Chapter 69

In normal times, Qian Meini might cater to Liang Shijie crazily.

However, at this moment, she was furious about the revelation of Yang Li's plan, and she had no interest in turning upside down.

"Wait, what did you just say?"

Just as Qian Meini was struggling, she heard Liang Shijie's words, and gradually gave up struggling, looking at the domineering man in front of her.

"Let me tell you, there will be a charity auction at Tianhai Hotel tonight. My subordinates found out that Luo Wanjun and Lin Feng are among the rosters for admission." Liang Shijie showed a cryptic smile, and began to explain She frantically took off Qian Meini's clothes.

"and many more!"

Qian Meini put her hands on her chest, and said very seriously: "Liang Shijie, since you came to Tianhai, you have been secretly investigating my affairs, haven't you?"

"Mini, I'm not investigating you, I'm just sharing your worries. You know, you are my Liang Shijie's woman, and you must not be bullied by others!" clothes.

"Then what countermeasures do you have tonight?" Qian Meini's voice was much softer.

"I will let Lin Feng have no time to worry about Luo Wanjun's safety tonight. At that time, we will have the final say on how we want to deal with Luo Wanjun!" After Liang Shijie finished speaking, he ignored Qian Meini's doubts, Showing the madness of a man, Qian Meini was gradually conquered on the spot.


At five o'clock in the afternoon, Ankang Pharmaceutical.

Luo Wanjun is sitting in front of the computer, looking up the summary of Chinese herbal medicine.

The Juyuan Pill formula that Lin Feng took out is still short of the last two raw materials, longzhilan, and ice and snow crystals!
So far, the Purchasing Department is purchasing at high prices on a large scale across the country, but they have not been able to find these two medicinal materials.

She is very worried.

There are still 23 days left in the tens of billions agreement between her and her father for three years!

Now, it's really time to burn her eyebrows, Luo Wanjun didn't want to fall short, exhausted all her network, and the final result, most of them have been heard, but never seen.

"Mr. Wan, there is a charity auction tonight, do you want to accompany me?" Lin Feng walked over at this time and sat opposite Luo Wanjun.

"I'm sorry, I... OK, I'll accompany you." Luo Wanjun originally wanted to refuse, but Lin Feng's eyes were extremely sincere, and she didn't want to hurt Lin Feng's heart.

"Mr. Wan, your complexion is not right. What's the matter?" Lin Feng saw Luo Wanjun's hesitant expression at a glance.

"Longzhilan and ice and snow crystals are currently not available in China, and foreign friends are also helping me find out, but there is no news so far. I am very worried..." Luo Wanjun sighed.

"I'm to blame for this matter. Tomorrow I'll go to a distant place to get these two herbs." Lin Feng's tone was filled with self-blame, and he held Luo Wanjun's little hand.

"Brother Feng, do you really have a solution?" Luo Wanjun couldn't believe it.

Previously, she had heard from Lin Feng that Lin Feng had a solution for these two rare medicinal materials. At that time, she thought that Lin Feng was just talking casually and didn't take it seriously.

Now, Lin Feng repeated what he said before, which made Luo Wanjun feel at ease instantly.

"Let's go, the auction starts at seven o'clock, we still have two hours, let's go have a meal together." Lin Feng nodded heavily, took Luo Wanjun's hand, and stood up together.

"Okay, what do you want to eat? I'll treat you. You don't need to save me money." Luo Wanjun pursed her lips and smiled. With Lin Feng around, she really felt relieved a lot, and immediately put aside her chaotic thoughts.

"Let's keep it simple, let's go to Xiang Sao's Dumpling Restaurant." Lin Feng decided immediately.

When he was young, his mother often made him handmade dumplings, and he never forgot the taste of home.

Now, his mother is gone, and the feeling of home is gone.

"You mean the handmade dumpling restaurant across from our high school?" Luo Wanjun still has a deep impression of this dumpling restaurant in her memory.

"That's right, that Xiang Sao dumpling restaurant was also the place where the two of us went on our first date for dinner." Lin Feng was filled with a youthful smile, as if he had returned to his high school career eight years ago.

Afterwards, the two drove to Xiang Sao Dumpling House.

Eight years have passed in a flash, and the front room of Xiangsao Dumpling Restaurant is still the same, simple and clean, with unique taste, and the customers are full.

"Sister-in-law Xiang, a catty of leek stuffing, a catty of green onion stuffing, and two side dishes." Lin Feng walked in with Luo Wanjun, and just after ordering, he realized that the dumpling restaurant of more than 50 square meters had long since run out of seats. .

Behind the counter, a middle-aged woman in her 30s, wearing a crisp white vest, was looking at Lin Feng and the two with a smile on her face.

"Sister-in-law Xiang, long time no see, she is becoming more and more feminine." Lin Feng showed a smile, leaned close to Mrs. Xiang on the counter, and joked.

"Brother, Mrs. Xiang, how feminine is she?" Mrs. Xiang is a woman from Northeast China. Her husband died in a car accident early on. It is not easy to raise two children by herself.

Hearing Lin Feng's words at this time, he immediately giggled heartily.

Most of the people who come to her place to eat are repeat customers, so it's normal to joke with her.

However, at this time, there were too many customers in her restaurant, and there were no seats in the room, so Lin Feng and Luo Wanjun were arranged outside the door.

Lin Feng and the two didn't care. Just as they were eating with gusto, suddenly——

"Luo Wan-jun!"

I don't know who shouted.

Lin Feng and Luo Wanjun followed the sound and looked back.

Not far from the main road, in a red Ferrari galloping toward, a woman with Sassoon hair, wearing very revealing clothes, was waving at Luo Wanjun, sitting next to her was a middle-aged man man.

"Du Qiqi!"

Luo Wanjun was slightly taken aback, and quickly put down the bowl and chopsticks, showing a smile.

Du Qiqi is her good sister who grew up with her. The two families used to be neighbors. After Luo Wanjun's family moved to the imperial capital, they seldom contacted each other.

"Wan Jun, it's really you!"

Carrying her Hermes leather bag, Du Qiqi lifted her legs high from the Ferrari. Her graceful long legs under the lace made people look sideways, and she walked with a smile on her heels.

However, when she was three meters away from Xiang Sao's Dumpling Restaurant, she stopped.

She stretched out her hand to cover her breath, with a look of disgust, she said puzzledly: "Mr. Wan, eating here is very unhygienic, come with me, let's eat western food."

"Qiqi, don't be so polite, we're almost done eating, let's go another day." Luo Wanjun stood up with a modest smile, Du Qiqi didn't come over, and neither did she.


Du Qiqi was taken aback for a moment, only then did she realize that in front of Luo Wanjun's seat, there was still Lin Feng, who was munching on dumplings and didn't care about his image, and couldn't help feeling disdainful.

"Wan Jun, don't tell me, you actually found such a boyfriend?" Du Qiqi showed a very exaggerated expression.

【Thank you for your support from book friend Shangshan Ruoshui】

(End of this chapter)

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