The most powerful evil god of war

Chapter 66 Is it tolerable or unbearable [1 more]

Chapter 66 Is it tolerable or unbearable [1 more]

"What a great authority!"

Suddenly, a deep and powerful voice came from far and near.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Feng came over solemnly and stood at the door of the meeting room.

His sharp eyes swept around the crowd, and then he locked on to Ma Tao.

Everyone subconsciously kept silent and held their breath.

They knew very well that Lin Feng's personal combat power was so strong that if he was annoyed, even if there were more women present, he might be affected.

"Assistant Lin, am I wrong? Liu Fei is at best a security chief, so what right does he have to sit between us for a meeting?"

When Ma Tao saw Lin Feng approaching abruptly, he instinctively took a step back. In order not to lose face, he still mustered up his courage and made a tit-for-tat gesture.

"Yes, Assistant Lin, our Ankang Pharmaceutical meeting has nothing to do with the security department. They are only responsible for the company's security." Yang Li, head of the public relations department, also looked up at Lin Feng at this time.

She and Ma Tao had reached a certain kind of agreement, and they must fight against each other. Besides, it was very exciting to prevent Lin Feng from stepping down in front of everyone.

"Assistant Lin, Minister Yang is right. In a meeting of our level, it is really against the rules for a security chief to come here."

Some people also felt that Liu Fei was really inappropriate here, so they said disconsolately.

For a moment, everyone seemed to have forgotten Lin Feng's way of dealing with affairs, and started discussing one after another.

Lin Feng walked in as calmly as water, and then gently pressed Liu Fei, who had a bright face, on the seat.

"Everyone, since you all understand that the Security Section is the force responsible for the company's security, then the Security Section must be present at today's meeting."

Lin Feng didn't explain much, and looked at Yang Li with a pair of cold eyes.

After Yang Li was locked on by Lin Feng's gaze, she instantly felt as if she was sitting on pins and needles. She wanted to avoid Lin Feng's gaze, but she couldn't turn her neck, and she couldn't stand up even if she wanted to. For a while, her back was drenched in cold sweat.

"Assistant Lin, what do you mean? For a security chief, you want to make fun of our ministerial leaders?" Ma Tao grinned, still unconvinced.

Even though his grandfather Ma Hongji told him thousands of times, confessed and confessed, he must not offend Lin Feng.

But he thought that his grandfather was just thinking of a bad old man, and he didn't bother to pay attention to it.

"This meeting is about laying off people and defending people from Kelai. Naturally, they are here to exercise their power and transfer some people to the police station for handling. That's all." Lin Feng waved his hand and sat next to Liu Fei.


"Assistant Lin, our company has been operating well, why do we suddenly have to lay off people?"

"Yeah, the company's performance is not bad, why is it suddenly going to lay off people?"

All kinds of criticisms and sighs were heard endlessly in the meeting room.

"Assistant Lin, Boss Luo hasn't come yet, you are usurping her position as the president, you are taking the lead!" Ma Tao was not in a hurry at all, but pointed at Lin Feng everywhere.

"What are you talking about, you bastard!"

At this moment, a person came to the door of the conference room, it was Ma Tao's grandfather Ma Hongji.

Before he entered the door, he heard his grandson Ma Tao chattering to Lin Feng, his face was green with anger, he staggered over and slapped Ma Tao in the face.

The sound of "pop" is endless!
The whole meeting room suddenly fell silent.

Ma Tao was like a fool, he got five or six slaps from his grandfather in a daze.

While his face was flushed, his angry eyes were wide open, and the veins on his forehead and neck bulged ferociously, and he grabbed his grandfather Ma Hongji's wrist.

"Old man! Are you crazy!" Ma Tao really couldn't figure out how his grandfather valued Lin Feng so much at such an age, but just for a few words, he beat him like a pig!

"You son of a bitch, are you trying to hit me?" Ma Hongji was furious.

"Old man! Get the hell out of here!" Ma Tao turned his face completely, and pushed Ma Hongji out.

He is the blood of the Ma family, his grandfather didn't think well of him, but time and time again he put on a face to curry favor with Lin Feng, an outsider, all kinds of irrational thoughts made him scream.

"Nie Zhan, you bastard!" Ma Hongji staggered and almost fell to the ground, but luckily Liu Fei appeared in time to hold him back.

"Old man, I, Ma Tao, don't care about your property. From now on, you are not allowed to control me, otherwise I..." Ma Tao pretended to make a move, but fortunately he still had a sliver of reason, and sat down on his buttocks. on the stool.

If this happened before yesterday, he would definitely swallow his anger in front of Lin Feng now.

However, after conspiring with Yang Li last night, he felt that his fate had been changed, and the little deputy director of Ankang's research and development department could no longer satisfy his desire.

Even if it is, his Ma family's property is only tens of millions. In comparison, as long as he and Yang Li succeed in planning, they will get [-] million yuan, wouldn't it be wonderful!
"Ma Tao, you are disrespectful and disrespectful!" Lin Feng said indifferently.

"Lin Feng, this is my Ma family's business, you don't have to worry about it!" Ma Tao sneered again and again, unscrupulously put his legs on the conference table, and his feet were still shaking just right.

Tolerable or unbearable!
Ma Tao's behavior is really bad. This is challenging Ankang Pharmaceutical's rules and Lin Feng's bottom line!
"You, you shouldn't have dirty the conference table!" Lin Feng instantly became murderous.

"I'm still dirty, so what about you? Hit me? Then give it a try. As long as you can't kill me today, I'll kill you. Dare you?" Ma Tao's tone can be described as extremely domineering, and more It is fearless.

He knew that Lin Feng was very good at fighting, but he left his words here today. If he got beaten, Ankang Pharmaceutical would have to close down today. He had this confidence.


In a flash, Lin Feng grabbed Ma Tao's neck and lifted it high.

Then, without waiting for Ma Tao's reaction, he slammed Ma Tao's head hard, and directly pressed it on the conference table.

"Tim clean!" Lin Feng's voice was filled with the smell of blood.

"You...Lin can't...I'm..."

No matter how Ma Tao defended and argued, his mouth was always pressed against the conference table, unable to make any resistance at all.

This scene had to make everyone tremble with fear.

Lin Feng's method really cannot be judged by ordinary people's eyes.

"Lin, Mr. Lin, look, why don't you just let him go..." Ma Hongji, who was standing beside him, was in extreme distress at this moment.

After all, he only had Ma Tao as his grandson, and even if he got angry again, he couldn't bear to watch Ma Tao being tortured.

Tiger poison does not eat its offspring, let alone he is a human being.

"Old Ma, for your sake, he can be spared, but he will spend the rest of his life in the hospital." After Lin Feng said indifferently, he could only hear Ma Tao's bones cracking at this moment. ring.

[There are two more changes, please add five-star book review to the book list, thank you]

(End of this chapter)

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