The most powerful evil god of war

Chapter 70 I like it, I am happy 【Please recommend】

Chapter 70 I like it, I am happy 【Please recommend】

"Yes, he is my boyfriend!"

Luo Wanjun's tone obviously became a little more serious, and her face was full of proud happiness!
This evening, she and Du Qiqi reunited after a long absence, and she was really happy in her heart.

However, Du Qiqi's tone at this time should not be arrogant, she should not have contemptuous rejection of Lin Feng, she was very angry about it.

In her memory, Du Qiqi is a lively, cheerful and sunny girl.

But now, in these few simple conversations between the two of them, Luo Wanjun concluded that Du Qiqi had changed.

"Qiqi, who is this?"

The middle-aged man who was originally sitting in the Ferrari walked over with his head held high, his eyes undisguisedly looking up and down on Luo Wanjun, showing a strange expression.

"Oh, my good sister from childhood, Luo Wanjun." Du Qiqi turned her head and snuggled into the arms of the middle-aged man, looked at Luo Wanjun with a proud attitude and said with a smile: "Mr. Wan, he is my daughter." Fiance Wang Hai."

"Miss Luo, it's a pleasure to meet you." Wang Hai bowed slightly and extended his hand as a sign of friendship.

"Hello." Luo Wanjun said lightly, then turned around and sat on the stool, continuing to eat with Lin Feng.

"Wanjun, can you be a little polite? My fiancé never makes friends with strangers easily, you..." Du Qiqi was very displeased when she was about to say goodbye, but her fiancé Wang Hai waved her hand to stop her.

"It's okay, it's okay." Wang Hai smiled all over his face, and then he noticed that there was a man sitting opposite Luo Wanjun.

"Qiqi, I advise your good sister to eat outside. If it's not clean, why don't we go to eat western food together, and you can also catch up with your good sister, how about it?" Wang Haixin smiled calculatingly.

"Brother Hai, I also said that just now, but look at Wanjun's face..." Du Qiqi muttered, Luo Wanjun's attitude made her very angry.

"So who! What are you talking about? Mama, I have been doing business here for more than ten years, and no one has said that it is not clean. Aren't you two talking nonsense with your eyes open!" at the door.

She heard clearly that Wang Hai and Du Qiqi were showing off their identities while criticizing her dumpling restaurant. As the proprietress, she was not a vegetarian.

"Just say one more thing, I'll tear down your restaurant!" Wang Hai gave Xiang Sao a cold look.

"You want to tear down my old lady's dumpling restaurant?!"

Mrs. Xiang walked over pinching her waist, and smiled angrily: "My dumpling restaurant has stood here for more than ten years, and you are the first person who dares to threaten to tear down my restaurant!"

"That's why you didn't meet me! Believe it or not, I just need a phone call, and your poor dumpling restaurant will be wiped out tonight?" Wang Hai glanced at the dumpling restaurant disdainfully, and then walked to Luo Wanjun. around.

"Miss Luo, Mr. Wang sees that you are also a person of status. You really shouldn't eat in such a dirty little place. It's too embarrassing." Wang Hai smiled meaningfully.

"I like it, I'm happy, does it have something to do with you?" Luo Wanjun's eyes turned cold, and she turned around.

"Hmph! I don't know how to flatter you!" Wang Hai was refuted again and again by Luo Wanjun, how could he bear it?
"You talk a lot of nonsense! Apologize to both of them!" Lin Feng, who was eating, raised his head slightly and locked his eyes on Wang Hai.

"You... what did you say?!" Wang Hai was taken aback for a moment, how dare this bastard bump into him?
"You should know what I said." Lin Feng got up and stood up, waving his hands to signal Luo Wanjun and Mrs. Xiang not to say more.

He knew very well that Wang Hai and Du Qiqi deliberately showed off here for two reasons.

One is that Du Qiqi thought she was doing well in the past few years, and after meeting Luo Wanjun by chance, she deliberately came here to show off her identity.

Second, Du Qiqi's fiancé, Wang Hai, has been scrutinizing Luo Wanjun with his thieves' eyes since he arrived, obviously with malicious intentions!

Lin Feng was very upset about this!

"Boy, you are crazy!"

"Ask me to apologize to them? Wishful thinking! I might as well tell you that with your low lives, you really shouldn't be so arrogant in front of me!" Wang Hai glared at Lin Feng very angrily.

In the past few years, he has flourished in Tianhai City. Except for those few people he dared not and could not afford to provoke, he was really not afraid of anyone.

"call out!"

The bamboo chopsticks in Lin Feng's hand suddenly flew in a straight line like an off-string arrow, piercing both Wang Hai's ears.


"Aww!" Wang Hai didn't react at all, and realized that something had hit his ears, causing him to howl like a slaughtered pig.

"Ah! Brother Hai, your ears..." Du Qiqi was standing beside her, seeing scarlet blood dripping from Wang Hai's ears, she screamed in fright.


Lin Feng's voice sounded again.

"Little bastard! You are in trouble!" Wang Hai covered his ears and kept backing away.

"Really? I'd like to see what big event I've got involved in?" Lin Feng stood in front of Wang Hai in an instant, making several big mouths one after another.

He didn't want to pay attention to Wang Hai and Du Qiqi, but the other party's words were disrespectful, so it was necessary to punish them.

"You! You, you..." Wang Hai seemed to lose his balance, swaying left and right.

"Little brother, I'll take care of this matter, you guys go first." At this moment, Mrs. Xiang, the proprietress, blocked Lin Feng.

"Sister Xiang, are you sure?" Lin Feng asked a little curiously.

"Hmm! This couple is chattering, I can't stand it for a long time, leave it to my sister-in-law, Tianhai City, no one can touch me, Chen Xiang." Xiang's sister-in-law said quite boldly.

Her words made Lin Feng confused again.

This tone, this attitude, this kind of look at the world, is clearly the temperament that a boss should have!

"Chen are Master Dao's woman, Chen Xiang??" Wang Hai's complexion suddenly changed drastically, and his heart was like an overwhelming tide, which made him panic and uneasy.

Chen Xiang's name, accompanied by the prestige of Lord Dao back then, was known to everyone and respected by everyone.

"My man has already gone west, so you don't need to show any scruples." Sao Xiang's expression gradually became cold.

"Oh! That's right, Master Dao has been dead for more than ten years!" Wang Hai suddenly realized, and a smile gradually appeared on his face.

The underground overlord of Tianhai City back then is long gone, so he naturally no longer has any scruples.

"Don't you just want to demolish my shop? Come on!" Mrs. Xiang took another step forward.

"Forget it, I have something else to do. Ma'am, please don't blame Wang for his recklessness." Wang Hai didn't want to have too much interaction with this woman, and his eyes stayed on Lin Feng and Luo Wanjun for a long time. Then he drove away with Du Qiqi, who had a bright face.

Lin Feng didn't abolish Wang Hai today, mostly because of Luo Wanjun's persuasion, but Wang Hai's gaze before he left made him want to kill.

"Two, my sister-in-law has invited you to dinner tonight." At this time, Xiang's sister-in-law sighed and looked at Lin Feng and Luo Wanjun.

"Sister-in-law Xiang, then let's not be hypocritical. Let's talk in detail next time we come. We still have something to do, so let's go first." After witnessing all this, Lin Feng understood in his heart that Mrs. Xiang is also a hard-working person!

He was going to participate in the charity auction, and the time was almost up, so he waved away with Luo Wanjun.

Tianhai City Hotel ushered in a special large-scale charity auction tonight.

There was a crowd of people in front of the hall, and almost all the big shots from all walks of life were present.

Some people really want to dedicate their meager efforts to the welfare department.

There are also some people who come here with interest for the items to be auctioned.

However, some people came here just to plate themselves with gold, and to have a show-off in front of others.

[There will be a third update later]

(End of this chapter)

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