms to embrace her in his arms.

"I said before, if you win, I will accompany you to rule the world. If you lose, I will accompany you to make a comeback!" Luo Wanjun watched her beloved man come back safely. Hot and falling.

Ever since Lin Feng left her, until now, her heart has been very heavy.

Although she knew that Lin Feng was extremely powerful, she was still very worried about the vicious, femme fatale Xue Siniang.

"I also said that I won't worry you anymore, let's go, let's go home." Lin Feng embraced Luo Wanjun, feeling particularly warm in his heart.

His parents are gone, now Luo Wanjun is his only relative, he cherishes it very much!

"You...or just live here." Feng Lulu stood aside, with a very complicated expression.

She didn't know why, every time she saw Lin Feng and Luo Wanjun's extremely intimate behavior, her little heart felt extremely uncomfortable.

She naturally knew that this might be the so-called jealousy!
However, how can her best friend, Luo Wanjun's man, win her love with a knife?
"Forget it, there is no Lin Feng's change of clothes here, let's go home." Luo Wanjun wiped away her tears and smiled.

"Then I'll go back with you and forget it. My dad didn't come back, so I'm lonely alone, okay, Miss Wanjun?" Feng Lulu was a playful girl after all, she was full of crazy ideas.

"Lulu, your dad hasn't come back yet?" Lin Feng deliberately changed the subject with a gentle look.

"Yes, my dad said that he will be very busy recently and may not have time to take care of me."

Feng Lulu's words were half true and half false. Both Lin Feng and Luo Wanjun knew it well, and they didn't expose her on the spot.

At this moment, Fengze came back from the outside.

"Lulu, don't make any trouble, the summer vacation is over soon, hurry up and review your homework." Feng Ze stepped into the living room, then looked at Lin Feng with a smile.

"Mr. Feng, Tianhai City, if there is no outsider involved, it will be clean from now on." Lin Feng looked at Fengze, nodded and smiled.

"So, we should open a bottle of wine to celebrate!" Feng Ze understood Lin Feng's words in seconds.

A woman who was as strong as Xue Siniang was only mediocre in front of Lin Feng, so she immediately decided to tell Lin Feng a secret about the Lin family.

[There are two more updates tonight]

(End of this chapter)

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