Chapter 88 The Butcher

murderous look!
This strong murderous aura came from a few meters away!
Lin Feng frowned slightly, and arrived in an instant, standing at the door of the meeting room.

The conference room is located on the right side of the first floor, close to the company compound. Under the night, Lin Feng could clearly see an old man with white beard and hair walking towards him step by step with strange steps.

"Who? Who is so presumptuous?!" Luo Qingshan hurried to Lin Feng's side, looking at the old man from far to near.

After all, he is a person who has seen big wind and waves, full of momentum, without any fear!
"Brother Feng, he is..." Luo Wanjun held Lin Feng's arm, her figure trembling slightly.

There is no other reason, this old man with white beard and hair, dark complexion, skinny, just looking at his appearance, is especially terrifying in this late night.

"Uncle Luo, you and Wanjun wait a moment, I will solve it quickly, and then go to dinner." Lin Feng raised his eyebrows and smiled, not paying attention to the old man who came full of killing intent.

Then, he stepped forward step by step.

"Brother Feng! This old guy is not friendly, don't get close to him!" Not far away, Liu Fei ran staggeringly, his body covered in bloody mouths cut by sharp knives.

"Liu Fei!" Seeing Liu Fei's miserable condition, Lin Feng's eyes became more angry.

This old fellow came here late at night, full of murderous intentions, absolutely unforgivable!
"Hmph! I thought Lin Feng was such a great person. It's really surprising that you can kill Si Niang and my beloved disciple!" There are five meters away.


Lin Feng raised his eyebrows and felt instantly relieved.

When he obliterated Xue Siniang, he clearly heard Xue Siniang shouting, her two most powerful backers, one of them is Ye Yanluo from the imperial capital, and the other is the butcher!

The appearance of Ye Yanluo is deeply engraved in his mind, the person in front of him is absolutely not, that must be the master butcher of Sword Soul and Sword Soul!
"Hmph! The old man's name is not something you, a little soul, can call directly!"

"Kill my beloved apprentice, kill my best friend, even if you cramp and skin your skin, the hatred in my heart will not be relieved. Kneel down and beg me to give you a good time!" The person who came was the butcher who had just walked out of Kunlun Mountain not long ago.

He looked at Lin Feng with frowned eyebrows, and the murderous intent in his eyes became more and more intense!

Even if Lin Feng died thousands of times, the hatred in his heart could not be dispelled.

"I hope your strength is worthy of your butcher's name. It is useless to talk too much. I have seen too many people who die of too many words. Want to take revenge? Come on!" Lin Feng said in a deep voice. After all, the other party came with murderous intentions. , then there is no reason to talk too much nonsense.


"Son Lin Feng, I really want to kill you for revenge, but you die all at once. It's too cheap for you. I'll let you live for a year, bleeding you every day, and peeling your flesh!" The butcher said, Blades and swords radiated from his body one after another, slowly circulating on his body surface.

As expected of a butcher, such a ruthless and merciless style of behavior, and his methods are extremely cruel, it is not an exaggeration to describe it as a pervert!
Not far away, Luo Qingshan froze in place, he was almost dumbfounded.

After all, he is also the head of the Luo family.

Naturally, there are masters hired by him with a lot of money as bodyguards, and he has seen strong men fight, but the butcher in front of him, just because of his domineering aura, has already made him feel terrified.

Especially when he saw that Lin Feng was not afraid at all, and greeted him as if nothing had happened, while he was admiring him, he was even more worried.

All he knew was that Lin Feng had a strong talent in the medical field.

He also knew that Lin Feng knew kung fu, otherwise he wouldn't have seriously injured Jiang Ziming.

But he didn't know that Lin Feng was so powerful.

Right at this moment-

Lin Feng suddenly disappeared from where he was.

Reflecting the moonlight, he stepped into the land of no one like a silver-armored god of war.


The butcher's face was still joking, but when he saw Lin Feng disappear suddenly, his expression changed drastically.

He didn't expect that Lin Feng's speed could reach the limit that he couldn't even see clearly.

You know, his skill of combining swords and swords has been practiced to great success, and he will not be afraid if he faces the masters of Ming Jin's late stage!

But now, he sensed danger!

The butcher clearly felt that the murderous aura that made him shudder was covering him.


The butcher retreated several meters one after another, and just when he was about to stabilize his body and was about to fight back, he was hit hard in the heart by a punch from Lin Feng.



At this moment, the butcher was so frightened that he was out of his wits, how could there be any trace of arrogance before?
A punch from Lin Feng and a roar from the butcher instantly intermingled.

"Do not?"

"Hehe, when you decided to seek revenge from me, there was no word 'no', and your fate has been changed!" Lin Feng was standing at the same position as the butcher before.

And the butcher himself.

It has flown backwards.

When he was flying upside down, the sternum completely collapsed after being punched hard by Lin Feng, and it wasn't until he landed that he spewed out blood.

He collapsed powerlessly on the ground. When he was about to die, there were shocks, embarrassments, fears in his mind, and more regrets.

Butcher, the cultivation level in the middle stage of Anjin, he could have stayed in Kunlun Mountain to practice quietly, maybe he can go further in a few years.

But, he died under his own arrogance, no wonder anyone.

At this time, Lin Feng had already walked in front of the seriously injured Liu Fei.

Liu Fei was seriously injured. In addition to his limbs being intact, six sternum bones were broken, five viscera in the abdominal cavity were displaced, and his chin was severely dislocated, which was broken back by Liu Fei himself.

"Liu Fei, in order to protect the company, I made you suffer. But it's okay, this time you were injured, but you can make a big breakthrough. I will help you." After checking Liu Fei's injury, Lin Feng used his hands to run "Ghost Valley" .

Liu Fei was so grateful in his heart that it was nothing to suffer from such an injury. It was what he had always looked forward to to get Lin Feng to help him improve his cultivation.

In this way, half an hour later, Liu Fei fell asleep stupidly. After Lin Feng sent him back to the security department for resettlement, he returned to the hall on the first floor.

"Uncle Luo, I made you laugh." Lin Feng smiled politely, and immediately made a gesture of invitation.

"Xiao Lin, you act wisely and decisively. You are a person who achieves great things. You have done a good job in dealing with this matter." Luo Qingshan nodded repeatedly.

Lin Feng was capable of both literature and martial arts at such a young age, and only he knew how much hard work he had put in, right?
It is unimaginable.

Luo Qingshan finally realized Lin Feng's strength, and at the same time, he was also thankful that he didn't contradict Lin Feng too much back then.

Then, the three of them drove away together.

Even Lin Feng didn't notice that in a top floor hundreds of meters away, there was a woman wearing a black embroidered cheongsam, her beautiful eyes were full of murderous intent.

"No! Impossible! Lin Feng can't be this strong!" This woman was Black Rose from Death Valley and Xue Siniang's adoptive daughter.

Not long ago, she personally arrived in Kunlun and invited the butcher who had been cultivating in secret to fulfill Xue Siniang's order, but she never expected that after they returned to Tianhai, Xue Siniang was already dead.

She didn't even expect that the butcher came to kill Lin Feng tonight, but he was killed instead!
"This person is unfathomable, and he killed the butcher with one move, far beyond my expectations!"

"Hmph! So what if you are capable again? You have offended us in Death Valley this time!"

A purple light flickered in Black Rose's eyes. In the night, her vision was as clear as day, and she could see very clearly.

That's right, her purple pupils have the ability to charm people's hearts, which is similar to Lin Feng's comrade-in-arms Ye Ying's purple pupil technique.

[Third watch, please recommend a ticket]

(End of this chapter)

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