The most powerful evil god of war

Chapter 68 First kill Lin Feng

Chapter 68 First kill Lin Feng

Yang Li hated Lin Feng to death!
She never expected that Lin Feng would record everything that she had carefully planned!
She will never admit it, not even to the death!
After all, this is a matter of her privacy. If it is made public like this, where will her face be put in the future?

"I know you won't admit it, so I have to trouble Liu Fei to go to your office." Lin Feng smiled indifferently, and motioned to Liu Fei.

Liu Fei nodded and left immediately.

He is a scout and an expert hacker. To him, unlocking and cracking computer files is extremely simple.

"Assistant Lin, you're targeting me everywhere, don't you just want to blow me, Yang Li, away from Ankang Pharmaceutical? Okay, I'll do what you want, I don't need you to blow me away, I'll go by myself!"

Yang Li covered her mouth with her hands, tears dripping down her face, and rushed towards the door in small steps while sobbing.

"Yang Li, you go, I won't stop you, but you can't go until some things are investigated." Lin Feng stood at the door one step at a time, his towering and muscular body made Yang Li shudder.

"Do you have to fight to the death?" Yang Li turned around and looked at Luo Wanjun and the others. Her expression was extremely aggrieved, and she wanted to make everyone feel that she had been framed and slandered.

"Minister Yang, it's you, not me!"

"Please sit down and accept the investigation." Luo Wanjun's face was no longer smiling. When she learned from Lin Feng about Yang Li's betrayal of the company, she didn't believe it.

However, after the content of the recording that Lin Feng took out, and after Yang Li tried her best to prove her innocence, she was very sure of the authenticity of this matter.

This month, related to her tens of billions of promises, if the new product Juyuan Pill can be successfully launched, then there is hope for her goal.


In such a severe situation, someone betrayed her with her company's secrets, which would undoubtedly have serious consequences.

"Okay, I'm under investigation, so can I go to the bathroom?" Yang Li's mind went back and forth, and she came up with an expedient solution.

Lin Feng didn't stop her. With him around, it would be more difficult for Yang Li to escape from the company.

Even if Yang Li called for help in the bathroom, it was the same.

Right is right, wrong is wrong!

In the bathroom, Yang Li closed the door tightly and dialed Qian Meini's cell phone immediately.

"Mr. Qian, it's been exposed, everything about me has been exposed." Yang Li said nervously, with a crying tone, her heart was extremely heavy.


However, just when Yang Li wanted to rely on Qian Meini to get out of the current predicament, Qian Meini on the other side of the phone hung up the phone without saying a word.

Yang Li was desperate at this time.

This is killing a donkey, Qian Meini can't be so ruthless!
You know, in order to please Qian Mini, she did not hesitate to sacrifice her own body in exchange for five partners. Could it be that she was used as a gun?
Once again, she dialed Qian Meini's cell phone, and without exception, she never answered her calls.

Yang Li was paralyzed, completely paralyzed in the bathroom.

She knew very well that she fell down this time!

It fell into Qian Meini's hands, because of her overconfident character, and because she underestimated Lin Feng's energy!
She can be considered a shrewd strong woman, but in this matter, she met Lin Feng, a shrewder man than her.

until after 10 minute.

The bathroom door was broken open by Liu Fei. Yang Li's face was pale and lonely, and she was lying on the floor in a daze.

In the end, she was brought back to the conference room by Liu Fei. After entering the door, she collapsed on the ground weakly.

At this time, Liu Fei took out a USB flash drive and quickly flipped through it on the computer. After playing it on the projector, everyone saw the facts about Yang Li's defection from the company.

"Yang Li, what else do you have to say?" Seeing this, Lin Feng showed no mercy and his voice was like thunder.

Yang Li didn't say a word, it was a tacit agreement.

"Yang Li, go to the police station to eat a prison cell, or write a [-]-character confession, you choose." Luo Wanjun came calmly and stood in front of Yang Li.

Yang Li was wilted.

Near noon, a [-]-word confession letter was sent to the five partners of Baicao Bio-Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. who had been tricked by her in Yang Li's name by email and video.

Whether there is room for recovery in this matter depends on the positions of the five partners.

In the end, Yang Li completely admitted her mistake, and left Ankang Pharmaceutical and the city that made her sad alone.

She truly recognizes her mistakes and hopes to make amends one day.

According to Lin Feng's decision, Yang Li shouldn't be alive, Luo Wanjun is also a woman, but she didn't want Lin Feng to have too many killings, so she simply spared Yang Li's life.


Baicao Biopharmaceuticals.

Sitting alone in the office, Qian Meini was waiting for a national killer whom she had hired with a lot of money, the Chinese-American killer who caused headaches for all countries in the world - Blood Fiend.

Through these several fights with Luo Wanjun, she understood one thing in her heart, if she wanted to defeat Luo Wanjun, she had to kill Lin Feng first!

Lin Feng's strength, which she had seen with her own eyes, was beyond the reach of ordinary masters.

"Lin Feng! You cost me [-] million, I don't think you'll die this time!"

Qian Meini's teeth were itching with hatred, and she clenched her fists tightly. Because of the fingernails, they penetrated into her palms and dripped scarlet blood stains.

"Mini, why bother?"

At this moment, a handsome young man in a white suit walked in with a graceful demeanor.

"Liang Shijie, why haven't you left yet?" Qian Meini looked back, frowning tightly at the man she loved and hated.

"Mini, you have to remember that you are my woman, and if I disrespect you, I will separate his body." Liang Shijie's originally smiling face suddenly turned into a ferocious expression.

"I don't need you to intervene in my affairs, go back to the provincial capital, and I'll go back and marry you after I've settled this matter." Qian Meini held her forehead, seeming very upset.

"Mini, I really don't understand. What kind of woman is your old classmate Luo Wanjun? Why do you have to fight her?" Beside, asked softly.

"She's a pretty woman..." Qian Meini seemed to think of the scene when she and Luo Wanjun met on the university campus a few years ago, and immediately sighed.

"A beautiful woman? Can she be as beautiful as you? Hehehe, I'm very interested in seeing this woman." Liang Shijie didn't hide his thoughts, and a dark look flashed in his eyes.

"Liang Shijie, let's go, okay?" Qian Meini sighed, stood up and stood in front of the French window.

"Mini, since you want to defeat her, I'll do it for you." Liang Shijie walked behind Qian Meini, and stretched out his hands to tightly embrace the delicate body that fascinated him.

"I said, I don't need your help!" Qian Meini was angry, and wanted to break Liang Shijie's arms away.

"At seven o'clock tonight, there will be a charity auction at Tianhai Hotel. According to my information, Mr. Luo Wan will go, so how can we not go?" After Liang Shijie finished speaking, he frantically held Qian Meini on his body Down.

【The third watch is presented】

(End of this chapter)

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