Chapter 83
The old man's face was solemn, his eyes were as sharp as swords, and the endless coldness instantly froze the surrounding air.

He is Liang Bo, the old man of the Liang family in the provincial capital.

Ten years ago, in order to break through his own shackles, he traveled thousands of miles to the depths of the Tianshan Mountains. Not long ago, he finally got his wish and reached the peak of Huajin!
Now, when he was consolidating his realm and preparing to return home at the end of the year, his son Liang Wenhai's soul stone shattered in this second!

"Wen Hai, my son!"

Liang Bo's face was covered with frost.

He is very clear about the qualifications of his son Liang Wenhai. This time his soul is broken, it must not be as simple as birth, old age, sickness and death, it must be murdered by others!
He is even more aware that there are very few people in this secular world who can hurt his son!

But no matter what, unless it is a big shot in the fantasy secret realm, if not, in this secular world, no matter who it is, this revenge will be avenged!

"Whoever it is! Right or wrong, whoever kills my son will die!"


The provincial capital, Liang's courtyard.

After Liang Wenhai committed suicide, all the members of the Liang family present felt as if they were sitting on pins and needles, and couldn't sit still any longer!
Their backbone, Liang Wenhai, was actually forced to commit suicide!
It’s incredible!
However, it happened right in front of their eyes, and they could see it clearly!

Lin Feng ignored Liang Wenhai's life and death, scanning the crowd with a pair of indifferent eyes.

"We... we know we were wrong."

"Yes, our Patriarch committed suicide in fear of crime. He has nothing to do with Mr. Lin."

Everyone lowered their heads and lowered their brows, knowing the situation before them very well. A person who is stronger than their Patriarch Liang Wenhai has committed suicide, so how can they continue to fight?

"I advise you, don't judge a gentleman's heart with a villain's heart. I did come here with the intention of seeking revenge, but the premise is that you provoked me first!"

"Besides, even if this matter gets out, I won't be afraid to say that I, Lin Feng, killed Liang Wenhai!" Lin Feng said coldly, turned and left.

Everyone in the Liang family had their own ulterior motives, and he didn't bother arguing. Such a compliment in front of him was just to make him look up.

If he wanted to kill, there would not be a single person left in the Liang family today, but these people did not have a deep hatred with him, and killing innocent people indiscriminately was not his style.

Three in the afternoon.

Lin Feng drove into the valley of Yunmeng Mountain in the northeast of the provincial capital.

Then he got out of the car and walked.

Not long after, he passed through the strange art of dunjia, through the hidden traps in the mountains and forests, and entered the valley deep in the mountains.

Here, no one usually sets foot here, and even by helicopter, it is impossible to penetrate the dense forest.

Back then, after he was rescued by his master, he came here and lived here for three years.


Lin Feng walked in the fairyland-like valley and took a deep breath.

The environment here is elegant, quiet and comfortable. The further you go, the more intense the fragrance of the herbs will be. This herb garden is just the precious herbs that his master has found from all over the place, and has been carefully cultivated with painstaking efforts.

With an expression of awe on his face, he lingered on the Baicao Garden in front of him, and saw the whole body of emerald, delicate and charming, Longzhimalan shaped like a vine.

At this time, it is the season of blooming, and the blossoming snow-white longzhilan is refreshing.

He looked at the longzhilan in the Baicao Garden, and there were 72 plants that had reached maturity, which happened to be the number of earth evil.

He didn't pick it lightly, it was a herbal medicine carefully cultivated by his master, all of which had amazing effects, and to pick it, he had to get the master's consent.

After crossing the Baicao Garden and continuing to walk forward, after passing through a bamboo forest, a wooden house built on bluestone rocks appeared in front of Lin Feng.

Here is his former residence of Guigu in the past dynasties!
Come near.

"Master, disciple Lin Feng is here." Lin Feng knelt down beside the wooden house, showing great respect.

a long time--

"Master." Lin Feng stood up and gradually pushed open the closed door.

The layout of the house is very simple, the bamboo forest outside the window, the fragrance inside the window, although simple, but the environment is elegant, it is a pleasant residence.

What catches the eye is a lifelike sculpture, which is Wang Xu, the founder of the Guigu sect, with the Taoist name Xuanweizi, a prominent figure in the Warring States Period, a famous thinker, a representative of Taoism, a master of military art, and the originator of strategists!
Today, it has been passed down to the generation of Lin Feng's master Ji Yuanshan, which is already 84 generations old.

Lin Feng lit the sandalwood, knelt down three times and kowtowed nine times, then looked at this wooden house with a size of just over 20 square meters.

The bright sunlight streams down through the bamboo windows, and you can have a panoramic view of the furnishings in the house.

There is an end inkstone on the old table, a few brushes in the pen holder next to it, and a piece of yellowish plain silk on which there is a jade faucet finger puller.

"The master's wrench never leaves his body!"

Seeing this, Lin Feng rushed forward.

He saw in the yellowish plain silk, there was a line of dragons and phoenixes dancing in seal script - love disciple, I have unloaded the burden of ghost valley and traveled the world!
"Master, he..."

Lin Feng's nervousness just now was swept away.

He knew that a mysterious person like his master had already escaped from the shackles of the secular world, so he would never be in danger easily!
"Master left me this dragon head finger?" Lin Feng pondered for a long time.

The Ghost Valley faction has always had a deep knowledge of the Qimen Dunjia technique, and the way is natural, and on the premise of their own realm, they can deduce what will happen in the next few days, or even months.

"Master knew that I was coming back, so he left this ring finger to me?" Lin Feng sighed for a long time, trying to figure out the master's intention, and finally put the dragon head finger ring on his left thumb.

Then, he knelt down three times and kowtowed nine times.

"Master, Xiaofeng will not let you down."

He knew that at this moment, he had already shouldered the heavy responsibility of Ghost Valley!
In this world, unsolved mysteries are everywhere, and the way of Ghost Valley is to find the answer for this world!
Two hours later, Lin Feng left the former residence, picked two longzhilan seedlings, cut a palm-sized snow crystal from the underground chamber, and left the deep valley of Yunmeng Mountain.

As night fell, Lin Feng arrived in Tianhai City.

When he came back this time, he brought Longzhilan and Ice Snow Crystal, two raw materials for the development of Juyuan Pill.

Moreover, he also brought the three raw materials of Zhuyan Pill, 300-year-old Changbai Mountain Snow Ginseng, [-]-year-old Desert Snow Ruguo, and ice silkworm from Miaojiang Gu.

He will stay up all night tonight to refine Juyuan Pill and Zhuyan Pill at the same time. He agreed to finish it in one day, sell it all over the country within three days, and make it a hit in the world within seven days. He will not break his promise.

"Wan Jun, go back to the company and wait for me. I'll be there right away. Ju Yuan Pill can be shipped tonight. I want you to witness it with your own eyes." On the way, Lin Feng called Luo Wanjun.

"Brother Feng, you've worked hard all the way, but I'm staying with my dad, so I can't go back yet." Luo Wanjun sat on the sofa, looking at the unsmiling middle-aged man sitting opposite the sofa, with a slightly bitter expression .

"Is your father here?" Lin Feng suddenly realized that Luo Wanjun had said yesterday that her father would come from the imperial capital today.

"Well, you just deal with it for one night at the company, I should be able to handle it." Luo Wanjun stood up, walked to the balcony, and said cautiously.

"I'm not used to living in a company, how about this, I'll go home right away and have a few drinks with my future father-in-law." Lin Feng decided immediately.

"No, absolutely not!" Luo Wanjun immediately and resolutely refused.

[In the new week, I beg for recommendation tickets for support, this is the motivation for my code words, thank you]

(End of this chapter)

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