The most powerful evil god of war

Chapter 67 She Hates Lin Feng to Death [2 More]

Chapter 67 She Hates Lin Feng to Death [2 More]

The sound of bone breaking filled the entire conference room.

Ma Tao just stared at him, opened his mouth, then fainted powerlessly, and was thrown to the ground by Lin Feng.

This scene shocked everyone present.

Is it a waste to say that it is a waste?
Lin Feng's words were never meant as a joke, and the way of dealing with things that must be followed by words and deeds really made people dare not have the slightest disagreement.

After all, most of the dozen or so people present were women, and no one had ever seen with their own eyes that a complete person, in the blink of an eye, had all the bones of his body broken like this.

And, they are at a loss.

They didn't see Lin Feng's actions clearly, Ma Tao was so useless, it had to be incredible.

Of all the people present, Liu Fei was the only one who could vaguely see Lin Feng's lightning-fast moves, and he couldn't help but feel palpitations in his heart.

Fortunately, he and Lin Feng are friends. Fortunately, his choice before was correct.

After a long time.

"Thank you, Mr. Lin, for not killing me." Ma Hongji staggered unsteadily, his face was pale, and he didn't have a trace of resentment towards Lin Feng in his heart.

Because he deeply understood that what Lin Feng, who had a profound background, had done just now was kind enough.

Ma Hongji's move made everyone feel ashamed.

If your grandson is abandoned, you still have to show a humble gesture of gratitude. There is no one else who can do this for Ma Hongji's sake.

But they didn't know that in Ma Hongji's heart, Lin Feng had already been regarded as a master.

They would never understand that Ma Hongji's choice at this time could change his life's destiny!

"Liu Fei, ask someone to carry him away. Mr. Luo will be here soon, ready for a meeting." Lin Feng returned to his seat, looked around the crowd with a serious expression, and fixed his eyes on Yang Li again.

Yang Li's face is serious now, she dares not speak out, and her heart is extremely terrified.

She was suspicious, she was jealous, could it be that Lin Feng had seen through the plot between her and Ma Tao?

If not, why would Lin Feng hit Ma Tao so hard?
Especially, the way Lin Feng looked at her now, that strange expression, that kind of meaningful eyes, made her fearful and extremely cold.

Five minutes later, Luo Wanjun walked in gently with some materials.

"Sorry, I just had an important call, and it was a step late. Let's start the meeting."

As the boss of the company, she apologized for being late, then sat at the head of the conference table, and handed out the materials in her hand.

This kind of thing should be the responsibility of an assistant or secretary, but there is not much time left for Luo Wanjun!

No matter how big or small, she does it all by herself.

In the hands of everyone, they held the same "sales plan for the launch of new products".

After everyone looked at it, except for the bitter face of the person in charge of the sales department, no one had any objections.

"Minister Wang, tell me, what is inappropriate?" Luo Wanjun hoped to hear everyone's sincere opinions and suggestions.

"Mr. Luo, the launch of a new product requires the approval and clinical application of a national brand name. The time alone cannot be completed within three months. Moreover, our new product, Juyuan Dan, is still short of two medicinal materials. If this is converted, the time At least half a year." Minister Wang, a middle-aged woman in her 30s, said sharply.

"Yes, what Minister Wang said was what I was worried about." Luo Wanjun did not deny this. After all, to make medicine, one must be worthy of one's conscience, and there must be some necessary procedures.

"Then since Boss Luo is also worried, why did he draw up this plan?" Minister Wang asked very puzzled.

"My old classmate is in charge of the approval, which can greatly shorten the time of the normal process. For the clinical application, I would like to ask Mr. Ma to come forward and communicate with the hospital." Luo Wanjun explained in detail, turning her head to look Ma Hongji.

Ma Hongji had just woken up from the grief of his grandson Ma Tao being deposed, and after hearing Luo Wanjun's words, he immediately patted his chest and made a promise.

He is very familiar with the hospital, and he can do it in clinical application.

What's more, even if he doesn't show up, it should be faster if Lin Feng communicates on his behalf.

After all, Director Li of the hospital had been thinking of making friends with Lin Feng, so he would definitely not miss such an opportunity.

"Mr. Luo, I can guarantee the clinical application of the product as soon as possible, but..." Ma Hongji hesitated to speak, and finally looked at Lin Feng anxiously.

"Let's just say it straight." Lin Feng saw Ma Hongji's hesitation.

"However, if the clinical application of Juyuan Pill is not approved, no one can change this. After all, what we make is medicine." Ma Hongji looked at Lin Feng bitterly.

When the Juyuan Pill formula appeared, his admiration for Lin Feng reached an unprecedented height!
However, everything has two sides, and he is only planning for the worst in case something happens.

"Hmm! Your worry is not unreasonable, it is a new product after all." Lin Feng's expression turned warm, he looked at Ma Hongji, and nodded inwardly.

He abolished Ma Tao. Although sadness flashed across Ma Hongji's face, there was no trace of hatred, which was enough to show Ma Hongji's foresight and foresight, as well as his respect from the bottom of his heart.

In the second half of the meeting, the atmosphere suddenly became delicate.

Luo Wanjun didn't speak, and kept looking at Yang Li, the head of the public relations department.

The same is true of Lin Feng's eyes.

Involuntarily, everyone's eyes also turned to Yang Li.

what happened?
Could it be that what Lin Feng said about the company's "layoffs" before was not a joke, but that he wanted to lay off Yang Li?
As for Yang Li herself, she became more and more anxious at this moment.

"Mr. Luo, if you look at me like this, did I do something wrong?" Yang Li forced herself to remain calm, pursing her lips, trying to calm herself down.

"Yang Li, you have been with me for three years, how do I treat you?" Luo Wanjun put her arms around the conference table and looked at Yang Li.

"In the past three years, I have learned a lot and grown a lot. Mr. Luo has treated me very well." Yang Li's face flashed with embarrassment, and then she responded without hesitation.

"The company still lacks a vice president, please work harder." Luo Wanjun maintained a gentle smile and said unhurriedly.

"I, I'm not qualified to be a vice president. Besides, my qualifications are limited..." Yang Li had a slightly self-deprecating expression, which was very unnatural.

"Minister Yang, when you were talking to Shao Xizhong in the hospital yesterday morning, I remember that you didn't have such an unconfident attitude?" Lin Feng smiled leisurely, then put his mobile phone on the conference table and opened it. Yesterday's recording.

The content of the recording is the cryptic speech of a man and a woman, as well as the blushing heavy breathing.

After hearing the content of the recording, all the people present all looked at Yang Li. They could tell that the woman in the recorder was Yang Li sitting next to them.

They didn't expect that Yang Li would betray the interests of the company by colluding with outsiders for her own self-interest, and even dragged all the partners of Ankang Pharmaceuticals to Baicao Biopharmaceuticals!
Moreover, in the recording, in addition to the content that undermines the interests of the company, there are also cryptic words about a man and a woman having a relationship.

There were many women in the conference room, and they couldn't help but blush and heartbeat after hearing this, and showed strange colors one after another.

"No! It's not me!"

Yang Li finally couldn't sit still anymore, and stood up abruptly, glaring at Lin Feng with angry yet ashamed eyes.

She hated this Lin Feng to death!

[There is another update at the party, thank you book friend 003**799 for your support]

(End of this chapter)

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