The most powerful evil god of war

Chapter 80 Fierce Beast

Chapter 80 Fierce Beast
"Is it really her?"

Lin Feng's mouth overflowed with coldness.

Earlier, he had noticed that there was a faint breath in the trunk of the Volkswagen Santana that Mo Bei was driving.

It's just that the breath is too weak.

So much so that he didn't detect Qian Meini's aura immediately.

While thinking, Mo Bei had already brought the unconscious Qian Meini over.

This woman was in a coma at this time, her hair was fluffy and messy, her wheat-colored skin was covered with dirt, her mouth was sealed with tape, and she was extremely embarrassed.

"Let's save her first." Lin Feng lit another cigarette.

"Brother Feng, this girl wants to kill you, so she can't stay, it's a disaster." Mo Bei's eyes were very different, and he didn't understand why Lin Feng made such a decision.

"Of course she can't stay, but I'm just saving her life temporarily, someone will deal with her." Lin Feng looked at each other and smiled, and put his arms around Mo Bei.

"Sister-in-law, right?" Mo Bei was slightly taken aback. He had heard something about Lin Feng and Luo Wanjun from Qian Meini before, and grinned suspiciously.

Lin Feng smiled, and the two of them stepped into the doorless Santana and drove towards the Jiayuan villa area in the holy city.

Mo Bei, an imposing international killer, drives a Santana for transportation. He seems to be low-key, but his low-key is just right. As a killer, he must learn to be both forbearing and low-key, so that he can catch people by surprise.

10 minute later.

Shengcheng Jiayuan villa area.

When Lin Feng and Mo Bei arrived by car, Luo Wanjun rushed out from the foyer and hugged Lin Feng.

"What happened just now?" After Lin Feng suddenly decided to get out of the car, she went all the way and immediately returned home, waiting anxiously.

"Mr. Wan, let me introduce you to this, my childhood friend, Mo Bei!" Lin Feng smiled, gestured to Mo Bei again, and said, "Her name is Luo Wanjun."

"Hello." Luo Wanjun straightened the messy clothes and stretched out her little hand.

"Sister-in-law, don't be polite to me. Is there food at home?" Mo Bei scratched his head and smiled. He had been hiding in the car before and hadn't eaten yet.

However, his expression at this time did not have the slightest indifference and ruthlessness that a killer should have. It was clearly the talking and joking of a boy next door.

It's no wonder that Mo Bei has been in the army for two years, joined the mercenary group for three years, and now he has been a killer for three years. He has walked all the way, walking on the cusp of wind and waves, and his personality has become extremely indifferent.

But now he's home!
He was about to face his parents, so when facing his childhood friend Lin Feng, he naturally had to get rid of his indifference and become more cheerful.

"Eat... yes! I'll give you some food." Luo Wanjun smiled freely, turned around and was about to step into the entrance hall.

"Let's eat...then forget it, let Brother Feng eat it." Mo Bei was stunned, subconsciously a trace of filth appeared in his mind.

"Then why don't you go out and eat something." Luo Wanjun paused, feeling that serving guests with a bowl of noodles was really not thoughtful.

"Mr. Wan, let's settle this matter first." Lin Feng held Luo Wanjun back and punched Mo Bei who was smiling wryly.

Although Mo Bei was secretly smiling, his hands and feet were not idle, and he immediately threw Qian Meini out of the trunk.


When Luo Wanjun saw this woman, she immediately froze in place.

Just as Lin Feng was about to explain something, Mo Bei suddenly waved his hand and said, "Brother Feng, let me explain."

One minute later, Mo Bei was very detailed and truthfully told the fact that Qian Meini spent a lot of money to hire him to assassinate Lin Feng.

Luo Wanjun can't stay calm anymore.

Not long ago, she let Qian Meini go on purpose. Lin Feng had warned her that it was not advisable to let the tiger go back to the mountain, but she still insisted on her decision in order to remember her old love.

Now, Qian Meini has once again made a move that she cannot tolerate. If she is kind-hearted again, the consequences will be unimaginably disastrous!
To be kind to the enemy is to be cruel to oneself, this sentence Lin Feng just told him!

Besides, she also agreed and promised it!

At this moment, Qian Meini, who had fallen into a coma, suddenly opened her sleepy eyes after Mo Bei tore the tape covering her mouth. After seeing the three people in front of her, her expression changed drastically.

"Mini, I gave you a chance." Luo Wanjun's voice was cold, with a coldness never seen before.

She is really disappointed!

"Luo! Wan! Jun!"

Qian Meini stared at Luo Wanjun, gritted her teeth and said every word, because of anger, her lips were bitten by her teeth, dripping scarlet blood.

Previously, she never imagined that she would be kidnapped by a killer hired by herself!

Now, after she opened her eyes and looked at the faces of the people in front of her, she immediately understood.

"Blood Fiend! You're so despicable!" She glared at Mo Bei again. This killer, whom she spent [-] million to hire, turned against Ge and kidnapped her employer, which must have broken the rules of the killer world!
"You shouldn't, you shouldn't, you shouldn't go against Brother Feng, let me tell you this, all the international killers on the dark net will back away from fierce beasts, so, you should have self-knowledge, what exactly did you provoke?" What kind of existence!" Mo Bei said quietly.

"Impossible! You are lying! He is just a veteran, that is to say, his skills are not bad, how can he make all the international killers timid?" Qian Meini struggled to sit up, she absolutely did not believe what Xuesha said in her bones if.

"and many more!"

She suddenly froze on the spot again, looked at Lin Feng with a face full of horror, and murmured: "Ominous beast, ominous beast, you are an ominous beast..."

The name of the ferocious beast in the Hua Kingdom is like thunder in the military world, and it is the nightmare of all mercenaries and killers!

She couldn't believe that Lin Feng in front of her was actually said by Xue Sha to be the rumored beast!

"You, as Wan Jun's former good sister, should help each other, but for the sake of being competitive and for your so-called face, you have distorted your humanity more than once. You were wrong!" Lin Feng looked indifferently. He glanced at Qian Meini, then looked away.

"Qian Meini, this is the cycle of heaven and karma. I know you are very upset, but at present you have to die to apologize!" Mo Bei grabbed Qian Meini's ear-shattered hair and lifted it up. stand up.


"No no no!"

"I was wrong, I was wrong! I was so wrong, Wanjun, I really know I was wrong, I shouldn't be envious of you, please help me, we are good sisters, I I don't want to die, I don't want to die!" Qian Meini's face became extremely hideous because of fear.

"It's too late. Tonight, no one can save you." Luo Wanjun's body trembled a little, and then she took a deep breath, her mentality gradually stabilized, and she stopped looking at Qian Meini.

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(End of this chapter)

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