The most powerful evil god of war

Chapter 65 Grandpa Qin Long [2 more]

Chapter 65 Grandpa Qin Long [2 more]

"Mr. Feng, you seem to have something to say, so you might as well say it bluntly." Lin Feng observed the subtleties of his words, and saw that there was a trace of unspeakable in Fengze's joy.

"Well, I have something to say to you, come here." Feng Ze stretched out his hand to guide Lin Feng, and walked towards the study.

The two girls, Luo Wanjun and Feng Lulu, did not follow them knowingly, but sat on the sofa, each with strange joy in their eyes.

Inside the study.

Lin Feng and Feng Ze sat facing each other.

"You have to be prepared for what I'm about to say." Feng Zesi said slowly.

"But it doesn't matter." Lin Feng nodded.

At present, nothing can make him lose his mind.

"Your grandfather, Qin Long, is still alive." Feng Ze told the truth word by word that even Lin Feng didn't know.

"Mr. Feng, if you don't have definite evidence, I advise you not to talk nonsense!" Lin Feng's breath was obviously unstable when he heard the word "Qin Long".

He doesn't allow anyone to joke about the life and death of his relatives!

Qin Long, the old man who only existed in his childhood memories, was a kind-hearted and amiable elder who once worked in the Research and Investigation Department.

However, when he was nine years old, his grandfather and his party traveled thousands of miles across more than half of the earth and arrived in Antarctica to do meteorological research work.

A full 16 years have passed since the incident, and the entire scientific research expedition team consisted of 13 people, and there has never been any news so far.

Now, Feng Ze's sudden words told him that his grandfather was still alive. Lin Feng really couldn't accept this so-called secret for a while!

"Lin Feng, this news is absolutely true. I, Fengze's news, will never assert myself." Fengze's expression was quite serious, not like a joke.

Lin Feng could naturally see Fengze's expression, and his state of mind also had huge waves at this moment.

His grandfather Qin Long, if he was still alive, would be over 60 years old now, it would definitely be a surprise for him!
"My grandfather, where is he?" Lin Feng calmed down the excitement in his heart, and did not ask about the source of the news. As long as he can be sure that his grandfather is still alive, that's enough.

"The three of them were received by the scientific research department half a month ago, and then immediately blocked the news from the outside world. Three days ago, Senior Qin and the three of them returned to their respective homes." Fengze continued. road.

"There are three people left?" Lin Feng murmured, and said slowly, "Why did the Research Department block the news?"

"I can't do anything about this right now." Feng Ze shook his head.

"Yes." Although Lin Feng didn't know why the scientific research department blocked the news, he knew that his grandfather had already returned to his home in the imperial capital.

Suddenly, he had a premonition.

Perhaps, in the hands of his grandfather and others, there are some secrets that can shock the world. This is the reason why the scientific research department deliberately blocked the news!
After a brief thought, Lin Feng was both happy and worried. The happy thing is that his grandfather is still alive and has returned home safely!

What is worrying is his uncle, Qin Zhenshan, his relative who made him want to kill him!
Three years ago, before his Lin family died, his parents lived in his grandfather's house when they went to the imperial capital.

Just because his parents said a few more words at the reception and annoyed Ye Yanluo's daughter!

Due to the power of the Ye family, his uncle threw his parents out of the Qin family that night!

And claimed that the Qin family and the Lin family swore to be incompatible and no longer have the slightest kinship relationship!

Until now, Lin Feng still doubted that what happened back then might be the residence of Ye Yanluo and his Lin family that his uncle Qin Zhenshan had told him about.

"Lin Feng, your grandfather may not know the news of your parents' murder. If he knew, he might go directly to Ye Yanluo to fight for his life."

Fengze lit a cigarette and said meaningfully.

Lin Feng instantly felt relieved.

That's right!

His grandfather is an extremely protective person. If he learns about the murder of his parents, he will definitely seek revenge from Ye Yanluo!

Without further ado, he had to go to the imperial capital immediately, lest something happen to his grandfather!
After all, his grandfather was just an ordinary person, what would he use to fight the powerful Ye Yanluo?
Thinking of this, Lin Feng stood up suddenly.

"Mr. Feng, thank you for your news. I will repay your kindness later, and I will leave."

Lin Feng waved goodbye, but Feng Ze followed closely behind.

"Lin Feng wait a minute." Feng Ze blocked Lin Feng's way.

"Mr. Feng, is there anything else?" Lin Feng narrowed his eyes slightly.

"I know you're worried about your grandfather, but don't be in a hurry. I'll find his contact information for you as soon as possible. Let's make a call first." Fengze said earnestly.

"When will it be done the soonest?" Lin Feng naturally understood the importance of this point.

"It should be done before dawn." Feng Ze said confidently.

His news network covered almost the first-tier cities in Huaguo, so it was not difficult to find someone.

"Then I'll wait for your call." Lin Feng nodded deeply.

He is really grateful to Fortress for helping him so selflessly.

As a result, he became more determined, so that when he was in the imperial capital, he would spare no effort to protect Feng Lulu's safety, which could be regarded as a repayment for Fengze's endless knowledge.

Half an hour later, Lin Feng drove Luo Wanjun back to the Jiayuan villa area in the holy city.

After the two had a simple supper, they returned to their bedrooms.

Although Luo Wanjun had hinted to Lin Feng more than once, at this time Lin Feng didn't have any love for men and women in his heart.

In his current state of mind, he is very eager to learn about his grandfather Qin Long!
Complicated thoughts kept recurring in his mind. After holding his breath and concentrating, Lin Feng meditated and comprehended the unique art of Guigu.

The next day, the rain stopped and the sky cleared.

Lin Feng was still meditating, when a phone ringing woke him up.

The signature on the call was exactly the person he had been waiting for all night, Fengze!

"Mr. Feng, please tell me." Lin Feng answered the phone immediately.

"Fortunately, I have found your grandfather's communication method." Feng Ze was very excited, and immediately told Lin Feng a series of numbers.

Then, Lin Feng couldn't wait to dial it.

The phone rang for a long time, and finally came a loud and heavy voice.

"Which one?"

"Is it grandpa?" Lin Feng asked tentatively when he heard the voice was a little strange.

"You are?" There was a strong doubt on the phone.

"Lin Feng." Lin Feng said bluntly.

He is temporarily unable to determine who is on the other end of the call. After all, he has not had contact with his grandfather for 16 years, and the voice in his memory has long been unfamiliar.

"Xiao Feng!" The voice on the phone was extremely loud, full of surprise, which made Lin Feng's eardrums on the phone tremble extremely.

"Grandpa, it's me, I'm Xiao Feng!" Lin Feng was extremely sure, it was his grandfather Qin Long without a doubt!

"Xiao Feng, grandpa is very pleased to receive your call. Grandpa is not dead. After so many years, do you think that grandpa is already dead? Hahaha, grandpa is not dead and is alive and well!" The other person on the phone One side is Qin Long.

He was doing Tai Chi in the courtyard, and he was a little slow to answer the phone.

He has a strong waist and extremely strong bones, and he laughs with a red face.

"Grandpa, it's good that you live!" Lin Feng choked up.

"Yeah, I'm still alive! By the way, your parents are busy. Don't tell them that I'm still alive. I'll go to Tianhai tomorrow and give them a big surprise." Qin Long was full of enthusiasm. Inner smile.

For him, these 16 years have fully affected his life's destiny. He hopes to share it with his relatives, and hopes to rely on his strength to free his relatives from the shackles of this secular world!

[The recommendation votes for this book are a bit bleak, I implore everyone to vote for support, thank you Qingfeng, there will be a third update tonight]

(End of this chapter)

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