Chapter 74 No Money!
Lin Feng's eyes were hot and sentimental.

On the round stage, the black jade snuff bottle displayed by the host Yu Linna is very similar to the one his grandfather used back then!

He straightened his body and wanted to go on stage several times to see what happened.

Moyu snuff bottle, although the material is not expensive, but fortunately, it has been around for hundreds of years, and his grandfather has always regarded it as a treasure.

However, after his Lin family suffered a catastrophe, he returned to the Tianhai old house a few days ago, and everything in the family was gone, leaving only a dilapidated empty house.

He was suspecting that the black jade snuff bottle on the booth was the most cherished one of his grandfather!
"Thirty-five million."

At this time, some people have already started bidding.

Lin Feng's thoughts were also brought back to reality. He calmed down calmly and wisely, and did not rush to bid.

Because he doesn't have that much money.

He only has a black scale card that Fengze gave him before, and that card can be overdrawn by [-] million. He had just photographed the three-legged golden tripod.

Because the three-legged golden tripod has extraordinary meaning, it can just be given to Luo Wanjun.

Now, he has no money.

He could have gone crazy and took it away, claiming that it belonged to his Lin family. He was so confident that everyone present could only watch and no one could stop him.

But in this way, not only will it cause disharmony to Luo Wanjun, but it will also bring unfavorable factors to this charity auction.

What's more, grabbing things is not his style.

"Forty-one million!"

At this time, only three people were competing to bid, and they had already called forty-five million.

Next to her, Luo Wanjun was watching the booth. She seemed calm, but in fact, she was burning with anxiety about the company's new products.

The contract of tens of billions is difficult to say, but simple to say, if Juyuan Pill comes out, it will be very simple.

"Brother Feng, do you like that snuff bottle?" Luo Wanjun turned her head, looked at Lin Feng, and asked in surprise.

Lin Feng did not deny it.

"Mr. Lin, since that's the case, I'll take a photo and give it to you." Ma Hongji and Dean Li said almost at the same time.

Lin Feng shook his head.

Seeing this, Ma Hongji and Dean Li couldn't say anything more, they all looked at Luo Wanjun.

Luo Wanjun understood, even if Ma Hongji and Dean Li didn't give her a look, she would take a photo of it and give it to Lin Feng without hesitation.

Lin Feng rarely had something he liked so much, even if it was [-] million, she would not hesitate.

Just when Luo Wanjun was about to raise the number plate, Lin Feng stopped her, shook his head and said, "No, I just like it, I didn't say I want it, so let's wait for the next collection. "

"Brother Feng, you really don't want it?" Luo Wanjun looked at Lin Feng confused.

"I don't want it." Lin Feng shook his head resolutely.

He held his breath just now and observed the black jade snuff bottle from a distance. Although it was very similar to the one his grandfather used back then, when he carefully observed the patterns on the snuff bottle, there were still differences, not the same. branch.

At this time, the black jade snuff bottle has been bought by a buyer who is over fifty years old at a price of 300 million.

On the circular booth, the fourth collection is being displayed at this time, which is a pair of palm-sized blood jade lions.

"Brother Lin, what a coincidence." At this time, Feng Ze, who was originally in the back seat, came over.

"Mr. Feng, you didn't seem to get what you wanted with the ink painting just now." Lin Feng looked at each other and smiled, and asked Feng Ze to sit down.

"Haha, it's okay, I just like ink paintings, it's fine if I don't take pictures, there will definitely be a grand finale later, good food is not afraid of being slow!" Feng Ze laughed.

This scene made Ma Hongji and Dean Li have to look sideways.

Feng Ze, the well-known overlord of the underground circle in front of them, was actually friends with Lin Feng. Judging by his speech and behavior, it seemed that the relationship between the two was not normal.

Neither of them thought of this.

At the same time, An Yilong, who was sitting not far from Lin Feng, had already turned a dark purple in color.

After all, he is very scared and regretful now!
Looking at Lin Feng's profile, he felt more and more that it was necessary to go up to compliment him.

After all, he had offended Lin Feng unintentionally before, and after Ma Hongji said a few words, he temporarily swallowed his anger.

He originally thought that Lin Feng was just a young junior. Even if he was friends with Ma Hongji, he was definitely not a big shot. He only needed to find a chance to get revenge and vent his anger.

However, now it is different!

That Feng Ze who made him tremble with fear came and sat next to Lin Feng. Looking at their chatting expressions, it seemed that they had a close relationship. If this was the case, he would lose his temper completely.

Involuntarily, he was thinking, if this man named Lin Feng's background, if he could gain a relationship, then it would be great.

However, in order to please Lin Feng, it is still necessary to please Fengze first.

When auctioning the ink painting before, he raised the price one after another in order to relieve his anger, but inadvertently beat Fengze's bidding, which has always made him uneasy.

Now, here's your chance.

He bowed and walked over with a smile on his face.

"Master Feng, Mr. Ma, Mr. Lin, I acted too recklessly just now, it really hurt the general body, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry." An Yilong bowed his head very sincerely to apologize, and finally set his sights on Fengze body.

"Master Feng, I really didn't know you were bidding on the ink painting just now. I'm sorry, but don't worry, I will deliver it to your Zijin Manor later." Anyilong hurriedly said After making the promise, he quickly returned to his seat without waiting for Fengze to respond.

He understood that he couldn't stay there for a long time, otherwise he would easily fail to get off the stage. The flattering apology just now was just right.

However, the attention of Lin Feng and the others was not on An Yilong.

At this time, another collection was displayed on the booth, which was a bronze sword full of ancient vicissitudes.

This bronze sword, with its coldness, made everyone's eyes show strange colors one after another. Only Lin Feng's eyes were shining with surprise at this moment.

He has the unique knowledge of Guigu, and his use of swordsmanship is probably incomparable to him in this world except his master.

However, on the booth, the bronze sword was only three inches long, so it would not be an exaggeration to say that it was a fish sausage sword.

What's more, Lin Feng could feel that there was a faint breath of a ferocious beast wandering in this bronze handle. In his experience, he had never seen it before, and he immediately became very interested.

"This bronze sword was obtained by a martial arts senior from the secret realm of the entrance. As for the price, the starting price is one billion, and each increase should not be less than 500 million." Yu Linna's voice spread to every corner of the venue.

"A billion?"

"This is too expensive!"

There was a lot of discussion among the people, and they were all shocked.

Most people don't quite understand what Yu Linna means by "mysterious secret realm", but they understand the meaning of the words "Senior Martial Arts".

"One billion eighty million!"

After a brief silence, some people couldn't help but be tempted.

"One billion and 2000 million!" Another person began to shout.

"20 billion!"

Suddenly, a man in his 30s sitting not far away raised his number plate.

Others may not know it, but he is very clear about the true meaning of the four words "Xianguan Secret Realm" in Yu Linna's mouth!

Lin Feng was also ready to move at this time.

He has a feeling that if he can get that bronze sword for enlightenment, maybe his current strength can be improved a little bit.

It's just that he has no money now!

[Kneeling for recommendation ticket support]

(End of this chapter)

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