The most powerful evil god of war

Chapter 81 Who is Hundan? !

Chapter 81 Who is Hundan? !
Liang Wenhai is very confident!

He also has this self-confident capital!

Although, he learned from Liang Hei and Liang Bai that Lin Feng was only a young man in his early 20s, and to have that transcendent strength, his status must be extraordinary.

However, as the patriarch of a wealthy family, the spirit he learned from his ancestors is not to compromise!
In everything, there must be a struggle!
He believed in this idea, and was threatened for this reason. If he, the patriarch, was timid, the entire Liang family might be destroyed in his hands.

"Patriarch, you must think twice!" Liang Hei suddenly stood up.

The two of his brothers personally experienced the horror from Lin Feng last night, at least in the late stage of Anjin!
Now, although Liang Wenhai has also reached the strength of the late stage of Anjin, there is a saying that is good, the fist is afraid of the young!

"I've made up my mind!" Liang Wenhai waved his hand to stop Liang Hei's next words.

"Patriarch, even if I risk contradicting you, I have to say one more word!"

Liang Hei suddenly walked towards Liang Wenhai.

"Liang Hei, how dare you disobey my words?" Liang Wenhai was indifferently furious.

"Patriarch, Liang Hei has only one sentence, that is, no matter what your decision is, we must first prepare the three herbs that Lin Feng needs, just in case something happens." After Liang Hei finished speaking, he remained silent.

He had no choice but to do this, if Liang Wenhai didn't do what Lin Feng said, his brothers would also suffer disaster!
"Hahaha... Liang Hei, it seems that your two brothers were really frightened by that kid, shame on you!"

Liang Wenhai's eyes turned cold, and then he scolded again: "You two failed to protect my son, I haven't settled the debt for you, now, step back, speak out again, and the Fa will be executed on the spot!"

"..." Liang Hei wanted to risk his life before trying to persuade him, but his younger brother Liang Bai rushed over and dragged him back to the seat.

At the same moment, their faces were extremely pale. Knowing that Liang Wenhai's decision would bring unimaginable destruction to the Liang family, they decided to flee here at that time.


"Patriarch, outside the door, there is a man named Lin Feng who said he came to pick up something, but we stopped him."

A guard in a black elastic vest immediately leaned over beside Liang Wenhai.

"Lin Feng? Is it finally here!"

Liang Wenhai showed wanton murderous intent in his eyes, and waved: "Let him in!"

The guard retreated immediately.

"Patriarch, it's too cheap to kill him directly, we have to torture him little by little to avenge Shijie!"

"That's right, if an ignorant junior dares to touch our Liang family, it's not a pity to die!"

"Patriarch, please give me this opportunity, I am willing to avenge Shijie!"

After Liang Wenhai threatened to let Lin Feng in, the members of the Liang family sitting on the side finally couldn't sit still.

Some of them also had the mentality of Liang Wenhai. Their Liang family wanted status and status, but they were bullied by a young man who didn't change his name and came to the house.

"Patriarch, I suggest that you don't want to be murderous first, and it won't be too late to make a decision after we sort out the ins and outs of the matter."

"I also agree. When is the time to repay the grievances, it can't be better to resolve them peacefully."

Among them, there are also a small number of people who feel that it is inappropriate.

Why did Liang Shijie die?

There is always a reason!

Who is right and who is wrong?They don't know.

But they believed in what Liang Hei and Liang Bai said, and felt that it would be unwise to fight to the death with that man named Lin Feng.

"To shut up!"

Liang Wenhai's face became ashen when he heard everyone's chatter, and he stared at everyone with a pair of tiger eyes.

"You people who persuaded me not to kill, don't you know that my son Shijie died at the hands of that bastard?!!!"

"Trash! My Liang family, how could there be such cowardly trash like you!"

Liang Wenhai was so angry that he sat back in the grand teacher's chair step by step.

Everyone kept silent like a cicada, and no one had a trace of disobedience.

"Forget it! If any of you are afraid, you can automatically withdraw from the Liang family. Of course, I will give you the share of assets that you deserve. From then on, you will have nothing to do with my Liang family." Liang Wenhai waved his arms slowly. .

After a brief silence, seven or eight people really stood up one after another.

"Patriarch, our branch is willing to withdraw." A benevolent, fifty-year-old man, with his family of seven, slowly left the courtyard under the strange eyes of everyone.

"Let's quit too." The other family of five followed suit.

"let's go!"

"A guy who is greedy for life and afraid of death!"

"Don't come to the clan ancestral hall in the future!"

Many people abused the thirteen members of the two families, showing contemptuous gestures one after another.

Perhaps, only the two brothers Liang Hei and Liang Bai would understand that the departure of the thirteen members of the two families was not out of greed for life and fear of death.

But the clearest and wisest thought!
"Are you holding a family meeting?"

At this moment, a young man with sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, dressed in gray casual clothes, walked slowly from far to near. It was Lin Feng.

His demeanor is generous and gentle, he doesn't seem to be asking for anything at all, he looks like a guest here.

"You are Lin Feng!"

With a wave of his hand, Liang Wenhai stopped the commotion of the crowd.

"I'm Lin Feng."

"Did you kill my son Shijie?" Liang Wenhai asked immediately.

"That scum is a scum, if you kill it, kill it, is it important?" Lin Feng walked slowly, and sat on the stool next to Liang Wenhai without changing his face.

At this moment, everyone was shocked except Liang Hei and Liang Bai.


Isn't this person too arrogant!
Killing someone's son, not only did he not have the slightest remorse and begging for mercy, but he actually had an expression as calm as water, and sat beside Liang Wenhai calmly, how crazy is this!

"You have to know that Shijie is my most beloved son!" Liang Wenhai tried his best to suppress the killing intent, and said in a deep voice, word by word.

"So what?"

"The purpose of my coming here, you are very clear, take away the three medicinal herbs I want, and everything will be safe, okay?" Lin Feng turned his head, looked at Liang Wenhai with fiery eyes casually, raised his hand and lit smoked a cigarette.

He believed that Liang Hei and Liang Bai had brought his words to Liang Wenhai's ears last night, and he didn't want to repeat too much when he came here today.

However, since he entered the gate of the Liang family, he sensed the atmosphere here, which clearly had a strong killing intent, and he had intended to let the Liang family go.

But in this situation, there is no reason for him to ignore it.

"Boy! Your strength is not bad, and you have such arrogant capital!"

"But! You little soul shouldn't be showing off in my Liang family!" Liang Wenhai slammed the stone table in front of him, and it fell apart in an instant.

"Who is the soulless?!" Lin Feng's eyes were cold, and this Liang Wenhai's nonsense was unforgivable!

Immediately, he calmly raised his hand and took a puff of the cigarette, and with lightning speed, suddenly pushed half of the cigarette end into Liang Wenhai's mouth.


Liang Wenhai's complexion changed drastically!
He had taken enough precautions, and was worried that Lin Feng would suddenly attack him, but he didn't realize that Lin Feng would throw a burning cigarette end into his mouth!
(End of this chapter)

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