The most powerful evil god of war

Chapter 82 Fist is afraid of the young and strong 【Please recommend】

Chapter 82 Fist is afraid of the young and strong 【Please recommend】

At this moment, Liang Wenhai's heart was like a stormy sea, and he absolutely could not calm down.

He was shocked and angry!
To his surprise, with his current strength, he was unexpectedly attacked by Lin Feng, shame on him!

He was so angry that he was humiliated by Lin Feng in front of many members of the Liang family. It was too embarrassing!

It doesn't stop there!

The power coming from Lin Feng's palm not only made him swallow the burning cigarette butt, but also lifted his whole body directly, and landed in front of other people, which was even more embarrassing!

This scene made all members of the Liang family stunned on the spot.

Right in front of their eyes, their patriarch, their backbone, Liang Wenhai, was blown away by Lin Feng's slap!

"Bah bah bah!"

After Liang Wenhai fell to the ground with a "bang", he spat out a few mouthfuls, but he still couldn't spit out the half of the cigarette butt that he had swallowed into his stomach.

"Boy Lin Feng!"

"The old man and you are at odds with each other, and you will never die!" Liang Wenhai was furious like never before.

He completely ignored the strength of Lin Feng's energy in his mind, and was completely filled with humiliation and annoyance. He tapped his feet on the ground and jumped up.


"do not want!"

When the situation was overwhelming, the two brothers Liang Hei and Liang Bai stood up together to stop Liang Wenhai.

The two of them saw the scene just now with incomparable clarity, and they naturally knew very clearly in their hearts that Liang Wenhai would definitely not be Lin Feng's opponent!
Fist is afraid of the young, this is not unreasonable!


The aloof Liang Wenhai didn't stop, and with an attitude of immortality, he rushed towards Lin Feng in the blink of an eye.

He came up with the strongest ultimate move, using the taboo that his ancestors once said, the broken fist that hurts himself eight hundred and hurts the enemy one thousand!


One punch, just one punch.

The entire Liang family compound was instantly in a state of chaos and dust, which made people feel in a daze.

After throwing his fist, Liang Wenhai felt as if his whole body had been emptied. He stood there with a pale face and gasped continuously.

However, his face was joyful.

Although his mind is full of anger, he seems irrational to outsiders, but in fact, he has another measure in his heart!

He did not deny Lin Feng's toughness.

Therefore, as soon as he made a move, he used the broken fist that he could only use to save his life.

He was extremely confident that Lin Feng would only be dying, his life hanging by a thread!
"If every punch has such power, you can barely become my opponent."

Lin Feng's voice suddenly appeared, he did not deny the strength of Liang Wenhai's punch just now.

The opponent who can make him retreat three steps, after he returns to the city, Liang Wenhai is still No.1!
Immediately afterwards, his figure appeared in the dust.

Everyone was dumbfounded when they heard the words.

Lin Feng is still alive!

Their patriarch was almost exhausted after swinging that punch that broke his wounds!

"You..." Liang Wenhai's face was full of unwillingness, and he couldn't help but stagger!
Looking at Lin Feng's current appearance, he didn't seem to be injured, he was completely intact!

He was completely stunned.

He used the shattering punch that hurt himself eight hundred and hurt the enemy one thousand, but the opponent came over so easily like a normal person?

"No, no, no..."

Liang Wenhai retreated subconsciously.

He also deeply understood in his mind, what the two brothers Liang Hei and Liang Bai once said to dissuade him.

"Give me the three medicinal herbs I need, and then you will destroy your dantian, and everyone in the Liang family will be saved from disaster." Lin Feng said quietly.

"You are too bullying!" Liang Wenhai stepped back step by step, although he was afraid in his heart, but due to his identity, his words still revealed strength.

This is his Liang family's old house!

"When that scumbag Liang Shijie wanted to snatch my woman, didn't he just bully her?" Lin Feng approached step by step with no smile on his face.

Liang Wenhai kept retreating.

"Patriarch, promise him, or the Liang family will be ruined."

"That's right, Patriarch, if you keep the green hills, don't worry about running out of firewood. If you sacrifice yourself, you can take care of our entire Liang family!"

Many members of the Liang family branch were calling out one after another at this time. Obviously, they realized Lin Feng's strength and did not want to be implicated by it.


"A bunch of bastards!"

Liang Wenhai glared at his clansman with fire in his eyes.

He has lived to such an age, and he thinks he has never let the Liang family down!

Everything he does now is for the sake of the Liang family.

However, everyone's current posture hurt his heart!

Seeing Liang Wenhai's anger, everyone dared not speak out, but couldn't bear Lin Feng's coercion all the time, they were still discussing in low voices, and some even tried to leave here.

"I admit that my son Shijie was at fault first, but you've already killed him, so you still want to kill me?" Liang Wenhai seemed terrified, but he still argued hard.

"How about killing you?"

The corners of Lin Feng's mouth turned up slightly, and he said again: "Liang Shijie wants to snatch my woman, damn it! And you are not on my death list, but you have insulted my family with your dirty words, and you are asked to sacrifice The three herbs are just to make up for Liang Shijie's fault."

"I give!"

Liang Wenhai finally nodded in agreement.

If this situation continues, his life will not be long!
Immediately afterwards, he waved his hand to look at the clansman, and nodded dully.

Soon, ten 300-year-old Changbai Mountain snow ginseng, ten ice silkworms from the Gu region of the Miao border, and ten snow rutabagas from the depths of the desert appeared in front of Lin Feng one by one.

"If it was like this earlier, why should we have to suffer so much?" Lin Feng put away the three herbs and walked towards Liang Wenhai again without stopping.

"You, what else do you want?" Liang Wenhai turned pale with shock when he saw this.

"I said before that these three herbs are just to make up for your son's fault, but you have humiliated me with such nonsense, so you can't just let it go like this?" Lin Feng said slowly.

"Lin Feng..." Liang Wenhai finally couldn't hold on anymore, and sat down on the ground.

"Destroy the dantian, so as to scare others!" Lin Feng stared at Liang Wenhai and said loudly.

"Lin Feng, kill me!" Liang Wenhai raised his head and chest, looking like he was not in love.

Lin Feng was indifferent, and arrived in an instant.

"You!" Liang Wenhai's face was bloodless, a person as strong as him, under Lin Feng's pressure, he couldn't even move an inch.

He thinks that his own strength has already surpassed most people in this secular world!

However, the young Lin Feng in front of him...


Lin Feng kicked out, hitting Liang Wenhai's dantian three inches below his navel.

"Lin Feng!"

Liang Wenhai's dantian was abolished, and he immediately collapsed on the ground. He has been in martial arts for many years, and now his dantian is abolished. To him, this feeling is a humiliation, a great humiliation!
"Tell your clansmen from now on, don't try to bully ordinary people with the disparity in status. There is only one consequence." Lin Feng said coldly.

"Lin Feng, my dantian has been abolished. There is no point in living anymore. Just wait for my father's wrath!" Liang Wenhai's eyes were bloody, his face was extremely ferocious, and he bumped his head against the corner of the stone bench.


Just like that, Liang Wenhai fell in a pool of blood in front of Lin Feng and committed suicide.

at the same time--

Far away in a certain blessed land in the depths of the Tianshan Mountains, an old man with white hair and a childlike face, who was originally closing his eyes to meditate, suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes were like blood.

"Wen son!"

(End of this chapter)

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