Chapter 89

Black Rose pondered for a long time on the top floor before leaving unwillingly.

She wanted to go back quickly and make a new plan. To deal with Lin Feng, she must not use force, she needs to use softness to overcome strength!
She doesn't want to rescue Death Valley right now, otherwise, she will be too useless, and she will be looked down upon by the people in Death Valley...

Anyway, Lin Feng is also a man, she is very confident, and has never failed in dealing with men.


King's Landing Clubhouse.

In the middle of the night, Lin Feng brought Luo Qingshan, Luo Wanjun, father and daughter, and a group of three came here.

Due to the busyness of Juyuan Pill tonight, the three of Lin Feng didn't have time to have dinner. After a table of delicious food was served, the three of them stopped being pretentious and chatted while eating.

"Lin Feng, the surprise you gave me wasn't a single star. Can you tell me where you learned these skills?" Luo Qingshan raised his wine glass and looked at Lin Feng.

"Uncle Luo, I can only say that everything about me was bestowed on me by a respected old man, and the rest are secrets, so I can't say it yet." Lin Feng also raised his glass and said very seriously.

Luo Qingshan hesitated for a while, then nodded heavily, and the two toasted and drank together.

He is a wise man, and Lin Feng's words here only showed the seriousness of the matter. He knew very well that if Lin Feng didn't say anything, he would have a reason not to say it. Perhaps if he said it, it would shock the world. If he found out, It may also result in unnecessary danger.

"Dad, I'll go back to the imperial capital in seven days. I will find a suitable person to take charge of Ankang Pharmaceutical." Luo Wanjun raised his wine glass after eating a little.

"Alright, I've been away from home for three years, it's time to go home." Luo Qingshan nodded in satisfaction.

Although the three-year ten billion agreement between him and his daughter has not yet been reached, but now that Lin Feng suddenly appeared, this matter is no longer important.

What's more, the appearance of Sun Chengjun, the number one hero in Huaguo, is enough to show that, let alone tens of billions, even if it is hundreds of billions, as long as the channels are expanded, it is not difficult.

What he was worried about was the Jiang family!
Before coming to Tianhai, the Jiang family had seriously warned him that he could either take Lin Feng back to make amends, and then postpone the marriage contract of the two families for one year.

Or, just bring Luo Wanjun back and get married within seven days. As for Lin Feng's matter, the Jiang family will personally avenge Jiang Ziming.

Now, Luo Qingshan is still worried about this.

"Mr. Wan, to be precise, it's three days, not seven days." Lin Feng said with a serious smile, "Juyuan Pill has just been developed tonight, and it will be sold in the market tomorrow at the latest. With Sun Chengjun's channel, within three days Enough to sell 40 billion."

"Xiao Lin, the matter of the tens of billions of dollars is not that important anymore." Luo Qingshan shook his head hastily.

"Is it important or not? This is a fact. The advent of Juyuan Pill will definitely have an immeasurable impact on the global market. In the world, the assets of the Luo family have skyrocketed. Do you still need to worry about the suppression of the Jiang family in the chamber of commerce?" Lin Feng smiled slightly.

Luo Qingshan suddenly came to his senses, patted the table and laughed loudly: "Not bad, the Jiang family has always surpassed my Luo family in terms of funds. If Juyuan Pill becomes a hit, what is the Jiang family worth?"

"Therefore, the follow-up production of Juyuan Pill must not be slack. During this process, we still need to release another new product, so that Luojia's pharmaceutical company can completely become the main business instead of the current auxiliary." Lin Feng was very pleased. Confident way.

"Brother Feng, are you referring to Zhuyan Pill?" Luo Wanjun became more interested.

Lin Feng nodded with a smile. He had already obtained the raw materials of Zhuyan Pill from the Liang family in the provincial capital. It was extremely simple to develop it.

"Well, it is necessary to move the company to the imperial capital." Luo Wanjun was thinking, and looked at Luo Qingshan.

"Move, we must move! When I return to the imperial capital, I will start to deal with this matter." Luo Qingshan also knew the current situation, and nodded heavily.

"Dad, I have to tell you in advance, when I get home in three days, I will definitely argue with Yin Manru face to face, why does she want to control the fate of my marriage?! Jieshi, please don't embarrass yourself." Luo Wanjun quietly looking at her father.

One side is his own woman, the other side is his own daughter, how Luo Qingshan chooses depends on his own decision.

"Wanjun, your little mother is just too contrived, well, I will maintain a neutral attitude on this matter, and will not intervene unless it is absolutely necessary." Luo Qingshan said with a wry smile as if relieved.

"Uncle Luo, who is right and who is wrong, don't you already have the answer?" Lin Feng interrupted suddenly and smiled meaningfully.

"Uh...of course it's Yin Manru's fault." Luo Qingshan didn't deny this, and shook his head with a wry smile.

"Then let's talk about the Jiang family." After drinking a glass of wine, Lin Feng decided to take a good look at the affairs of the Jiang family tonight.

"That old fritter Jiang Shilong, as the president of the Hongtai Chamber of Commerce, is ruthless and merciless, so it doesn't matter if he doesn't say anything." Luo Qingshan shook his head, and said very solemnly: "It's ridiculous that he named his four sons clearly. ——Light, Brightness, Leisure, Falling!"

"The boss, Jiang Ziguang, has been suffering from hidden diseases since he was a child, and his IQ is only five or six years old. He rarely goes out. He is also Jun Jun's nominal fiancé!"

"The second child, Jiang Ziming, and the third child, Jiang Zilei, these two have achieved more in martial arts than the other. After Jiang Ziming was seriously injured by you, the Jiang family was furious. Jiang Zilei was going to kill you that night, but his father stopped him."

"As for the fourth son Jiang Ziluo, just like his father Jiang Shilong, he is also a hated character who has flourished in the business world's tricks and tricks."

Luo Qingshan raised his head and drank a glass of wine, his eyes showed anger and complaints.

Lin Feng nodded slowly.

"The Jiang family is a wealthy family. They think they have a very strong background. Even if Jiang Zhiguang is mentally retarded, they still want to save face. They insist on finding a well-matched in-law to marry."

Luo Qingshan sneered and said: "However, only two of the eight wealthy families in the imperial capital have daughters, and each has its own prestige. No one will marry their daughter to that retarded child."

"So, the Jiang family took second place and found our Luo family, our extremely weak and wealthy family." Luo Qingshan laughed at himself, with endless sadness in his eyes.

Just because his Luo family is weak, is he going to be bullied?

He wanted to resist all the time, and he was always unwilling!
But what can he do?

In the imperial capital, in a society where money, material and power flow freely, there are more than 40 weak wealthy families, what would he use to compete with a wealthy family?

"Uncle Luo, don't worry. The boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge. There are some things that can be resolved." Lin Feng roughly understood some secrets about the imperial capital, nodded and smiled confidently.

"Well, I believe there will be that day!" Luo Qingshan clenched his fists tightly, and he was looking forward to a day in the future when his Luo family could stand up and speak in the imperial capital.

"Uncle Luo, what about the Ye family? How much do you know about the Ye family?" Lin Feng's voice became cold.

"Yejia? Imperial Capital Yejia?!" Luo Qingshan's expression changed drastically.

[There are two more updates, begging for a recommendation ticket]

(End of this chapter)

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