The most powerful evil god of war

Chapter 75 A Gift of 4 Million 【Please recommend】

Chapter 75 A Gift of 40 Million 【Please recommend】

A penny beats a hero!

Lin Feng's current situation was like this.

But is he really short of money?
Obviously not.

Once upon a time, when he was still in the Longteng team, he was also worth tens of billions.

However, when he came back from an injury three years ago, he didn't bring back a penny.

Now, Lin Feng couldn't help feeling a little sad.

If I had known today, I should have brought some back then.

At this time, the three-inch-long bronze sword on the booth, when someone called for a price of 20 billion, the atmosphere of the scene was already high.

Everyone looked sideways at the handsome man.

He was only in his early 30s, with wide eyebrows and wide eyes, a ruddy complexion, wisdom in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth slightly turned up, looking down at all the eyes that were cast on him.

Everyone showed a gesture of admiration.

This young man is really rich and powerful!

For an ancient sword, he would not hesitate to spend 20 billion, this is an inevitable trend!

Can't help but suspect, who is this person?
Who can have such boldness, and call out a sky-high price of 20 billion for an ancient bronze sword from the secret realm of the profound entrance?
"He, I have the impression that he seems to be the young master of the Sun family, Sun Chengjun!"

"The Sun family... Didn't the Sun family move away from Tianhai a long time ago, and the imperial capital is settled?"

"That's right, it's him, that genius young master of the Sun family, Sun Chengjun!"

"Sun Chengjun is a leader in our Tianhai. He studied at Tsinghua University at the age of 15 and started his own business at the age of 17. His grandson's family started with fresh products, and now it has involved in various fields! It can be said that he is a business genius who does not appear in a century."

"That's right, it's him, he was on the cover of Forbes magazine last week, Sun Chengjun, the pride of Tianhai City!"

During the discussion, many people gradually recognized this young man.

That's right, he is Sun Chengjun.

After 13 years of leaving Tianhai, he entered the age of [-] in a blink of an eye, and returned to Tianhai again, ready to benefit his hometown and take the construction of his hometown as his duty!
"21 billion!"

Just when everyone was suspicious of each other, an old man with white beard and hair called out an offer from the front right, which was higher than Sun Chengjun.

"25 billion!" Sun Chengjun directly increased the price by [-] million.

"26 billion!" The old man with white beard and hair hesitated for a while and continued to increase the price.

"30 billion!" Sun Chengjun smiled slightly, not caring that someone was bidding against him.

"..." The old man with white beard and hair swallowed a few mouthfuls of spit dryly, and was suddenly speechless.

30 billion is a little too much for him at the moment.

However, that three-inch bronze sword was brought from the secret realm of the profound entrance. If he can get it and use it to gain enlightenment, maybe he can break through the shackles that have plagued him for many years and reach the stage of martial arts. !
"35 billion!" In the end, the old man gritted his teeth, and after calling out the quotation, he turned his head sideways and looked at Sun Chengjun with an undisguised murderous coldness in his eyes.

35 billion is already his limit!
"40 billion." Sun Chengjun smiled calmly, disapproving.

This three-inch bronze sword, he is bound to get it!
At this moment, the atmosphere in the venue had already become noisy.

40 billion, 40 billion!

This Sun Chengjun offered 40 billion yuan without hesitation at all!
"Damn boy, you actually raised the price with the old man, you are dead!" The old man with white beard and hair was named Liu Shan, his eyes were bursting with flames, and he was cursing Sun Chengjun fiercely in his heart.

He has already decided not to continue asking prices. Firstly, because of his status, he really can't afford such a high price.

What's more, he has already decided that if he kills Sun Chengjun tonight, the bronze sword will naturally fall into his hands. In this way, he still saves a lot of money and kills two birds with one stone.

In the end, this three-inch bronze sword from the secret realm of the entrance was photographed by Sun Chengjun at a sky-high price of 40 billion.

At the scene, everyone was moved, and waves of applause were endless.

At this time, after the finale collection of this charity auction was photographed, it was also drawing to a close.

All the guests who took pictures of the collection went on the stage one by one in front of everyone, and handed over their collections on the spot. The host Yu Linna announced on the spot that among the nine collections displayed tonight, all the income will be 90.00 %, handed over to the Huaguo Welfare Department.

At this point, Lin Feng nodded secretly. The purpose of this charity auction is worthy of his admiration.

Although he missed the three-inch bronze sword, the purpose of his trip tonight has been achieved. If he wants to break through his current strength, even if he doesn't have the bronze sword to enlighten him, as long as he progresses in a cycle, he won't Takes too long.

It is inevitable to have regrets in life, and he doesn't think this matter is so important.

Just as everyone was calming down, Sun Chengjun held the three-inch bronze sword that was auctioned at a sky-high price of 40 billion in both hands, and slowly left under the eyes of everyone.

However, instead of leaving towards the door, he walked towards the guest seats in the first row.

"Brother Lin Feng, don't come here without any problems." Sun Chengjun sat beside Lin Feng with a smile on his face.

Lin Feng frowned when he saw this. He had no impression of this person, and he actually called him a brother?

"Five years ago, in the waters off Somalia, if it wasn't for Brother Lin Feng's actions, the three members of my Sun family would have fallen into the hands of those vicious pirates long ago. Have you forgotten?" Sun Chengjun said slowly and kindly.

"I remember." Lin Feng suddenly realized.

Five years ago, when a team of three of him was on a mission abroad, it happened that a yacht was hijacked by more than 30 pirates, so he took care of the pirates. Five years later, he had almost no memory of this incident.

Now when Sun Chengjun mentioned it, he suddenly realized.

"Brother Lin Feng, this bronze sword has an extraordinary history. I am an ordinary person, so I am not qualified to control it. Its owner should be Brother Lin Feng. Please accept it." Sun Chengjun bowed suddenly, and presented it to Lin Feng with both hands. .


Lin Feng flatly refused.

Although he had thought of owning it for himself, the price of 40 billion was too expensive for Sun Chengjun to give him as a gift.

"Brother Lin Feng, please don't refuse. I take this bronze sword away, at most as an ornamental object, and I am very clear about the reason why it is a crime." Sun Chengjun chuckled, referring to the The old man with white beard and hair who bid with him may have had evil thoughts about him.

"Lin Feng, since Mr. Sun is so sincere, it's a bit unreasonable for you to reject him. Accept it." At this time, Fengze also comforted him.

"Yes, Mr. Lin, you should accept it, otherwise Mr. Sun will be embarrassing." Ma Hongji laughed.

Sun Chengjun nodded slightly, he didn't care about other people's strange gazes, what he cared about was that this time he wanted to repay Lin Feng for giving his Sun family life back then.

40 billion is really nothing to him.

"If necessary, I can help you solve it, but I can't accept this bronze sword." Lin Feng glanced at the old man Liu Shan not far away, then looked at Sun Chengjun again, and bluntly refused.

Someone thanked him, he could accept it, but he couldn't accept such a valuable item.

(End of this chapter)

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