The most powerful evil god of war

Chapter 76 The Stars Hold the Moon

Chapter 76 The Stars Hold the Moon

At this moment, the eyes of everyone in the venue, along with Sun Chengjun's figure, had all fallen on Lin Feng.

They showed confused looks one after another, and they couldn't understand in their hearts that a young and promising hero like Sun Chengjun would actually bow down in front of a young man and offer a gift worth 40 billion with both hands.

What's more, the young man refused bluntly and waved his hand away, which had to surprise everyone.

Therefore, they were trying to figure out Lin Feng's identity.

By Lin Feng's side, aside from Sun Chengjun, the hero, there were three men and two women.

When they saw the real faces of the three men and two women clearly, their faces were shocked again, and they were all shocked.

Fengze, Master Feng, the famous underground overlord of Tianhai City!
Ma Hongji, Ma Hongji, one of the top ten masters of traditional Chinese medicine in Huaguo!
Also, the old man with his brow rubbed against his face seemed to be Dean Li of the People's Hospital.

And, that female business elite Luo Wanjun who combines beauty, figure, and wisdom!

The last woman, although everyone didn't remember her, but judging by her tasteful attire, she was not an ordinary person.

In this way, together with Sun Chengjun who just sat over, the aura of the six of them has completely set off Lin Feng's image.

All the stars hold the moon!
Everyone's faces were full of surprises.

And at this time, not far away.

The old man with white beard and hair, Liu Shan, who bid for the bronze sword with Sun Chengjun before, stared at Lin Feng's side with his sharp eyes gleaming fiercely.

He didn't care what Lin Feng's identity was.

What he cared about was that Sun Chengjun didn't hesitate to spend 40 billion to take the bronze sword, and now he gave it to Lin Feng?
However, this is not so important to him.

In any case, that three-inch bronze sword will definitely belong to him tonight, Liu Shan!
at this time--

"Brother Lin Feng, how about this, I'll trouble you to keep this bronze sword for me first, and I'll take it back another day, how about it?" Sun Chengjun thought for a long time, and asked sincerely.

"Mr. Sun, I understand what you mean." Lin Feng stared at Sun Chengjun's fiery and sincere eyes, and finally nodded slowly.

In the final analysis, Sun Chengjun came here with gratitude and no malice. If he continued to refuse in front of everyone, he might be despised by the world and called him a hypocrite.

It's better to accept it first, so as not to be left tongue-tied.

Rumors stop at the wise, and that's all for now.

at the same time--

In the seats on the second floor of the venue, a pair of well-dressed men and women were sitting. Their expressions were changing rapidly at this moment.

"Shijie, the party is coming to an end, what about your plan? What about your perfect plan?" The woman who spoke was none other than Qian Meini.

"Mini, don't worry!" Liang Shijie raised his eyebrows. He had made a promise to Qian Mini that at tonight's charity auction, he would end Lin Feng and Luo Wanjun, and vent his anger on Qian Mini's behalf. .

However, during the two-hour auction, he personally witnessed everything on the scene, including everything around Lin Feng.

There were quite a few bigwigs around Lin Feng, and they made flattering gestures, which had to make him worry.

Moreover, after he saw Luo Wanjun's appearance, he couldn't extricate himself.

He believes that maybe this is the so-called love at first sight!

Luo Wanjun's beauty is far more than a hundred times more outstanding than that of Qian Meini who is sitting beside him.

Therefore, his plan has changed.

"Minnie, Lin Feng and Luo Wanjun can't move tonight, let's make a new plan." Liang Shijie is a man with a deep sense of security, and he won't do anything unless he is completely sure.

After all, before the auction, he arranged for some of his subordinates to sneak into the hotel's security department, but they were abolished by Lin Feng in the middle of nowhere. Such a result was beyond his expectation.

"Liang Shijie, I'm very disappointed in you." Qian Meini turned around and left.

In fact, she never expected Liang Shijie to help her deal with Luo Wanjun.

You know, the international assassin she hired at a cost of [-] million has already arrived in Tianhai, and has already arranged everything.

Even Liang Shijie didn't know about it.

After Qian Meini left, Liang Shijie had a smug smile in his eyes. He just wanted to drive Qian Meini away, and then implement his new plan.

After half an hour.

This auction has come to a successful conclusion.

After everyone left the venue, only Lin Feng and Sun Chengjun were left.

"Lin Feng, I have something else to do. I'll talk about it another day. I, Sun Chengjun, can't guarantee anything else. In terms of funds, if you need anything, just give me a call." Sun Chengjun waved goodbye with great pride.

He didn't talk big, the last thing he lacked was money.

"Mr. Sun, go slowly." Lin Feng nodded, watched Sun Chengjun leave, and nodded slowly.

With today's achievements, Sun Chengjun can still treat others with courtesy, without pretentiousness or hypocrisy, and there will be even greater achievements in the future.

In a sense, he still accepted this gift worth 40 billion after all.

However, he felt from Sun Chengjun's aura that he was not very human, and he should have just stepped into the martial arts not long ago.

The road is long and far away, and I will search up and down.

He knows that in the future, he will have many contacts with Sun Chengjun, and the future is promising!
"Lin Feng, let's do this first, I still have some things to do, let's go first." Feng Ze also bid farewell and left.

Next to him, Dean Li, who had been silent all this time, looked at Lin Feng with a smile and said, "Mr. Lin, it's still early, why don't we go to the bar for a few drinks?"

"Not bad, not bad, it's good to have some wine and chat." Ma Hongji also hurriedly agreed with a smile.

"You two said you were going to the bar?" Lin Feng smiled.

Dean Li and Ma Hongji are both over a hundred years old together, and this Yaxing went to the bar for fun, which surprised him a bit.

"Hello, my name is Li Xiang." At this time, Li Xiang, the granddaughter of President Li, who had been unknown until now, walked up to Lin Feng in a generous manner.

"You have been sitting next to Dean Li, you must be his family?" Lin Feng smiled.

This woman kept silent all the time, but her face changed countless times. He was sitting next to her, and she had already noticed it.

"Well, he is my grandfather." Li Xiang nodded.

"Well! It's getting late, let's go home with your grandfather." Lin Feng waved his hands calmly, he vaguely guessed Dean Li's thoughts, he left without comment, holding hands with Luo Wanjun.

Ma Hongji and Dean Li were on the sidelines, their expressions extremely embarrassing.

"Mr. Lin..."

"Mr. Lin wait..."

Dean Li and Ma Hongji quickly followed Lin Feng in small steps.

Lin Feng stopped and said loudly: "Both of you, I understand what you're thinking, so you don't have to waste time on me. How about this? I'll leave the words here. If you need my help, I will make a decision according to the situation. As long as it doesn't violate my bottom line, we can talk about it, okay?"

Dean Li and Ma Hongji were at a loss for words for a moment. It seemed that using this method to curry favor with Lin Feng was counterproductive. Fortunately, Lin Feng was magnanimous and forgave them.

Soon, Lin Feng and Luo Wanjun walked to the parking lot and drove away.

Not far away, a black Toyota overbearing off-road vehicle drove away from the parking lot.

In a dark corner, an unremarkable black Volkswagen Santana also started its engine and sped away.

[Kneeling for a recommendation ticket]

(End of this chapter)

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