The most powerful evil god of war

Chapter 71 Disrespect and disrespect, it's time to fight!

Chapter 71 Disrespect and disrespect, it's time to fight!
Tianhai Hotel is located in the city center.

This super five-star hotel with a height of [-] meters is the landmark building of Tianhai City.

Tonight's large-scale charity auction is extremely large, and the security force has also been strengthened a lot.

Both sides of the hall.

There were two rows of black-clothed security guards standing neatly, and all of them kept their eyes on each other, questioning the guests very carefully.

On the side of the hall, stood two old men, one was Dean Li from the People's Hospital.

The other one was Ma Hongji, who was honored as one of the "Top Ten Masters of Traditional Chinese Medicine in China".

The two looked dignified and were looking around, looking forward to Lin Feng and Luo Wanjun whom they had jointly invited earlier.

"Old Li, Mr. Lin, he is still angry with me, won't you come tonight?" Hongji's face was bitter, remembering that in the company today, his grandson Ma Tao challenged Lin Feng with self-confidence, and finally met him. When the bones of his whole body were broken, he would suffer unspeakably.

"You said that your disappointing grandson is really true, aren't you stupid?!"

"It's really useless! He offended Mr. Lin, you, as a grandfather, have a lot of responsibility!" Dean Li complained to Ma Hongji, fearing that Lin Feng would not go to the appointment because of this matter.


Ma Hongji is suffering!
"Fortunately, I brought my granddaughter here, I hope to get Mr. Lin's attention." Dean Li smiled knowingly, and turned negative again.

If Lin Feng doesn't come tonight, it's useless for his granddaughter to come!

"Lao Li, you are really calculating!" After hearing this, Ma Hongji was unhappy. He hated it because he didn't have a granddaughter!
"Mr. Ma, I did this to make up for your mistakes and make Mr. Lin happy." Dean Li said solemnly.

"Old Li, don't be complacent. Mr. Lin has a beloved woman, Luo Wanjun, the boss of our company. They love each other. It's too reckless for you to suddenly let your granddaughter get involved!" Ma Hongji Convincing words.

"Mr. Ma, your thinking is too old-fashioned. What era is this? A man with such a deep status, does he have only one woman by his side?" Dean Li is very considerate of this.

After all, he also has his own selfishness.

His granddaughter, Li Xiang, seems to already have someone she loves, and he has no choice but to bring her granddaughter so forcefully.

"Forget it, what about your granddaughter?" Ma Hongji sighed, after thinking about it, he could only do so.

"Front right, the one in the white dress." Dean Li pointed.

Ma Hongji followed Dean Li's gestures and looked, not far in front of them on the right, a woman in a short white skirt was quietly looking up at the sky in the night.

"Well! Let's try not to interfere too much with this girl's decision. We old men don't understand the world of young people, so let's do our best." Ma Hongjisi said.

"Yeah, maybe I'm too selfish..." Dean Li also let out a long sigh.

"You two, why are you so sad?"

At this moment, Lin Feng and Luo Wanjun walked over slowly.

"Go, go, don't you see that we are counting the stars? Young people don't understand the old man's world." As soon as Dean Li finished speaking, he suddenly felt that something was wrong.

This voice is not very familiar, but he still remembers it fresh!
Just when he and Ma Hongji realized something was wrong and Qiqi looked back, they were stunned.

"Lin, Mr. Lin, I didn't expect it to be you. I'm sorry, I'm very sorry, look at my mouth, it's really rude." Dean Li trembled all over, and wanted to slap himself.

"Dean Li, you don't need to be so polite. A proper joke will help relieve the anxiety in your heart. Let's go in?" Lin Feng stretched out his hand to stop Dean Li's arm and said with a smile.

"En!" Dean Li was quite grateful.

"Mr. Lin, this way please." Ma Hongji respected him as well.

Lin Feng was not hypocritical, and walked towards the hall together with Luo Wanjun.

Dean Li hurriedly dialed her granddaughter Li Xiang's mobile phone at this time, and urged her to come quickly.

Then, he and Ma Hongji followed closely in the footsteps of Lin Feng and Luo Wanjun, and walked towards the hall.

There are still more than ten minutes before the charity auction at [-]:[-] p.m., and most of the guests have already arrived.

The entrance to the hall.

The security guards, who had been carefully checking the identities of the guests, came to greet him, and blocked Lin Feng's way with a wave of his hand.

"Mr. Lin Feng, isn't it?" one of the burly men with wide-eyed tiger eyes asked calmly.

"It's me." Lin Feng frowned.

"Oh, Mr. Lin, hello, please come with me, someone wants to chat with you." The burly man stretched out his hand to guide Lin Feng, as if he was waiting by the side.

"You bastard! Why are you talking to Mr. Lin?" Seeing this, Ma Hongji followed up step by step, and gave the burly man a hard look.

Dean Li also stepped forward with a displeased face at this time, "Who is your master? I want to see Mr. Lin, tell him to come here!"

"You two old bastards, are you trying to find fault on purpose?" The burly man stared. Since Lin Feng was still by his side, he didn't get angry, but his words were very sharp.


In an instant, the burly man was suddenly hit by a punch, and he flew horizontally and landed in the grass not far away.

This person disrespected Lin Feng first, and then disrespected the two old people, he should be beaten!
"Mr. Lin, it's your fault to do it!" Seeing this, several other security guards in black immediately attacked him in groups, intending to use force to capture Lin Feng.

"I don't know how to flatter you!" Lin Feng didn't expect that someone would want to plot against him at this time, so he simply attacked quickly, and in the blink of an eye, the five of them were sent flying into the depths of the grass.

"Okay! Well done!" Dean Li was quite excited when he saw this. Lin Feng is a master of both civil and military skills.

"Where is the person in charge? I said where is the person in charge of your hotel?!!!" Ma Hongji was so angry that his face flushed. Lin Feng was someone he admired. He finally invited him over tonight, but someone wanted to find fault with him. But never allow it!

"What are you doing?"

At this time, a man in a suit came from not far away. There was a commotion here just now, and all the guests had already entered the venue. If not, it would definitely cause an uproar.

However, when he came and saw Ma Hongji, his originally angry face immediately turned into a compliment.

"Mr. Ma, it's you. I'm Wang Fei, the security manager. What's wrong with you? Who messed with you?" Wang Fei respected Ma Hongji when he saw Ma Hongji.

There are only ten of China's top ten masters of Chinese medicine in the whole country. To them, any difficult and miscellaneous diseases are trivial matters.

Therefore, Wang Fei was well aware of Ma Hongji's energy, and they were all trying to curry favor with such a revered senior.

"Those souls lying in the grass are your subordinates?!" Ma Hongji raised his arms.

Wang Fei was stunned for a while, not knowing what Ma Hongji meant, so he hurriedly ran over to take a look out of curiosity, and was immediately stunned.

The clothes of these six people are indeed the clothes of their hotel security.

However, he didn't even know who these six people were!
(End of this chapter)

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